
Why hitler was able to go from a low-ranking officer to head of state in just a dozen years

Speaking of the "Second World War", you are certainly no stranger to it, it is the largest war in human history, the largest number of casualties, and the most brutal process.

The war, fought from 1939 to 1945, lasted six years, and totaled hundreds of millions of troops, causing at least 55 million casualties, 45 million displaced, and direct and indirect economic losses that cannot be estimated.

Most importantly, there were no real victors in this war, and both the victorious and the defeated paid a terrible price, and many countries were even reduced to ruins after the war.

On the European battlefield, Nazi Germany was one of the main initiators of this catastrophe, and throughout the war, Germany challenged the entire European country almost single-handedly!

Why hitler was able to go from a low-ranking officer to head of state in just a dozen years

In early September 1939, Germany launched a "blitzkrieg" against Poland with 58 divisions, more than 2,800 tanks, 2,000 aircraft, and 6,000 artillery.

Later, Germany successively captured Czechoslovakia and other Central European countries, and then in just over a month, it forced France to surrender and beat Britain to almost no counterattack.

Even the Soviet Union was once defeated by Germany, and even its capital Moscow was almost captured by the Germans.

Therefore, if you look at the situation in Europe at that time, you will definitely think that Germany can unify Europe, after all, Germany at that time was really too strong!

Why hitler was able to go from a low-ranking officer to head of state in just a dozen years

But readers familiar with European history know that Germany was the last of all the great powers in Europe to rise, and it was only in 1871 that the unification of Germany was completed and the "German Empire" was established.

You know, at that time, the British Empire had already dominated the world for nearly three centuries, and France and Russia also occupied their own side of the world.

In addition, in the First World War in 1914, Germany suffered heavy losses due to its defeat and was forced to sign a series of harsh treaties.

However, such a country not only came out of the shadow of defeat after only 20 years, but also set off a larger war.

We can't help but ask: How did Germany do it?

Why hitler was able to go from a low-ranking officer to head of state in just a dozen years

Your answer to this question must be because of the appearance of a man who is Hitler!

There's nothing wrong with that, of course! But the question is, how did Hitler become bigger and stronger?

If you have seen biographies or films about Hitler, you should know that Hitler was only a low-ranking officer in World War I, with no name, no power, and low status.

However, just a few decades later, he became the supreme ruler of Germany and personally created the Third Reich, the "Nazi Germany".

The reason why Hitler was able to achieve all this is inseparable from the following three factors!

Why hitler was able to go from a low-ranking officer to head of state in just a dozen years

First, germany's real situation

After the First World War, Germany was "squeezed" from the victorious powers!

First of all, its territorial area has shrunk from the original 700,000 square kilometers to 580,000 square kilometers, a decrease of 120,000 square kilometers, equivalent to the area of Fujian Province.

Second, as the direct initiator and defeat of the war, Germany needed to bear huge war reparations.

In addition, the victorious powers imposed strict restrictions on the size of Germany's military, stipulating that Germany's standing army could not exceed 100,000 people and could not possess heavy weapons!

Of course, from the point of view of reasoning, all this is naturally deserved! But the Germans at the time didn't think so.

They were very reluctant about the outcome of the war, and this series of harsh demands not only made them fall into a mood of doubt and anger, but even longed for revenge!

Why hitler was able to go from a low-ranking officer to head of state in just a dozen years

Second, the tradition of militarism

After the collapse of the Second German Empire, the "Weimar Republic" officially came to power!

But as a republican government, the Weimar Republic was not a good solution to the internal and external problems facing Germany at that time.

In addition, the original Germans did not recognize the republican government, and they all trusted the military system more in ideology and cultural cognition, so the Weimar Republic was soon abandoned by the German people.

Is it German nature for a militaristic system to mean execution and obedience?

Of course not, there are certain historical reasons for this!

Why hitler was able to go from a low-ranking officer to head of state in just a dozen years

We know that the unification of Germany benefited from Prussia in the north!

