
Lone Ranger Acting Manager: We can't stop Morant, we can only try to limit him

Lone Ranger Acting Manager: We can't stop Morant, we can only try to limit him

Live bar January 15, NBA regular season, the Lone Ranger won 112-85 against the Grizzlies. After the game, Acting Lone Ranger head coach Sean Sweeney was interviewed.

Speaking about Grizzlies player Morant, Sean Sweeney said: "We all know that Morant is a great talent, we just do our own defense to make him play hard, you can't stop him, you can only try to limit him. ”

In this game, Morant played 32 minutes, shooting 8 of 15, 1 of 4 from three-point range, 2 of 3 from the free throw line, and scored 19 points, 5 boards, 8 assists and 2 steals. Of the Grizzlies' 14 turnovers, Morant alone accounted for eight.

(Ghost Lodge)

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