
The victory of mankind, the overthrow of fascism

author:Micro series

The "silhouette" of fascism

Today we come to talk about fascism, and by chance we saw such a picture.

The victory of mankind, the overthrow of fascism

This is a propaganda photo of the fascist Axis countries before the outbreak of World War II (1938) together against the Communist Party, and a Japanese woman holding up a photo of Hitler, Hirohito, and Mussolini.

There is a common line between these three countries, that is, fascism, so how does fascism connect these three countries with ghosts?

First of all, what is fascism?

Ideological fascism, more generally speaking, is an authoritarian ultra-nationalism.

Features are:

1, highly authoritarian public power.

2, strong social policy and economic unified execution.

3. Strong suppression of dissenting opinions.

4. Active war mobilization.

Fascism belongs to the "far right" of the political spectrum, but one of the biggest differences from the ordinary far right is that the fascist far right inevitably advocates wars of aggression.

The victory of mankind, the overthrow of fascism

Everyone knows that Hitler was the old devil of fascism, but Hitler only "carried forward" fascism, and the real seed of fascism grew in the 20th century was the dumb-headed Mussolini next to him who would only lose the battle.

During World War I, Mussolini carried out a fascist revolution in Italy, and the people led by Mussolini believed that:

War is a great revolution, and the emergence of all-out war has mobilized the whole society and shattered the identity and estrangement between people.

A great war usually brings a powerful country to rise, and mobilizes millions of people to serve the war, through which the country is strong, the economy is strong, and the people are strong.

This is the basic idea of fascists, all-out war on the outside, violence against the people at home.

The victory of mankind, the overthrow of fascism

Look at this poster, which was posted in a 1931 poster in a tokyo grocery store in Japan, and on the left is an advertisement for tofu, oil, and ointment, and on the right is a Japanese child cheering in an Army and Navy uniform, and a dog.

Behind them are maps of Japan and North Korea and China.

This poster from 1931 is set against the backdrop of Japan's invasion of China in 918.

It was a very typical fascist social atmosphere, and even a small grocery store was plastered with propaganda promoting foreign aggression.

So the question is, how did fascism spread? How much influence did fascism have on Japan?

Those things about fascist globalization

In fact, Mussolini did not advocate fascist globalization at the beginning, and he refused to export "fascism" to the outside world, because he said that arrogant Italians should have fascist Italianism.

The big vernacular is, you people in other countries, are not worthy of fascism? You think fascism is so easy to engage? It is a higher human ideology that transcends democracy.

But even if Mussolini did not want to export, the fascists began to poison the outside world in 1929, and gradually became a "universal phenomenon".

Today we say that democracy is a "universal value", and fascism was also a "universal phenomenon" (after World War II, fascism was nailed to the column of shame in history, and people really realized the poison of this thing).

The victory of mankind, the overthrow of fascism

But before that, in the early 20th century, when the idea of national self-determination and all countries were engaged in anti-imperialist movements, independence movements, national movements, fascist ideas were quite popular.

As mentioned above, the biggest feature of fascism is that it is possible for a declining country and nation to rise rapidly.

Although the price of this rapid rise is violence, aggression, and high totalitarian rule, the result is the rise of the state.

This is also the reason why fascism in the 20th century had a market and became a universal phenomenon, except for three well-known fascist countries (Japan, Germany and Italy):

Poland, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Romania, Argentina, Iraq.

A large number of countries in the world have been poisoned by fascism, and a large number of people in various countries are loyal followers of fascism.

Fascism, seriously eroding Europe, Mussolini looked at it, fascism actually has such a market, so the tone of the mouth 180 degrees turned, began to actively export fascism

The victory of mankind, the overthrow of fascism

He once shouted in Parliament: "Europe will belong to fascism".

The universal values of Rome will affect the world.

He did affect the world and bring deep calamity to man.

When Mussolini declared himself the right to interpret fascism, the world's first fascist congress was held in Montreux, a neutral Switzerland.

We often hear of "anti-fascist congresses", but historically fascist congresses have predated this.

Moreover, fascism is also divided into "the primary stage of fascism" and "the advanced stage of fascism" and many other stages.

