
Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

author:The road back is long

In 2006, Zhang Jingchu and Jackie Chan filmed "Rush Hour 3" in the United States, and investors initially paid Jackie Chan 20 million US dollars.

Jackie Chan is very dissatisfied, but the good box office of the first two films gives him the confidence to negotiate. He wants $20 million and a 15 percent global box office dividend, otherwise it's off the table. Although some lions opened their mouths, investors agreed.

The movie is about to be filmed, and Jackie Chan thinks that Zhang Jingchu will stay in the United States with himself, impact higher salaries, and gain a foothold in Hollywood.

But Zhang Jingchu said that the film directed by Zhang Jiarui is very interesting, and ah tao in "Red River" is an intellectually disabled person, she has not acted before, and wants to go back to China's Yunnan border to try. Jackie Chan was surprised and said, "You're really a little idiot." ”

In 1980, Zhang Jingchu was born into an ordinary family in Yong'an, Fujian Province. At that time, she had not yet changed her name to Jing chu, and her single name was Jing.

Zhang Jingchu is the second child in the family, and she also has an older brother. The mother was a teacher at school, and in order to keep her job, the parents had to put their newborn daughter in the grandmother's house.

When she was a child, Zhang Jingchu liked to spoil her grandmother, and she always screamed "Grandma, open the door" twenty times in a row downstairs. An old lady with a smile on her back unhurriedly responded from upstairs: "Here it comes." ”

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

In Xiao Zhang Jingchu's memory, there was no trace of too many parents. When I was 5 years old, I was old enough to go to school. Her parents came from the county town to pick her up at her grandmother's house, unaware that the strange couple in front of her were her parents.

Back at home in the city, Zhang Jingchu was not happy. She didn't know her parents, and her brother didn't recognize her sister. She sat carefully on the bench, and before her ass could touch the surface of the bench, her brother yelled at her: Who are you? What are you doing sitting in my house? Is this where you can sit?

She quickly jumped up and stood cramped in front of the stranger. She wanted to go home and escape back to her grandmother's house.

Zhang Jingchu's most anticipated thing in her childhood was the winter and summer vacations, and the most frightening thing was that after the holiday was over, her father came from the city to pick her up and take her home. In her eyes, every time she came home, it was as if she had experienced a life-and-death abduction.

She could not break free from her father's arms, and she desperately kicked her legs in his arms, crying and crying, begging her grandmother to save herself. But Grandma closed the door fiercely and let Her Father take her away. After a four-hour drive home, Zhang Jingchu cried for two hours until she collapsed and collapsed before she stopped her tears and fell into a deep sleep.

Before she reached the right age, Zhang Jingchu's mother sent her to elementary school. The daughter and son do not deal with each other, and they are so strange to their biological parents. Go to school early and throw it into school to save trouble, so that she doesn't have to argue all day long to see her grandmother. Second, there are also people who help them keep an eye on their daughter and don't let her run into trouble all day.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

Zhang Jingchu, who was 5 years old in the first grade, was two years younger than her classmates. I can't understand the content in class, and I do my homework more slowly than others. When there is a lot of homework, it is often not done. The next morning they went to school, and when they couldn't turn in their homework, the teacher threw away their school bags and let them go out to the penalty station.

The mother is a teacher at school, the daughter can't turn in her homework, and the test results are terrible. There was no light on her mother's face, and she picked up a bamboo pole with thick fingers and pulled Out Jingchu's arm.

Mom had to teach during the day and didn't have time to take care of Zhang Jingchu. Whenever she had to go to class, she would put Zhang Jingchu in foster care with other teachers.

Zhang Jingchu is not the material of the exam and often skips school. She felt like she was in jail, skipping school like escaping from prison. In order to escape the control of the campus and his parents, Zhang Jingchu specially bought a martial arts secret book, which said that when practicing light exercises, he dug a big pit, and then jumped up from the pit with a sandbag tied to his legs to practice light exercises.