Prussia was originally only a feudal kingdom in Germany, its domestic technology, economy, culture are relatively backward, when other countries have successively carried out or completed industrialization reforms, Prussia is still dependent on the agricultural economy.

In this case, Prussia simply turned itself into an army, that is, in the form of militarization of the state, to strengthen its own strength.

It turned out that Prussia succeeded, and in many subsequent wars, Prussia defeated austria-Hungary, France, etc., and became a new power in the European land.

So you see, Germany has such a tradition!

"Germany was able to rise and sustain not by popular power or social ideas, but by a disciplined army and a loyal and narrow-minded bureaucracy."

Therefore, the idea of the military system can be said to have been rooted in the hearts of every German at that time!

Why hitler was able to go from a low-ranking officer to head of state in just a dozen years

Third, Hitler's personal influence

The first two points are all about the historical background and actual encounters of Germany, but it is precisely because of these two points that Hitler was able to leap from an unknown low-ranking officer to the supreme leader of Germany at that time!

If you have read the book "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany", you will find that in Hitler," there are many qualities that are in line with the psychology of Germans, such as the most typical of which is that he has a superb oratory talent, which can be well publicized and inciteed.

In many speech events, Hitler was often passionate, making the audience enthusiastic and echoing it!

Why hitler was able to go from a low-ranking officer to head of state in just a dozen years

Hitler was well aware of the history of Germany and the psychology of the German people at that time, and in every speech he preached freedom and fairness, such as he often said:

"We don't fight for slavery! We fight for freedom! We are not machines, we are not cows and horses, we are people! We are Germanic peoples who have never yielded..."

These exciting words stung the hearts of every German citizen, and whenever Hitler finished his speech, everyone would follow him in shouting: Long live Germany and the German people, long live freedom!

You see, this is the charm and influence of Hitler's genius speeches!

Why hitler was able to go from a low-ranking officer to head of state in just a dozen years

Therefore, the reason why Hitler was able to leap from a low-ranking officer to the fuehrer of Nazi Germany, in addition to his genius speech charm and influence, Germany's own historical environment and practical encounters were also a major reason for his success.

In other words, if Germany did not have these ups and downs, even full of so-called "humiliations", and had no real experience, then even Hitler's ability to speak would not have enabled him to become the head of state, at least not the fuehrer of the later "Nazi Germany".

You know, at the time, it wasn't just Hitler who wanted to get more out of the war, most Germans thought the same thing.

And this is why Hitler was able to take control of the German military and government so quickly and lead it into the abyss of war!

Of course, these contents are clearly documented in the book "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany", and interested readers can buy it and take a look!

Why hitler was able to go from a low-ranking officer to head of state in just a dozen years

Scheyler worked and lived in Europe for more than a decade and witnessed the rise and fall of Nazi Germany.

After World War II, Scheyler combined his own experience with a large number of real historical archives to create this "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany".

Why hitler was able to go from a low-ranking officer to head of state in just a dozen years

Figure | William Scheyler

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany is a panoramic work on "Nazi Germany" written by Cheyler based on his own experience and first-time archival research.

If you want to learn about Nazi Germany and the history of Europe in World War II, this book is arguably the first choice because it is authoritative enough!

Why hitler was able to go from a low-ranking officer to head of state in just a dozen years

In fact, after the book was published, it sold well all over the world, selling more than 2 million copies in the United States in the year of publication.

Since then, the book has been reprinted many times and has become an amazing historical bestseller in history!

The set we recommend is a 'revised supplement', which has a better cover and paper on the basis of ensuring the informative content, and also contains 200 historical photos, an updated timeline, the structure of the Nazi German government, etc.!

Why hitler was able to go from a low-ranking officer to head of state in just a dozen years

After the book was published, it was recommended by many famous people, such as the famous writer Mr. February River, who said: "Although it is not a novel, it is stimulating, original, and still allows people to read it all night." ”

There is also Haruki Murakami, who also gave this book a high evaluation: "I am fascinated by this book! ”

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A history of nazi Germany in the rise and fall of the Third Reich



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