
Thor Quadrilogy: Thor 1, The Prince of Asgard Fights Each Other

author:Freedom 2021 Films

"I am Loki, shouldering the mission of glory", Marvel's new drama "Loki" was launched on June 9!

Thor Quadrilogy: Thor 1, The Prince of Asgard Fights Each Other

This peerless man has the most orthodox god bloodline, has an unparalleled extraordinary intelligence, he can imprison Odin, unify Asgard, he can also use Thanos to invade the earth, dare to fight Hela with Thor, and dare to sacrifice himself for his brother, he is Loki. Today, let's take you to learn more about Loki's past and present lives!

Loki, known as the god of trickery, he is also good and evil, melancholy and ghostly, can play with all things in the world, can travel through the universe, Loki's trajectory and lies seem to be so justified, but which lies are facts, which facts are lies, Marvel for more than ten years, Loki from birth to death, what fate did he carry in his life?

Thor Quadrilogy: Thor 1, The Prince of Asgard Fights Each Other

In 965 AD, the Frost Giant King Laufer led an army to Earth in an attempt to bring the Earth into a new ice world. At this time, Odin, the father of the gods, descended from the sky, and after a great battle, Odin drove the frost giant leader Laufi back to Jotunheim (the house of giants in Norse mythology) at the cost of one right eye. Finally, he took away the Ice Giant's Frost Box, and at the same time took away a baby!

Years later, Odin came to the Frost Box with his two sons. He told his two sons that Asgard was the head of the Nine Realms and that those who ascended the throne would defend peace. The young Thor has been heroic and belligerent since childhood, while Loki on the side is much more introverted. Odin said that we do not take the initiative to provoke war, but we are always ready to go, and Loki and Thor are expressing their desire for the throne when they catch up with their father!

Thor Quadrilogy: Thor 1, The Prince of Asgard Fights Each Other

When the two became adults, Thor walked towardS Odin with Thor's hammer, and he finally ushered in the day when he ascended to the throne, while Loki seemed to be waiting for something. Thor got down on one knee, expecting his father's coronation. But at this moment, the former Frost Giants suddenly appeared in the arsenal, and when they froze the guards and prepared to take away the Frost Box, they were reduced to ashes by the Destroyer's move. Odin, who had arrived, looked at the mess in the field, very calm, he knew that there was a truce agreement, and the Frost Giant could not take the initiative to attack. But Thor sees this as a provocation from the other side, he wants to take the initiative to fight and completely destroy the Ice Giant, and Odin reprimands Thor for his recklessness and rejects his request to fight!

Thor Quadrilogy: Thor 1, The Prince of Asgard Fights Each Other

Loki, who was on the sidelines, watched the whole time and did not express any opinion, loki knew that only if his father was completely disappointed in Thor, he would have a chance to ascend to the throne. So he approached Thor to affirm his thoughts, and then told Thor that he could only sit still unless he disobeyed his father's orders. The arrogant Thor hit a blow, and he did not hesitate to lead his squad across the Rainbow Bridge to find goalkeeper Heimdall. Heimdall opened his mouth and asked how Loki's former ice giants had come in, but Loki tried to explain but was interrupted by Thor, who only wanted to go to Jotunheim at once and sweep everything away with force. Teleportation leads the group to the planet of the Frost Giants, and Thor quickly provokes a battle. Loki dodged the attack with the mirror spell, and the other teammates fought hard, but not everyone could resist thousands of horses like Thor, and soon loki, who was not very powerful, was caught by the Frost Giant, but he was not frozen, but turned the same blue as the Frost Giant!

Thor Quadrilogy: Thor 1, The Prince of Asgard Fights Each Other

Thor is getting better and better at fighting with his superior strength, but Loki and the others are miserable, and they are chased and killed by the Frost Giants. Thor blasted the Frost Creep with a thunderclap, and then dragged the Thunder Hammer through the giant beast that was in front of everyone, but the others except Thor were already timid when they looked at the inexhaustible Frost Giant. At this time, a strong light shot in, and Odin came down on a war horse. Instead of fighting, he led the crowd back to Asgard! While Thor felt that his father was old and cowardly, Odin denounced Thor for being arrogant, selfish, and militaristic, unable to protect his companions. An enraged Odin withdrew Thor's divine powers and banished him, and Thor's Hammer was cast with a spell that the powerful ones had, and was then thrown to Earth along with Thor.

Thor Quadrilogy: Thor 1, The Prince of Asgard Fights Each Other

Loki later told the Thor squad that he had informed Odin that they had gone to the planet of the Frost Giants, and that it was because of this that the crowd was rescued. But to Loki's surprise, why he wouldn't be hurt by Frost. So he went to the arsenal and picked up the Frost Box, while Odin shouted behind him to stop Loki, turning back loki was fading, and he asked Odin what was going on. Odin tells the truth, Loki is actually the child abandoned by the leader of the Frost Giants, and Odin takes pity on him and adopts him. Loki asked Odin what his purpose was, and Odin thought that one day the two countries would be able to unite, hoping that a permanent peace could be established through Loki. Loki, who knows the truth, feels like a tool man, and Odin says that he has long abandoned his previous plan and has always regarded Loki as his true son for all these years.

