
Xiao Lou Xin Ugly Chronicle | Zhang Haijun

Xiao Lou Xin Ugly Chronicle | Zhang Haijun

Zhang Haijun, pen name Qingfeng Muzhu, a native of Jinzhong, Shanxi, is currently working for the Yuci Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province, and is a lover of ancient poetry.

Xiao Lou Xin Ugly Chronicle | Zhang Haijun

【Zhang Haijun Xin Ugly Law Poem Deletion】

Title Tianlong Mountain Manshan Pavilion

The mountains pass far away the smoke, and the CuiGe is hanging in the air.

The eaves are covered with pine shade flowers and sweat, and the cave is divided into a lonely circle of the Buddha Boundary Pagoda.

Dust wants to rest in an infinite realm, and the fa rain has not remembered the year.

Leaning on the bell of the oblique sun, the dragon view entered the heavens.

Too high to celebrate the summer palace

The sound of the wind and the sound of the sunset, the shadow of the eaves and teeth is full of clouds.

The cool trees and flowers are not old, and the monument fortifications are not smelled.

The six towns of Huayi returned to the horse, and the general of kangji was a general.

Long Shan did not believe in the king's qi and hated Jin Fen.

Denshamen Castle

The road is haunting and tireless, and he wants to look at the open face with Xuan Xuan.

Outside the Liang Garden of Tianlian Yi Road, between the tree belt river Yu Chisel.

Try to cut the cloud root can hang on the wall, spin and cool the air to see the mountain.

The building is 100 feet high and allows it to lie down, and the wind sends the tide to knock the sword off.

Pass by han xin tomb

The Yunxing Ancient Road is peak by peak, and the ruins of the desert platform are looking at it.

Legend has it that the temple is empty for a thousand years, and the details of a tomb are only clothed.

Meritorious service does not reward the true king's seal, and the bird must do what it takes to be a great general.

The mountains and rivers of the homeland are social, and every sword qi looks forward to Chang'an.

Pass and ShunZhi Qingshan Villa

Listen to the sound of the stream spring to the door, and the small building is halfway out of the cloud root.

Melon field rain foot mist vine path, willow strange birds many times throughout the wild village.

I remember the coloring of the young maple, and I have left traces of the qi stone.

The flow of years is not endless, the mountains are as old as the old, sitting on the lan fei a bottle.

Looking at the moon in the Middle Of the Autumn Festival

The cloud jade mirror overflowed with light cold, illuminating the blue sky of the galaxy.

From the ancient times to the multi-reward pitch, to the present endless sorrow and joy.

Sit in Shenyan Lane to rest and drink, and the autumn cold Yulou Mo leans on the temple.

The lonely long night is exposed, and the streamer is only afraid to look at the guests.

Fallen leaves

Xiao Xiaoye Yu was resigning from the forest, and he couldn't help but feel the dust on the ground.

Chasing the water to purify the shadow, the wind should know the heart.

Can kan wild color resources are happy, Hugh is more lonely to send Gu Yin.

A calm and worried, the slush is covered with deep grass marks.

Nine days of sim ugly

On the occasion of the festival, I was tired of climbing the stairs, and I wanted to send the west wind to let go.

Frost letters followed the geese, and the rain seemed to be chaotic.

Can Kanju means qingbi, not allowed to think tired of whiteheads.

Dropped the hat but cut the maple drunk, leaning on the mountain color to send the river.

Winter view of the hundred grass slopes

The twilight wind and smoke dispersed the old forest, and a bottle flew up to yaozen.

Hazy wild color river Guanyuan, passing the river Rong Hai Dai deep.

Weary birds may wish to dust out of interest, lone pine can give the cold of the year.

Over the snow trail nowhere, the cold moon obliquely born on the plain placket.

The founding of the party has been cherished for a hundred years

The spark of fire has spread all over Kyushu, and the dreams of a hundred years have gone up and down.

The original heart is still thinking of the tears of the people, and the mission is willing to throw away the heads of the people.

Dazhi poems Are ming Yi Ding, and XiaoKang picture Zhen Jin Ou.

Knowing that the short tree was surging with tide, the arrow pointed to the sky and then released the boat.

Spring is coming

Rats don't change the wind and smoke, and the cows open the dawn color new.

Chu Tian's first goose, Zhangshui waiting to return to the people.

The festival is poor and poor, and the family mountain is sent to the body.

With the peeping of the young calyx, he wanted to break the fengcheng spring.

Pass by Taishan Longquan Temple

Yingyun Shigeyamagure, Kansenkoji Autumn.

The reeds are white and chaotic, and the leaves are drunk and tender and red.

The clouds are idle, and the Guanhe River is quiet.

Where the bells rise and the wind rises, the hope is in the middle of the harvest.

Pass through Longquan Forest Park

The cave is a temple, and the staff is walked into the spring forest.

The sound of the spring penetrates the rocks, and the forest is deep.

Cheng Bo was self-contained, and the fall of the light was victorious.

Do not even the cloud stack, empty period of the world's heart.

Pass by Zhonglin Mountain and Hezen Temple

The ancient temple opened a new hall, and the fragrant flowers and rain feasts were held.

The stele is still distinguished, and the cave is still through the spring.

The Holy Religion is natural because of harmony.

Where the Bodhi cloud fell, the bell chime sounded.

The Celestial Stone of the Spirit Stone

Create the Emperor's Chronicle, Qiankun cast a statue.

Pure wind first wins the place, turns the rain into Torringen.

Since the Qingtianxiu, he has been a pillar of existence.

The stars are still in your hands, and you don't have to go to Kunlun.

Runaway Valley Mountain Walk

Half pond snail shadow, deep tree green lan light.

Butterfly dreams are suspicious, and insects are dripping cold.

Five clouds peeping into the mysterious way, a staff to walk in a special way.

To go after the breeze, Iwamae to the old village.

PinJin Junmei

Qingling eyebrows are moist, and Junyi wisps are hanging gold.

Small seeds can be raised, and the sand pot is carefully poured.

A cup of Zen is vague, three sips of jade jin deep.

Mizuki meets, and the dust does not return.

Title Zhaoyu Ancient City

Nine Sages show room, anointed since ancient times.

Qi Fengyin for several generations, Yao traced to He Zeng.

DaJia jintai pavilion, Hengfen old stock humerus.

The Sheng Tang dynasty, mostly known as Jinyang.

Summer solstice to see

Bamboo is thin and lost, and flowers are full of forests.

The rows are empty and lazy, and the traces in the trees are deep.

Self-adaptation by the pleasure of the ghost, who does not compete with the heart.

The current is muddy, and a reed floats and sinks.

Ji Snow

Ji Xueming High Pavilion, the breeze put jade mountain.

The ground is far away, and the clouds are idle.

The fables are outside, and the mind is wandering.

Birds who understand, a sit fishing creek bay.

Editor/Zhang Xuefang Review/GuiQiao Proofreader/Feng Xiao

Xiao Lou Xin Ugly Chronicle | Zhang Haijun
Xiao Lou Xin Ugly Chronicle | Zhang Haijun

Xiaolou Weekly submission format, for example:

Revisit Gaizhu Mountain

Zhang Xuefang (Zhejiang)

The mountain cover is green bamboo, and the wind depicts ink drawings.

Alone with the drizzle, stepping on the pain and falling flowers.

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Some of the pictures are for appreciation, communication, sharing and use, the copyright belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact the editor to delete.

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