
True criticism is never negative energy!

True criticism is never negative energy!

The author Shu Sheng, has been trekking to the code word worker.

Living in a country where peace is paramount, critical society seems less popular. Many people advocate the positive energy that only has sunlight, and when you show them the shadows under the sun, they will not only not take it seriously (let alone be grateful), but they may also alienate you and despise you because you are "so negative energy".

These people often regard "criticizing society" as a complaint against society and selectively ignore it. They may not be happy themselves, and may be tortured enough by car loans, mortgages, or chai rice oil and salt, but when it comes to society, they think that it is the best, even if it is flawed, at least in more than two hundred countries in the world, how many countries are as peaceful, harmonious and prosperous as us? Yes, there are always some problems in society, but hasn't our country been progressing? Looking at the world, how many countries are developing as rapidly as china? Throughout the ages, which era has been as prosperous and powerful as ours? Therefore, being born in such a great country, you "steal pleasure", you are grateful, don't criticize this and criticize that all day, you should be most fortunate that you are Chinese (I don't know how foreigners feel when they hear this).

You are always critical of society, what is your intention? As a Chinese, you expose yourself to the ugliness of the family, do you think it is a very glorious thing? You say how developed the West is, how free it is, how it has human rights, then hurry up and roll up the covers to pursue your Goddess of Liberty, our country does not need your kind of admiration and foreign food. What we need is a new person of the times who will shoulder the positive energy of national rejuvenation.

You are always critical of society, you must be living unsatisfactorily, right? If you had a good life yourself, or if the benefits you criticized made you fish, would you still be indignant? If you don't live well yourself, you blame the state, you hate society, and you want everyone to hate society. If you have a little ability yourself, you will not hide in the corner like a gopher. However, the fiercer your social criticism, the more it shows that you are a Loser.

You are always critical, what is the use? The fate of eating gutter oil, the heart of the South China Sea, you feel that it is for the sake of heaven and earth to establish a life for the people, in fact, in the eyes of Cangsheng, you are a joke. Do you think you can see the problem we can't see? Don't pretend to be high, there are many sober people, those who are bent on making money and climbing up are the ones who are great wisdom, but you are angry and obsessed. ......

When the public views those who dare to criticize society in this way, a society falls into a false harmony.

At first, people are brainwashed and accept only their own favorable information; then, people believe in the truth, think self-righteously, gradually close their hearts, and solidify cognition; then, people begin to reject dissent, and the party is different; finally, people only listen to the strong, taking the strong as right and wrong, and taking the strong as right, resulting in society being controlled either by power, by money, or by the comprehensive control of the two in different proportions. So in such a society, no matter how beautiful things power, money and great dreams promise us, it is the masses who are cut in the end. Because who doesn't cut the public leeks?

Power and wealth are resources, and since they are resources, they are limited. Under certain conditions, how much power there is at the top, how little the power at the bottom is; as much wealth as there is on the top, there is as much wealth as there is on the bottom. Without criticism, you let the vested interests give up their rights like saints, either because you want to be beautiful, or because you receive alms like a beggar, with no dignity to speak of.

However, although the public has been cut leeks, they can still live a stable life without flying disasters, and those who dare to criticize are much more embarrassed.

Those who have the courage to criticize sometimes not only cannot let everyone face up to reality and improve the status quo, but also may let themselves fall into disgrace because they are not flattered from top to bottom. It sounds tragic, but it's not sensational. Wasn't that the case when the "Six Gentlemen of WuShu", who were bent on changing the law and trying to be strong, were escorted to the execution ground and thrown eggs and spitting up foam by the people of the Qing Dynasty? Is the ignorance of those numb masses in Mr. Lu Xun's writing about revolutionary benevolent people worthy of everyone's deep consideration? It is said that the strong cross themselves, and the saints cross the people, but great saints such as Socrates were sentenced to death, and Jesus was crucified and became a victim. This is not a question of which country or nation, it is a question that all mankind must face up to.

It seems that the road of criticism is the most bumpy road. But the real warrior, dare to face the bleak life, dare to face the dripping blood. What the true critic believes in and depends on is the truth in the heart and the conscience that defends it. It is here that they have opened a way up for humanity with blood and tears. Confucius criticized the era of collapse and happiness and prescribed the salvation recipe of "benevolence"; Socrates criticized the self-sufficiency concepts of the city-states and warned the world with "life without examination is not worth living"; Wang Yangming's sense of pain was fragmented and the social atmosphere of desire for profit provided a bright light for human morality and morality with "to the conscience"; Marx's criticism of capitalism that penetrated deep into the marrow of the bones greatly affected the development of future generations; Lu Xun abandoned medicine and followed the text, and used dagger texts to awaken "people in the iron house"...

Such criticism is completely different from complaining. Complaining about self-centeredness is the jealousy of others and the demand for society, while criticism is centered on conscience, which is a call to the good side of human nature and the construction of society. Anyone can complain, but not everyone can criticize. Criticism comes from a deep insight into human nature and reality, and it stands on a higher dimension than reality. Criticism requires critics to have profound knowledge, a spirit of diligent inquiry, and profound humanistic feelings. Therefore, the critics of a society must have excellent abilities in some or many aspects, as are great critics such as Socrates, Mencius, Marx, and Lu Xun. The great critics are fire thieves, whistle-blowers, and night watchmen. They may be destitute for their critical careers, but this is by no means that they are not good in themselves. If they are willing to sell themselves for glory or succumb to the world, they will never be worse than those who fly and camp dogs.

The world's ways become bad, hypocritical, and shallow, beginning with mocking brave critics. Even if we don't have the courage to speak out for social justice, we should at least pay tribute to the brave warriors who dare to criticize. This is not a noble act, it is only the bottom line of conscience. Sooner or later, the darkness of society will engulf us, as the poet said:

No one is an island,

Can be self-sufficient;

Everyone is a piece of the continent,

Part of the whole.

The death of anyone is my loss,

Because I am a member of humanity.


Don't ask for whom the death knell is ringing,

It rings for you.

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