
January 16 Sunday December 14 What are the genera of Auspicious?

Heaven has a natural rhythm that affects our psychology and even our fortunes at all times. On Sunday, January 16, the fourteenth day of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar, the combination of cadres and branches is the day of the ugly year of the ugly, the soil symbolizes the pastoral, the wet soil by the river, there is a planning, stretching and contracting image, born in the ugly moon, full of internal qi, conducive to the division commander to carry, forge ahead, work progress, it is advisable to actively plan and implement. The earth sits down on the fire, the fire and the earth are born together, the indian star has affection, the earth branch is ugly, and it is suitable for visiting the elders, cooperating in dredging, and job recruitment. Ugly moon and day, than the robbery is exuberant, it is necessary to steadily advance and cautiously invest in transactions. Under such a combination, which genus is auspicious today?

January 16 Sunday December 14 What are the genera of Auspicious?

First, Shen Monkey is Auspicious. The friends of the zodiac for Shen Monkey are humorous, witty and lively, and self-confident, which is directly related to its position in Kun Palace and the five lines of gold. Shen Monkey was born in the cold and ugly moon, and the Heavenly Dry Seal Star revealed a helping body, which was conducive to the help of nobles, the accumulation of energy, and the promotion of the division. On the day of self-destruction, the Indian star reveals its own soil, its own native help, and the local branch and the Shen are compatible, which is conducive to career progress, teamwork and work progress.

January 16 Sunday December 14 What are the genera of Auspicious?

Second, the unitary chicken is auspicious. The unitary chicken enhances competitiveness, has the characteristics of convergence, ranks in the palace, has five lines of gold, and is good at communication. Born in the cold and ugly months, the unitary chicken is better than robbing and drying up, which is conducive to the help of friends, going out to develop, the promotion of division commanders, and the advancement of work. On the day of self-destruction, fire and earth are born together, the Indian star is revealed to the sun and dry, and the earth branch is united (official star), which is conducive to the help of nobles, organizational construction, and work cooperation.

January 16 Sunday December 14 What are the genera of Auspicious?

Third, the ugly cow is auspicious. The ugly bull is cautious and down-to-earth, slow in action, and physically strong, which is closely related to its position in the Gong Palace and the five lines of the earth. Born in the cold and ugly months, it is conducive to showing talents, helping friends, and team organization. On their own day, the sky is better than robbing and helping the body, which is conducive to career development, and the formation of the local branch is a combination of ugly and ugly, which is conducive to academic progress, noble people helping each other, communication and cooperation, and planning advancement.

Note: This article is published one day in advance.

January 16 Sunday December 14 What are the genera of Auspicious?

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