In order to learn light skills, every Saturday when her family went out, she used her school bag to tie bricks to her legs and jump. After less than a month of jumping, someone downstairs came to complain and asked why your family had the sound of piling every Saturday, and the noise was dead.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

When her mother learned that it was Zhang Jingchu's ghost, she took a stick at her leg at night and smoked it, forcing Zhang Jingchu's dream of light work to die.

Zhang Jingchu has always wanted to keep a pet, but her mother hates her most about raising small animals. Once, Zhang Jingchu took a nest of newborn mice from the school home to secretly raise them. She hid the rat in a drawer, and it wasn't long before her mother found it. As soon as mom pulled open the drawer, she screamed and rushed downstairs with the rat to the drawer and threw it in the trash. The little rat was so frightened that he ran away. The first time she raised all the small pets, Zhang Jingchu was very sad in her heart, and she wanted to escape from this home.

Over time, her parents' expectations of her have become lower and lower. Since you can't learn the culture class, you have to learn something. So his parents sent Zhang Jingchu to learn to paint.

At the age of 13, Zhang Jingchu packed up her bags, took a five-hour train ride, and went to boarding school to learn to draw. On the first night away from home, after the lights went out, all the girls were crying in bed, and they were homesick.

In this group of sisters who were two years older than herself, Zhang Jingchu was very happy. In the darkness of the night, accompanied by the crying of her roommates, she covered her mouth and secretly laughed, thinking, I finally escaped.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

In order to let Zhang Jingchu get into a good school, the family spared no effort to train her. When learning to paint, Zhang Jingchu's monthly expenses were her mother's monthly salary. But it was still not enough for Zhang Jing to start spending, and it was not yet the end of the month, and there was not a single steel hammer left in his pocket. Without money, she had to watch her classmates eat in the canteen.

Later, Zhang Jingchu's female table really couldn't look at it, so she began to supervise Zhang Jingchu's spending. At the beginning of each month, the same table will deduct Zhang Jingchu's 250 yuan meal fee, and when she has no money to eat at the end of the month, she will give her the food fee back. In this way, Zhang Jingchu will not be starved to death at the end of each month.

In 1996, Zhang Jing was admitted to a college makeup class. At the age of 15, she packed her bags again and set off to start drifting north.

Once, when passing by the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Zhang Jingchu hesitated for a long time whether to go in and get an admissions brochure. At this time, a girl with long hair and bangs walked out of the school with an oil painting frame on her back. Zhang Jingchu unconsciously followed the footsteps of the girl, she followed the girl to the other side of the road, watching her beckoning taxi to get into the car. The car roared past, and Zhang Jingchu watched the girl leave reluctantly.

In an interview with Lu Yu, he mentioned this past. Lu Yu asked her why she was following people, and Zhang Jingchu showed a sly smile and said, "Because I admire her." ”

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

But Zhang Jingchu still did not choose to go to the Academy of Fine Arts, and she turned her head and went to the Chinese opera. She felt that she could not be admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts, but the directing department of Chinese drama could try.

She was admitted to the Chinese opera directing department as she wished, and before she was happy for a while, the problem came to the door. After the acting class on the first day, Zhang Jingchu cried out of breath. She called the tutor and cried that she would not "pretend to be a bear" and did not know how to take root as a "seed". But the students can do it, and it is precisely because Zhang Jingchu made jokes that in the next four years of acting classes, none of the students were willing to play with her.

Four years passed in a flash, and when the graduation drama was over, Zhang Jingchu's class was lined up with the work "Sunset Crane" by Japanese writer Shunji Kinoshita. All the female students in the class want to play the crane, that is, the heroine Atong.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

The teacher also couldn't decide who to let play, so he let everyone compete. Zhang Jingchu also wants to play Atong, and she has a hard time begging boys to play for her. This play was very successful, and Atong, played by Zhang Jingchu, moved several female classmates in the class to cry. That is, the play "XiHe" made the students realize that Zhang Jingchu was no longer the person who collapsed and cried in the acting class before. Zhang Jingchu also found that she could act.

In 2002, Gu Changwei set out to shoot Li Fan's script "Peacock". In fact, the script has turned several times in Beijing's circles, and Chen Kaige, Zhang Yimou, and Jiang Wen have all read it. But Jiang Wen believes that neither himself nor other directors can make this film, only Gu Changwei can make it.