Thor Quadrilogy: Thor 1, The Prince of Asgard Fights Each Other

But how could Loki now understand that this twisted family relationship was doomed to grief from the moment Loki was taken away. Loki believes that Odin will never let the descendants of the Frost Giants sit on the throne of Asgard, but Odin does not respond anymore, but falls in front of Loki, and Odin goes into a coma. Loki asks her mother why her father is lying to herself, and her mother says it to Loki so that you think you are his son, and Loki doesn't say anything more! When the Thor squad arrives at the Main Hall, Loki has taken over the throne, and he threatens several people, while also rejecting several people's requests to pardon Thor.

Thor Quadrilogy: Thor 1, The Prince of Asgard Fights Each Other

On the other side, Thor, who was banished to Earth, became a mortal, and with Jane's help, he found Thor's Hammer, but was unable to lift it, and S.H.I.E.L.D. locked Thor up. Not long after Loki appears, he tells Thor that his father has died, and the permanent exile of Thor has become a condition for a truce with the Frost Giants. Thor fell into deep self-reproach after hearing this, and believed in Loki's words, saying goodbye to Thor. Loki arrives in Jodenheim again, where he tells the Frost Giant that Odin is unconscious and that he will help the Frost Giant invade Asgard and have him take the Frost Box with him. Returning to Asgard, Loki orders Heimdall not to allow him to teleport to anyone, but Heimdall pays no attention to Loki's orders and releases Thor's squad planning to travel to Earth. The Thor squad that comes to Earth and tells Thor that his father is not dead is a lie by Loki.

Thor Quadrilogy: Thor 1, The Prince of Asgard Fights Each Other

Loki dismisses Heimdall, who disobeys the order, from his post and freezes him with a Frost Box. Loki then teleports the Destroyer to Earth to prevent Thor's return, and Thor's squad is no match for the Destroyer at all, holding on to less than a round and being wiped out. Watching the destroyer wreak havoc, Thor stood in front of him with a mortal body, ready to sacrifice himself to save others. Loki did not let the Destroyer die after listening, but slapped Thor with a slap, Thor's change, let thunder hammer re-confess the Lord, regain the divine power of Thor a big move to hammer the destroyer.

Thor Quadrilogy: Thor 1, The Prince of Asgard Fights Each Other

At this time, the Frost Giant also came to Asgard, and Heimdall broke free of the ice, killed two Frost creeps, and opened the teleportation to Thor and his party. Back in Asgard, Thor drags the Thunder Hammer and goes looking for Loki. While the Frost Giant Laufi in the room was preparing to tie Odin with a blade in his hand, Loki struck Laufi with his scepter and killed the Frost Giant in the name of Odin's son. Just as his mother is thanking Loki for saving Odin, Thor rushes in, trying to expose Loki, but is blasted out of the room by Loki's blow. Loki then comes to the teleportation array, inserts the scepter, and uses the energy of the Rainbow Bridge to completely destroy the Frost Giant's planet, and the flying Thor tries to stop it, but Loki knocks it away again. All Loki did was to prove his ability to save his father, and he also had the ability to destroy the Frost Giants, he also wanted to get the throne, and he wanted to get equal treatment with Thor, but Thor could not understand Loki's almost twisted desire for his father's love, he only knew that the destruction of a race was against heaven.

Thor Quadrilogy: Thor 1, The Prince of Asgard Fights Each Other

At Loki's constant encouragement, the two fought, Thor punched Loki away, watching Loki hanging on the Rainbow Bridge, Thor reached out to save, only to find that this was just a mirror image of Loki. The teased Thor blasted Loki away with the power of Thor, then slammed the Thunder Hammer on Loki. The energy of the teleportation array made Thor unable to get close, but Thor used the Thunder Hammer to prepare to smash the Rainbow Bridge to stop everything, and by the time Loki rushed up, it was too late, the huge energy exploded the two people, and the teleportation array was destroyed. Waking up, Odin grabs the fallen brothers, and Loki says he did it all for everyone, but Odin shakes his head and rejects Loki's claim. The failed Loki felt that he had lost everything, and then he let go of his hand and fell into the abyss.

Thor Quadrilogy: Thor 1, The Prince of Asgard Fights Each Other

Through this exile, Thor learned how to protect his companions, how to cherish those around him and even this unreliable brother. But except Odin, no one can really understand Loki, although in a coma, but Odin knows everything, Loki even if he knows that he is the descendant of the Frost Giants, still do not hesitate to destroy the entire race in exchange for his own recognition, this is a kind of fatherly love that Odin can not fill no matter how much he makes up, from the moment he took Loki away, Loki's life has been doomed to a trick god All the lies are to cover up his inner fragility, and often people are hurt by the truth!

Thor Quadrilogy: Thor 1, The Prince of Asgard Fights Each Other

Loki, who fell into the abyss, later became thanos' pawn, and in Avengers 1, Loki attacked Earth with the Chitauris he brought, and fought the most brilliant first battle with the Avengers!

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