
Seeing the old photos of the Qing Dynasty, why are the harem concubines above so ugly?

If the heart is dead, what good is there to speak of?

We have more or less seen several old photos of the Qing Dynasty on the Internet, the so-called concubines, famous prostitutes, ordinary people, all reveal a word: ugly! Even the most widely circulated photos of Cixi make people feel no beauty at all! Why? The sense of unhappiness and depression revealed in the depths of the heart is finally reflected in the spirit of the individual, which is displayed in front of everyone's eyes and lets everyone see the "ugly" side!

Seeing the old photos of the Qing Dynasty, why are the harem concubines above so ugly?


In the feudal era under the male power, women were like the shadows of men, living in the dark depths all their lives, although a Cixi Xi Empress did not want to make some efforts for women's freedom! A woman without freedom is like an angel with folded wings, living in a fixed and narrow corner, unable to go out for a lifetime, unable to open her legs, without vitality and vitality, how can she have a splendid and beautiful face?

Living in the social atmosphere of that time, everyone was careful! The expression of Muna, the eyes are lightless, there is no spirit, this is probably the most true portrayal of women living in the Qing Dynasty.

Seeing the old photos of the Qing Dynasty, why are the harem concubines above so ugly?

Of course, the above is the most important reason, but there are other factors!

Photography techniques and techniques!

With the change of the times, all kinds of technologies are becoming more and more perfect, but in the initial stage of the development of a technology, from the perspective of modern people, it is inevitable that the equipment is rudimentary and the technical level is different, and the same is true of photography technology!

The cameras of the Qing Dynasty came from abroad, and some of them were brought by the invaders! For novelty, everyone often does not ask for too much, the unknown world is wonderful! During the Qing Dynasty, people will not pay attention to what photography technology, angle problems, nor will they go to special lighting, coupled with the high backward shift hairline flag dress, the black and white blurred finished product can look good is a bit magical!

We can compare our id photos to understand this statement, will you admit that you are the ugly look of the ID photo!! In the same way, the women in the ugly photos of the Qing Dynasty are not necessarily ugly, but only because of the camera technology and techniques!

Seeing the old photos of the Qing Dynasty, why are the harem concubines above so ugly?

Fear of the unknown!

The era of camera introduction into The country is constantly in flames, and after years of conquest, the decadent Qing Dynasty has been pried open by western powers with artillery fire! The people of the country who have been poisoned by the tea of the closed country are old-fashioned, insensitive, full of fear for the undeserved, and everyone is cautious, and the so-called concubines are the same, and they are afraid to live a precarious life!

At that time, for the long and very strange "foreign devils", when they wanted to aim a "weapon" that could "suck people's souls" at themselves, people were full of fear, fidgeting, looking wooden, empty eyes, stiff posture, and finally with the stimulation of the flash, the finished photo presented was ugly and could not bear to look directly.

Seeing the old photos of the Qing Dynasty, why are the harem concubines above so ugly?

About the selection of concubines!

The Qing Dynasty was a dynasty with a strict hierarchical system, and the emperor no longer used appearance as a criterion after choosing concubines, but according to family lineage, famous family, morality, etc., and most of them were selected within the Eight Banners nobility. This led to the fact that due to the long intermarriage between the eight banner nobles, they were reduced to close relatives, and the new generation of women looked ordinary or even miserable, indirectly determining the quality of the so-called concubines entering the palace.

Summary: So, you know the truth? We may have misunderstood the beauties of old photos of the Qing Dynasty! We must combine the factors of the times to give the most correct evaluation of the old photos of the late Qing Dynasty!

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