As early as 1999, Gu Changwei took Zhang Yimou's title as a royal photographer and turned to directing. In the five years of preparation for becoming a director, he did not have half an income, and his wife Jiang Wenli, who was 9 years younger, carried the burden of the family alone.

The role of the sister in "Peacock" was originally Gu Changwei Xiangzhong Zhang Ziyi. But at this time, she was busy filming "My Father and Mother" directed by Zhang Yimou.

Seeing that the actress of his choice did not have a schedule, Gu Changwei did not want to wait dryly, so he held a audition for the role of "sister", and finally selected eight actors from 2,000 people, and Zhang Jingchu was one of them.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

During the audition, Zhang Jingchu rotated the shaft for three months. Learn the Luoyang dialect in the morning, ping-pong at noon, and the accordion in the afternoon. There are many stars among the candidates, but Gu Changwei is always expressionless, not boasting or scolding Zhang Jingchu. She couldn't guess the director's mind, and she practiced every day with fear, afraid that the director would replace her.

After practicing for a while, Zhang Jingchu's body appeared in condition. She carried a 25-pound accordion, but she couldn't touch the bass key. She was a little flustered in her heart, the more anxious she was, the more wrong the strength of her waist was, and the muscles of her whole body could not pass with herself. She worked hard and practiced overtime for a few days, but when she woke up one morning, she found that she could not move, she was paralyzed in bed, and she could not get up.

Zhang Jingchu's desperation, Gu Changwei was in his eyes. He waited for Zhang Jingchu to raise her body and let her join the group to shoot.

There is a scene of picking up tomatoes in "Peacock", and the script says "Sister tears like rain". Zhang Jingchu did not know how to act in this crying scene, Gu Changwei let her cry when she had tears, even if there were no tears.

In the movie, the sister is no longer young, she is middle-aged. My sister saw the paratrooper she had a crush on when she was young at the market, and she had a stomach full of words to say to him. But he asked, "Your last name?"

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

My sister couldn't help but say to herself, "I just told my brother that you will always love me." ”

Intuition told Zhang Jingchu that there should be no big movement. But when Zhang Jingchu thought of her own sparse youth, all the memories poured in. She squatted down, holding the tomatoes with her back to her brother, the green tendons on her neck exposed, and she cried her heart and lungs.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

That scene stunned everyone, and next to the monitor, Gu Changwei unconsciously shed tears.

In 2005, "Peacock" was released. Gu Changwei won the Silver Bear Award Jury Prize at the Berlin International Film Festival, while Zhang Jingchu won the Chinese Film Media Award. Zhang Jingchu was given the title of "Xiao Zhang Ziyi", and even Gu Changwei admitted that he always saw Zhang Ziyi's shadow in Zhang Jingchu.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

That year, Gu Changwei was 48 years old and Zhang Jingchu was 25 years old.

At the same time as the success of the film, Gu Changwei and Zhang Jingchu spread a scandal.

During the filming, according to local residents of Anyang, Gu Changwei often went shopping alone with Zhang Jingchu, and the two behaved intimately. Locals thought they were lovers. After the news reached Jiang Wenli's ears, she was so angry that she took her one-year-old son to the crew and slapped Zhang Jingchu in front of everyone.

For the scandal between the two, Zhang Jingchu did not respond too much. Her attitude is to be self-purifying, and she mentioned in the interview: "Most people don't want to see others good. If a woman succeeds, they will assume that she is scheming, relationshipable, and lucky, and no one wants to acknowledge her efforts. ”

In 2006, Gu Changwei began to shoot the sequel "Li Chun" of "Peacock". "Li Chun" heroine Wang Cailing is played by Jiang Wenli, who added 30 pounds to the play and learned Italian, Czech and piano. Originally, Zhang Jingchu had a lot of scenes, but when the movie was released two years later, the audience found that Zhang Jingchu's scenes were all deleted.

