
Tesla has a new model! 350km sold for 160,000, is it to find out the consumption law of the Chinese people?

Everyone says that "China's special supply" is the specialty of Volkswagen and Honda, but recently Tesla also wants to play "special car". According to Tesla's new car plan, Tesla will launch a new compact sedan, which is lower than the Model 3 (parameter | picture), but the price will be lower.

Tesla has a new model! 350km sold for 160,000, is it to find out the consumption law of the Chinese people?

Originally, Tesla will be produced in a factory in the United States, and then introduced into the Chinese market, but due to the impact of the epidemic and cost, Tesla will take China as a production base, and the body accessories will be unified "domestic localization", and the test cycle will be 6 months, that is, the end of 2021 will begin to test the production road. Recently, this new Tesla hatchback also has news, many people think that the new car will be named Model 2, but Xiaobian received news from insiders, the new car will not end in numbers, it is likely to be named Model Q and Model C, the body size is positioned in the hatchback.

Tesla has a new model! 350km sold for 160,000, is it to find out the consumption law of the Chinese people?

Tesla chooses to produce and sell in China, which has an absolute advantage in the Chinese people's market. First of all, the first control of the cost of car building, and also has a great advantage in terms of price. Moreover, China's new energy smashing strength is not only a big country with advantages, but also a very strong infrastructure, and it is a smart move to choose to produce and sell in China. The price of the new car is expected to be between $25,000 and $30,000, which translates into about 160,000-200,000 yuan, but the cost of building the car is lower and the price will be lower.

Tesla has a new model! 350km sold for 160,000, is it to find out the consumption law of the Chinese people?

In addition, Tesla will also be BYD cooperation car, according to BYD insiders also said, will be determined to provide BLADE batteries for BYD, blade batteries in addition to the advantages of punctures can not fire, battery capacity does not need too much battery volume, longer endurance. The hatchback version of the Model Q has a range of 350-400 km. In terms of power, it will also provide long-endurance versions, high-performance versions and stand-alone versions, with zero hundred accelerations as fast as 3.9 seconds and 6.9 seconds.

Tesla has a new model! 350km sold for 160,000, is it to find out the consumption law of the Chinese people?

The price of the Model Q will not be very high, it will be 160,000-200,000 yuan. Young people like the Model 3, one is that they like the appearance of the model, and the other is its strong performance, like a "toy car". But for the driving experience, Tesla can be said to be the "worst" of the same level, the seat is hard and the sponge is hard, who knows. The sense of experience is very strong, but for young people, if the new model Model Q is really mass-produced, it is definitely an advantage to have a source of images.

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