
Nan Nan said to herself| "The Land of No One": There is no final farewell

author:Anhui net

There is no final goodbye.

The typical American Western pseudo-master beard listened to Fern's departed husband and recalled the child he left, and said this sentence with emotion. Also in the Brokeback Mountains of the American West, Jack, a cowboy who treasured a blood-clad coat like Fern treasured a dinner plate, said this:

I wish I knew how to quit you!

And all these words can be summed up in an animated film "Dream Quest" as follows:

Only when they are remembered, they will not die.

Nan Nan said to herself| "The Land of No One": There is no final farewell

What Chinese directors shoot the American West into the wood three points, Ang Lee has long proved that the global village is an emotional community. I haven't actually seen Sanmao much, but Zhao Ting in the photo always reminds me of Sanmao in the photo. I actually don't know who Song Dandan's successor husband is, whether he is very rich, but the Zhao Ting in front of me really makes me stunned. The biggest boredom of the media is to carry the title stamp label Bo eyeballs, in fact, Zhao Ting has said, there is no next Ang Lee, only the only Ang Lee.

"The Land of No One" is obviously not about how many people will be directly changed when an industry disappears. It speaks precisely of what Borges called "the core of not making up words, not trading dreams, not being touched by time, joy and adversity" in the great changes of life, and Borges's poem is called "What Can I Use to Keep You".

Nan Nan said to herself| "The Land of No One": There is no final farewell

The world is truly wonderful, and all your past will shape who you are now. I don't know if it's appropriate to call an actress a character actor, but in general, with the exception of Sigour Weaver, a tough woman who can fight aliens like a Predator, McDormand may be the kind of actress with the strongest core strength — yes, not even Hillarys, although she has also won two Oscars. In the style of the Coen brothers, McDormand is actually not prominent, but the miniseries "Olive Kittridge" makes the big sister glow, and Kittridge and "Three Billboards" to "No Man's Land", vitriol to the American Autumn Chrysanthemum and then to the untouchable depths of the soul, How McDormand has an "axis" word.

And it was really "Three Billboards" and Zhao Ting's "Knight" that were shortlisted for the 2017 Toronto Film Festival at the same time, and McDormand asked after watching a Chinese female director shoot such a Western American: "Who is Zhao Ting?" Seeing the photo of Zhao Ting touching McDormand's head on the set, she thought of that word: soul mate. You will lose everything, but you will not lose your memory. Only memory is the most real thing. In other words, you lose everything only if you lose your memory.

It's not homeless, it's just that there's no room to live in. It's easy to get me to understand homeless and houseless, but it's limited to Gestalt fill-in-the-blank and reading comprehension scores.

Nan Nan said to herself| "The Land of No One": There is no final farewell

If I suddenly want to talk about human dignity again, will it seem to be overkill? This is definitely not a film full of criticism, because criticism is often naked pandering. I have always felt that people work so hard to live, just want to live a decent and dignified life. But Fern, who is over 60 years old, is obviously not living a decent life, she has lost everything in a small town that has lost her zip code, she only has a motorhome that does not work hard, she has to do bad work in a bad year, she has to lower her posture to do unseemly work, but the point is that she wants to work, she does not want to be a person who receives meager social benefits and survives.

She was so dignified, even too dignified. But you can feel that freedom all the time, whether she is convenient next to a cactus, swimming naked in a stream, strolling in a backlit camp, until she refuses the retention of her relatives, until she rejects the kindness of being close at hand, I once thought that the old man who could play the piano had all the qualities to be her blue confidant, but I also had the vague feeling that the old man was too TM gentleman, and Fern needed not a gentleman, Fern needed his ordinary retired worker who was loved by everyone in the town. That's what she really thought she could grasp.

Nan Nan said to herself| "The Land of No One": There is no final farewell

The meaning of travel is to escape and forget.

The meaning of vacation is relaxation and rest.

Body and soul: one dynamic, one still.

Fern rejects all the potentially genuine kindness, and one returns alone to the former home where the zip code was lost. This is the difference between literature and art and life, how can a person live to the age of 60 be renewed. Unless he had lived in lies for the first sixty years, he would have to admit that he had been a liar for the entire sixty years. The wanderers of the western United States, how can people not feel pitiful at all, you still want to hit Jin Wan and talk to him twice.

Making people cry is really not advanced at all.

High-end goods will only make people sigh.

Nan Nan said to herself| "The Land of No One": There is no final farewell

I say dignity and exaltation because I think of Haneke's Love again.

The poster features a room full of books and the word "Amour." At this time, the two scenes can overlap, when the progress bar of "The Land of No Dependence" is in a hurry, Vern alone goes through the old man's restaurant, touches the piano that makes her heart move, she pulls out the chair and sits for a while, and then quietly pushes the chair back, you know that this empty shot of no one is the Chinese landscape sketch; and in "Love", an intellectual old man satisfies the intellectual old woman, suffocates the undignified wife with a pillow, the open window, the wind keeps letting the curtains sway, The empty shot is also a big picture of the landscape.


But the story that has been played out in the camera is your memory.

These will shape you.

We'll see you on the way. (Jiang Nannan)

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