With this question, at the film conference, the reporter asked Gu Changwei in front of Jiang Wenli. Jiang Wenli's smile froze, and she glanced at Gu Changwei.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

Gu Changwei did not dare to look back, "This, this" for half a day, not a word could be squeezed out. He looked at Jiang Wenli pleadingly and handed her the microphone: "You say, you say." ”

Jiang Wenli snorted coldly, pushed the microphone back, stared at Gu Changwei and said, "This is a question for you, what do I answer?" ”

In 2004, Zhang Jingchu met director Zhang Jiarui. In the year of first acquaintance, Zhang Jingchu's grandmother died. Zhang Jiarui's film "The Bride with a Flower Waist" is the first cooperation between the two, and when she learned the news of her grandmother's burial in the crew, she knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, and her face was blue.

After returning to his hometown and giving his grandmother a grave, Zhang Jingchu quickly rushed back to the crew to shoot the scene.

The film didn't make much of a splash, but it also won Zhang Jingchu the Best Actress Award at the Beijing University Student Film Festival.

In 2006, Zhang Jingchu collaborated with Zhang Jiarui again to shoot "Aromatic Journey". This film made Zhang Jingchu successfully make a name for herself internationally, and with the role of Chun Fen, Zhang Jingchu successfully won the queen of the Cairo International Film Festival in Egypt.

The film gave Zhang Jingchu a ticket to Hollywood, and in 2007, Zhang Jingchu made "Rush Hour 3" with Jackie Chan in the United States.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

Jackie Chan is a unionist, and the American union has regulations that actors should not shoot for more than 12 hours. Zhang Jingchu is not a union person, the director knows this well, there is a scene that needs Zhang Jingchu to cry out, but the director specially shot Jackie Chan's shot, and did not shoot Zhang Jingchu's face. But the director still made her cry all the time.

Zhang Jingchu cried for two hours, and Jackie Chan had to leave work. The director specifically left Zhang Jingchu to shoot her front shots and close-ups, but Zhang Jingchu couldn't cry out, and the director didn't give her the opportunity to brew emotions, and shouted to start the camera without waiting for her to react.

Jackie Chan couldn't watch it, and yelled "click" in the crew. He walked up to the director and pointed at the director, and I told you to turn it on before you started it. After finishing the conversation, he turned his head to comfort Zhang Jingchu, don't worry. He hugged Zhang Jingchu and patted her back. Zhang Jingchu's tears immediately came down, and Jackie Chan quickly left the scene and let the director start the camera.

After filming, Zhang Jingchu could have stayed in Hollywood. But she chose to return to China to shoot "Red River" directed by Zhang Jiarui.

Jackie Chan thought his ears were wrong, and he looked at Zhang Jingchu in disbelief. He asked, is there any mistake about you, you make such a big film here, you go back to make a movie with an investment of more than 7 million yuan?

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

"Red River" heroine Ah Tao is a mentally retarded person, she has never played this kind of role before, she wants to try it.

Jackie Chan smiled and said, "Yeah, you're really a little idiot." ”

During the days of filming "Red River", Zhang Jingchu and Zhang Jiarui had a scandal.

There is a scene where Zhang Jiahui rides a small three-wheeler and carries Zhang Jingchu. The hillside road is particularly steep, passing by the edge of the cliff, the car is shaking and suddenly overturning. Luckily, the car got stuck on a huge reef so that the two wouldn't fall off the cliff.

Zhang Jiarui was so scared that he beat the drum in his heart, he was finished thinking about it, something really happened, I had to raise Zhang Jingchu for a lifetime.

During the interview, when asked about the scandal with Zhang Jingchu, Zhang Jiarui joked that I am not Zhang Yimou, and I can't fall in love with the actress I work with like him.

Zhang Jingchu also firmly denied his feelings with Zhang Jiarui.

However, shortly after the response, the two were photographed by paparazzi visiting the house and buying furniture. After two hours of shopping, Zhang Jiarui went to Zhang Jingchu's home.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

The box office of "Red River" was not ideal, and it only received 1 million at the box office. After two years of filming, Zhang Jiarui, as a director and screenwriter, did not even get a penny of writing fees.

