
The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

author:Balcony garden vegetable garden

Friends who like to raise flowers, before raising flowers, we must first find out the growth habits of plants, whether they are flowers or leaf-appreciating plants, do they like the environment of full sunshine, or do they like the environment of semi-shade or scattered light? In fact, the family raises flowers, if the light is good, you can raise some flowering plants, basking in the sun can bloom full of pots, so that the balcony becomes a small garden.

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

If the indoor light is not good, you can raise some foliage plants, raise them in a semi-shaded place, just appreciate the plant type and leaves. However, if these foliage plants are properly maintained, they can also flower for a few years, but they can be encountered but not sought, and they cannot easily meet their flowering.

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

The old man said that these flowers do not bloom easily, and there is a good sign of flowering. If you also have these plants, see if you have raised them to flower? Although these flowers are not very beautiful after flowering, they have a different charm and are worth showing off to your relatives and friends. If you have these plants at home, treat them well.

First, the happiness tree is not easy to flower

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

As a common foliage plant in the room, the tree type is more beautiful and atmospheric, with many leaves, thick greenery, layers of leaves, placed at home, with the beautiful meaning of family happiness and auspiciousness. In the mansions of these rich people, there are often happiness trees, which means that a family is happy and happy.

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

The happy tree is generally maintained as a foliage plant, it is not only the plant type atmosphere, the leaves can also purify the air. If you maintain the law well, raise it for a few years, and it can also flower. Isn't it better to blossom with happiness flowers?

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

Although the flowers of happiness are not beautiful and yellow-green, the charm of the blossoms is particularly good. The happiness tree is full of happiness flowers, does it mean that the family is happy all the time? Happy tree likes a well-lit environment, but it is more shade-tolerant, placed in the home semi-shaded environment, usually the pot soil is dried to about half, and then water it can be.

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

If the plant type grows too tall, you can prune it frequently to keep it lush and do not grow in vain. It usually blooms in the spring and summer, and if you have a happy tree at home, be sure to pay attention to see if they bloom this season.

Second, the Fortune Tree does not blossom easily

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

There are certainly many friends who raise fortune trees at home, but fortune trees only treat it as a plant to watch leaves, the leaves are lush, layered, especially green atmosphere, and there is a beautiful meaning of wealth, prosperous business, and rolling wealth at home. Therefore, the sales of Fortune Tree in flower shops have always been at the top of the list. The general Fortune Tree is placed indoors to scatter light, as a foliage plant, do not know that the Fortune Tree can also flower, its original name is melon chestnut, in the south can actually grow into a tree.

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

The fortune trees we raise are generally cut from the back, and the original root system has been cut down, so the fortune trees we raise have underdeveloped roots and are not tolerant to exposure. If properly maintained, in a few years, it is actually possible to open the flowers of the fortune tree. As soon as the fortune tree blossoms, it means that your family's fortune is coming.

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

The flowering of the fortune tree is a thing that can be encountered and not sought, but in the southern region, its chances of flowering will be greater. If you also have a fortune tree, see if it can blossom.

Third, aloe vera does not flower easily

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

Many friends who raise aloe vera at home think that aloe vera is a plant that looks at leaves. Aloe vera has a relatively large effect and can be used to treat minor burns, treat mosquito bites, and make masks. Aloe vera can flower when it is well raised. There are many varieties of aloe vera, and usually the family raises aloe vera in the city that never sleeps, and the plants are relatively compact. Curaçao aloe vera is relatively strong, so there are more aloe vera trees that grow into curaçao, and its leaves can be used as a mask and can also be used to stir-fry vegetables.

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

In order to cultivate an aloe vera tree, you can break the leaves at the bottom of it continuously, so that it forms a trunk, and the crown of the upper leaves allows it to grow upwards, and after three or four years of cultivation, the aloe vera can reach the age of flowering and can bloom full of flowers.

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

Its flowering period is generally in the autumn and winter, if the temperature at home is too low in winter, aloe vera is unlikely to flower. Only when it is properly maintained and the temperature is right, can you draw out a long flower arrow to flower, although it is not very beautiful, but it proves that you are well maintained.

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

Fourth, tiger piran does not flower easily

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

There are many friends who raise tiger piran, it is a plant with ornamental leaves, the leaves are slender and fat, tough and straight, suitable for raising in the living room and other places. Tiger pilan's ornamental performance is particularly good, if you raise it to a burst pot is easier, but it is difficult to raise it to flower, which is also a thing that can be encountered and not sought.

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

However, some friends raise tiger pilan can bloom every year, and its flowers, although not so beautiful, milky white flowers, will emit a strong aroma. If you raise tiger pilan to flower, it means that your family's good luck is coming, but it is not easy to flower.

Fifth, jade trees are not easy to flower

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

Yushu is called Fortune Tree in some parts of the countryside, its leaves are thick, the maintenance is relatively simple, the reproductive ability is strong, and the growth is very spicy. Although the small potted plants of the jade tree can be seen everywhere, the old pile of the jade tree is not common, and the more it is raised, the more valuable it is, and the more it is raised, the more stylish it is.

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

Yushu can bloom in three or four years, the jade tree blossom has the meaning of fortune and good fortune, although its flowers are not beautiful, but the small flowers full of trees have a faint fragrance, and the flowering period is relatively long. It is precisely because of its long life span, it is not easy to flower, so its flowering also means that the flower blossoms rich, the gold and jade are full of halls, the eight parties come to wealth, and the family can raise a pot as an heirloom for decades.

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

Sixth, rich bamboo is not easy to flower

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

Rich bamboo is a lot of people like hydroponic green plants, the leaves are green all year round, lush, decoration performance is very good, hydroponic rich bamboo is clean and elegant, simple maintenance, meaning the rich and noble, bamboo newspaper peace, is very suitable for indoor maintenance, like scattered light green plants, but also the New Year's season means very good New Year flowers, it likes the temperature is 15 degrees to 25 degrees, so, as long as the indoor is not too cold, all year round can grow, but, few people see rich bamboo blossoming, why is this?

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

We raise rich bamboo are hydroponic, the nutrients in the water are very small, the root system is also exposed in the water, so, doomed to be impossible to grow particularly strong, slowly grow bigger and bigger, it is easy to get more and more fine, this is the result of insufficient nutrients, more impossible to flower, in fact, in the southern region, its origin, rich bamboo is also flowering, generally to cultivate, grow to one or two meters high rich bamboo, can bloom fairy, fragrant small flowers, rich bamboo blossoming means rich to home, auspicious, auspicious, auspicious, It is also something that can be encountered but not sought.

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

The above are common green plants in life, and if they are well maintained, they can blossom and return to their owners. Therefore, watching the flowers and flowers of the leaves means good, and it is not unreasonable, turn it to family and friends to see.

The old man often said that 6 kinds of "auspicious flowers", easy not to flower, flowering will have good luck

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