Hitler's "Nazism" is only one manifestation of fascism.

And if you look deeply into the earliest ideas of fascist ideology, you will find that Hitler's efforts to make Nazism belong to the "revision of fascism" in fascism.

To put it bluntly, Hitler has distorted and frozen fascism, but Italy is not strong enough to make irresponsible remarks about hitler, a "fascist revisionist."

A typical feature of fascist revisionism is that it rose from "nationalism" to "racism".

Began to engage in "genocide", and "eugenics".

The victory of mankind, the overthrow of fascism

In addition, in the process of Hitler's transition from a dictator to a great dictator, he experienced many compromises of interests with the german big capitalists and the old military clique.

For every country that Nazi Germany occupied, a whole array of German entrepreneurs and financiers would rush in and plunder the markets and industrial resources of the occupied countries.

All this changed Hitler's move towards true orthodox fascism and put Germany on the path of Nazism (fascist revisionism).

In 1932, Hitler had not yet become Chancellor of Germany, and Mussolini was already actively exporting fascism.

In addition to the Fascist Europe, Mussolini even more boldly said that our targets are Asia and Africa.

For this reason, Mussolini sent a Roman pillar to the city of Aizuwakamatsu, the birthplace of Japanese fascism.

The victory of mankind, the overthrow of fascism

Originally, there were many fascist slogans and programs on both sides of this Roman column, but after the Americans occupied Japan, the fascist program was burned, leaving only a strange "Roman pillar" standing in a small place in Japan.

So how did Japan turn to fascism?

In 1931, Japan occupied the northeast, and Chiang Kai-shek abandoned the northeast.

After the first Songhu War in 1932 (the 128 Incident), Britain, the United States and the West vigorously condemned Japan, which made Japan feel deeper and deeper international isolation.

At that time, the League of Nations set up the "East Asia Investigation Commission" to investigate Japan's war crimes, and Japan knew that it was not good and voluntarily withdrew from the League.

With this retreat, Japan must find another way to gain international support.

And this other path of international support, naturally, set its sights on the "fascist universal values" of the time.

As mentioned above, one of the greatest characteristics of fascism is the acquisition of national strength through war and foreign aggression.

This coincides with the thinking of the Japanese militarists, fascists, who can beautify bloody aggression.

At the same time, embracing fascism would free Japan from its international isolation.

In 1933, Japan officially published a "book" entitled Fascism and the Future of the Empire.

Immediately after that, Japan began a large number of shameless patriotic propaganda campaigns.

Japan combines nationalism with fascism, pointing out that the two "have the same roots and the same origin" and are the inevitable patriotic road that should be taken for the great rise of a country.

Shameless literati began to tout fascism and began to hang up the flag of love.

The victory of mankind, the overthrow of fascism

This was the propaganda of the official mouthpiece of Japan at that time, the "Central Public Theory", which wantonly blew "rainbow farts" to Mussolini and declared that the "fascist universal values" promoted by Mussolini were the real world patriot movement.

The fascist patriotic movement has become the best excuse and ideological convergence for the Japanese government's aggression and expansion abroad.

In 1931, in September 18, japan's official mouthpieces mentioned fascism only 7 times a year.

In 1932, after the 918 Incident, the official Mouthpiece of Japan raised fascism 177 times a year.

With a simple data, you know what Japan wants to do.

In 1933, Japan's first fascist journal, Fascism, was founded, and the inaugural speech said:

"Japanese fascism is a national nationalism created by the combination of Japanese consciousness, the national movement, and the Great Reform in order to strengthen social justice."

"As a national movement, it solemnly swears to the Japanese nation and to every Japanese person, and we unswervingly go to the world."

Little Japan's "going global" is, to put it bluntly, aggression.

Mussolini's active embrace of fascism made Mussolini ecstatic, which he regarded as an important achievement in the "universalization of fascism" and proved that the charm of fascism applies not only to Westerners, but also to Easterners.

Fascism is beyond democracy, universal values.

However, the Japanese authorities soon discovered the problem, that is, the more they came into contact with fascism, the more they found that fascism was not suitable for Japan.

The victory of mankind, the overthrow of fascism

The central contradiction is that fascism is likely to overthrow the emperor.