Zhang Jiarui, who has a poor box office, plans to make a blockbuster movie, and the heroine has set Zhang Jingchu. He had a hard time pulling in the investors, but the investors named Zhang Jingchu to accompany the wine. Zhang Jingchu resolutely did not go, the investor could not get what he wanted, simply withdrew the investment of 30 million. This also led to the failure of Zhang Jiarui's blockbuster plan.

In the same year, Zhang Jingchu's other film "Disciple" was also released. She played the drug-addicted mother Ah Fen in the film, and the scene where Ah Fen died became the psychological shadow of many viewers.

Affen died of a drug overdose and died on the couch in the rental room. She opened her mouth wide and crawled with rats.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

When filming this scene, half of the crew took leave. Director Er Dongsheng asked her if she wanted to hire a stand-in or use special effects to shoot, and Zhang Jingchu refused.

Later, in an interview, when it came to rat drama, Zhang Jingchu also said that the rats were so miserable. The 8 rats crawling on them were mice caught from the lab and covered in coffee-colored paint. The mice are not used to the paint and lick themselves wildly.

The rats on the ground were caught in the gutter, and Zhang Jingchu was not afraid of rats, she was only afraid that the rats would burrow into her open mouth.

When mentioning rats, Zhang Jingchu's eyes lit up. The hostess said such a terrible thing, how did you tell it into a joke.

After taking over "Disciple", Zhang Jingchu's first thing was to go to the drug rehabilitation center to observe the current situation of drug addicts. She found that many people take drugs because they do not know the harm of drugs, so they embark on the road of no return. In order to make people aware of the harm of drugs, she felt that the rat scene had to be filmed, and she wanted to use her bleak death to warn the world.

At the same time, "Disciple" also made Er Dongsheng realize that Zhang Jingchu was a fierce character who could not even die for filming.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

In the movie, in order to show Ali his determination to quit drugs, Ah Fen pierced the palm of his hand with a fork.

In fact, in this scene, Zhang Jingchu did not necessarily have to prick her own hand, because the camera could not see the scars on her hands. Er Dongsheng advised her not to abuse herself like this, and to be smart.

But Zhang Jingchu said, I don't prick myself, I can't feel the pain of drilling the heart.

In the play, Ah Fen's drug addiction attacks, for the sake of her children, but also to make Ah Li believe that he can really quit drugs. Ah Fen raised his arm and inserted the fork into the palm of his hand.

In 2009, Zhang Jingchu entered Feng Xiaogang's crew and cooperated with Feng Xiaogang's wife Xu Fan to shoot "Tangshan Earthquake".

The first time she read the script, Zhang Jingchu just happened to be home from a business trip, and she saw it from 3 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. Zhang Jingchu sat on the bed and wept madly. This is the first time Zhang Jingchu has encountered a script that makes her so broken.

The shooting location is in Wenchuan, sometimes filming, a mass actor will point to the ground and say, our family is buried in the ground, we are left alone. Zhang Jingchu looked at the place where his fingers were pointing, and the tears couldn't stop flowing.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

"Tangshan Earthquake" is the first film in which Zhang Jingchu cannot get out of the role.

In the play, Xu Fan plays Zhang Jingchu's mother. Outside the play, Zhang Jingchu and "mother's" husband Feng Xiaogang spread a scandal.

Gossip magazine also gave Zhang Jingchu the nicknames of "Director Sniper" and "Female Version of Chen Guanxi". There are also rumors that Xu Fan was enraged, and she launched the director's wives to ban Zhang Jingchu.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

This time, Zhang Jingchu did not respond to any rumors, and she turned around and went to Study in New York.

Eight years later, when she participated in the interview program of Cai Kangyong and Xiao S, she responded to the rumors of being banned by the director's wife group. She bluntly said that she was going to be angry to death, and she was sure that she would never fall in love with anyone in the circle.

"When rumors don't catch up with you, you can really get rid of them."

In 2013, Zhang Jingchu, who returned from studying abroad, was released as a producer for the first time in the film "Derailed Times". The film is produced by Lu Chuan, when Lu Chuan breaks up with his girlfriend Qin Lan, who has been in love for five years, and Zhang Jingchu is once again caught in the xiaosan storm.

