
DeRozan: Two consecutive butt kicks now it's up to us how we respond

DeRozan: Two consecutive butt kicks now it's up to us how we respond

Live Bar Jan. 15 NBA regular season, the Bulls lost 96-138 to the Warriors. After the game, DeRozan was interviewed.

DeRozan said: "For us, it was definitely a learning experience. Every time we step onto the pitch, our level of competition has to be high. Two consecutive games (referring to the last 112-138 loss to the Nets) we were kicked in the ass, now it's up to us to see how we respond, both of which should be the motivation for us to move forward, we need to stand up, play hard, fight for our teammates. ”

In this game, DeRozan played 29 minutes and had 17 points, 2 rebounds and 7 assists.

(Pig of 95)

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