Although most of the Japanese emperors had no real power and were puppets, the emperor's power continued to increase after the "Great Political Restoration" and the "Meiji Restoration".

In the generation of Emperor Showa Hirohito, the emperor had a clear supreme power.

But one of the characteristics of fascism is the bottom-up power revolution, which seizes the supreme power of the state through violent coups.

Hitler, a painter at the bottom of society who no one favors.

Mussolini, son of an Italian blacksmith.

Fascism advocated a revolution at the bottom, smashing the old system and establishing a highly unified, irrefutable and rebellious system of state totalitarianism.

The victory of mankind, the overthrow of fascism

The old system of Japan, of course, was the emperor, and with the spread of fascism, the possibility of a coup d'état (military) in Japan was the greatest fear of the emperor's supporters.

Especially when mainstream Japanese society began to frequently discuss the term ファシズム (Japanese: fascism):

The emperor naturally has a sense of crisis that he has been ignored, replaced, and may be left to power.

In the past, everyone shouted long live the emperor, and in the future everyone shouted long live fascism, so how can that be good?

This is also the fundamental reason why fascism quickly ceased in Japan after 1934.

In other words, the fascist universal values, which were only on fire in Japan for a year, were artificially suppressed and extinguished by the Japanese authorities (although Japan later joined the fascist Axis).

Since 1934, the foreign goods of "fascism" have been regarded by Japan as "unpatriotic" imports, and in Japan, if you mention fascism, you are unpatriotic.

Political opponents also like to attack each other with "you fascists."

The Emperor also continued to strengthen the ideological propaganda of Japan's "national highway".

The victory of mankind, the overthrow of fascism

The famous "Five Hadiths" of Japan's national highway:

Soldiers should be loyal.

Military personnel should pay attention to etiquette.

Soldiers should advocate bravery.

Soldiers should be faithful to righteousness.

Soldiers should be simple.

Among them, the imperial state and Bushido ideas are obviously different from the universal values of fascism, which fight for the country and the nation, and the imperial state fights for the foolish loyalty to the emperor.

But from another angle, you can also think that Japan has reformed fascism and is taking the "road of fascism with Japanese characteristics."

The young fascists of Europe are all groups of uncontrolled, anti-traditional political forces.

The young fascists in Japan, under the strict control and guidance of the government, cultivated a group of forces that defended the emperor and crushed his bones for the emperor.

Another point is that "fascist globalization" is actually unfavorable to Japan, and if asian countries launch fascist revolutions one by one, set up fascist regimes, actively suppress and form a highly centralized system at home, reorganize armaments wars abroad, and constantly enhance their military strength.

In this way, it is very unfavorable for Japan to want to rule Asia and to create a greater East Asian co-prosperity sphere.

What Japan hopes is that Asian countries will always be so weak that they will not be able to industrialize, which is a good thing for Japan.

This is also another major inevitable contradiction between Japan and "fascist universal values."

The victory of mankind, the overthrow of fascism

So Japan chose a different path from Europe' fascist approach.

Japan's army magazine "Happy Troops" is the peak of Japan's stupidity and stupidity, and the content of the magazine mainly promotes fighting for the emperor, how physically and mentally happy, how self-satisfied.

Similar propaganda is everywhere in Japan.

The victory of mankind, the overthrow of fascism

Although the "German-Italian-Japanese" tripartite alliance was called a fascist alliance by the outside world, they did not deal with the spread of fascist ideology.

Italy lacked the hard power to propagate fascism because of the scum of the war.

Hitler, Germany, because of his genocide and ethnographic theory, fell into fascist revisionism and could not propagate fascism.

Because of the existence of the system of the emperor being fixed on one statue, Japan rejected fascism from the root.

Fascist globalization also fell rapidly after a few short-lived periods.

The victory of mankind, the overthrow of fascism

Fortunately, after World War II, fascism has swept into the garbage heap of history (although some people still want to pick it up from the garbage heap today), but the vast majority of countries and people are well aware of the dangers of fascism and are avoiding the same path.

Well, today's "little silhouette" of fascism, I will talk to you about this, I hope you find it interesting.

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