Zhang Jingchu swore to the media that this was a false accusation, and if it was half true, I would thunder and crack.

The party Qin Lan also stood up and responded: trust Lu Chuan, trust Jing Chu.

But no one believed Zhang Jingchu's words, they all thought that Zhang Jingchu was the third child who intervened in Qin Lan and Lu Chuan.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

This winter, Zhang Jingchu shared on Weibo that she had released 470,000 loaches in Sancha Lake in Chengdu.

Many netizens pointed out that Zhang Jingchu's approach will destroy the ecological balance in the lake. It seems to be released, but it is actually a killing.

Zhang Jingchu deleted the weibo. And explain and apologize to netizens that they are not smart enough to cause everyone to misunderstand.

In 2014, Zhang Jingchu filmed in the dense forest. The two baby squirrels fell from the tree, and Zhang Jingchu quickly fished the baby squirrels up, and she put the little squirrels in the palm of her hand and looked at them with pity.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

In the same year, Huang Haibo filmed "A Desperate Love" in Beijing, and the heroine was Zhang Jingchu. However, Huang Haibo was administratively detained for 15 days on suspicion of prostitution.

After Zhang Jingchu learned about it, he sent a circle of friends: "His personality is simple and direct, he is moody and angry in case of trouble, often without covering his mouth, this personality has made a precious good actor, but also inadvertently offended and hurt many people, and now Haibo has to face the darkest moments of life, but he can see the stars, I believe he will grow from this experience and become a more mature and perfect man."

In 2019, Zhang Jingchu made a disaster film with an investment of 100 million yuan, "Ice Peak Storm". This film is Yu Fei's directorial debut, but in the end it only received 12.76 million at the box office and a Douban rating of 4.3.

But Zhang Jingchu was not sad. When Yu Fei came to her with more than two thousand storyboards he had drawn, Zhang Jingchu made up his mind to accompany the newcomer director. At least this is the director's particularly sincere film dream.

In the past seven years, Zhang Jingchu has taken many unqualified works. Zhang Jingchu knows very well that his work is not satisfactory, but shooting a bad film is like getting on a boat with a big hole. You go up and you know that the ship is going to sink, and you desperately scoop the water out, hoping that it will try not to sink.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

After starring in "Vegetarian Walker", Zhang Jingchu was scolded from 2021 to 2022, and countless people came to Zhang Jingchu's Weibo every day to taunt her, plants are also alive, how can you eat plants?

Zhang Jingchu had the best relationship with her grandmother since she was a child, when her grandmother died, she could not see her grandmother for the last time, and her face was swollen from crying in the crew. She thought that when she went back to her grandmother's grave, she would cry. But when she actually arrived at her grandmother's grave, she calmly burned the paper money and left without saying a word.

She always felt that the graves piled up by those bricks were not grandma's. It wasn't until she got into the car that she reacted and never contacted her grandmother again. She stood downstairs and shouted "Grandma" a few times, but no one responded to her anymore. With the hum of the engine, Zhang Jingchu cried loudly.

Zhang Jingchu's first film, "Peacock", had a scene in which the script was about taking off his pants and underwear. Gu Changwei allowed her to keep a pair of panties, so before filming, Zhang Jingchu had been trying on pants of various colors. The white, pink ones were tried over and over again.

But when it came time to shoot, Zhang Jingchu felt that how to shoot was not right, and the effect of taking off the panties together might be much better.

Jackie Chan: No one is allowed to bully Zhang Jingchu

In the movie, the sister wants to be a pilot, and the fruit that has been secretly in love with her sister has taken her blue parachute away. In the grove, my sister asked how you could return your parachute to me.

Sister Gao bent down with a head of fruit and approached her. He looked up and down at his sister and said in a provocative tone, "What do you say?" ”

Zhang Jingchu did not hesitate, she slowly unzipped the waistband of her pants and took them off. She was bare-buttocked, covering her lower body, and looking directly at the fruit.

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