
More than 126,000 tickets in 14 hours! The Lakers pull votes for Zhan Huang in both directions Curry's first real hanging

On January 14, Beijing time, after the results of the second round of all-star voting were released, the Lakers' canvassing was even more powerful. It is worth mentioning that their two channels have a significant effect on the old Jan, and from the current trend, James surpassed Curry to become the ticket king, and the opportunity is not small.

More than 126,000 tickets in 14 hours! The Lakers pull votes for Zhan Huang in both directions Curry's first real hanging
More than 126,000 tickets in 14 hours! The Lakers pull votes for Zhan Huang in both directions Curry's first real hanging

In fact, in the second round of voting results, the gap between James and Curry is already quite small. Currently, Curry is number one with 4463426 votes, followed by James 4386392 votes, less than 80,000 votes away from Curry.

More than 126,000 tickets in 14 hours! The Lakers pull votes for Zhan Huang in both directions Curry's first real hanging

Although the surpass has not yet been completed, compared to the first round, James's vote increase significantly exceeded Curry, and after the first round of voting, the gap between the old Zhan and Curry had more than 560,000 votes.

More than 126,000 tickets in 14 hours! The Lakers pull votes for Zhan Huang in both directions Curry's first real hanging
More than 126,000 tickets in 14 hours! The Lakers pull votes for Zhan Huang in both directions Curry's first real hanging

This is thanks to the Lakers' canvassing. After the results of the second round of voting came out, the Lakers continued to vote for the old Jan, and it was a two-pronged approach, with two channels for the old Jan. The Lakers first solicited votes in the official push, and sent two push and tease tickets in 14 hours. At the same time, it also sent two push-and-pull tickets in a row on the broadcasting platform official push.

More than 126,000 tickets in 14 hours! The Lakers pull votes for Zhan Huang in both directions Curry's first real hanging
More than 126,000 tickets in 14 hours! The Lakers pull votes for Zhan Huang in both directions Curry's first real hanging

According to the rules, today is All-Star Double Poll Day, and one retweet equals two votes. The Lakers official pushed two tweets for the old Jan, one more than 37,000 times and the other more than 1.4 million times. The broadcast platform's two tweets, one with more than 10,000 retweets and the other more than 2,266 retweets.

More than 126,000 tickets in 14 hours! The Lakers pull votes for Zhan Huang in both directions Curry's first real hanging

Counting down, in these two channels, the old Zhan has increased the number of votes in 14 hours by more than 126,000, compared with the past 15 hours in Curry, the Warriors official push forward only more than 30,000 votes. According to this trend, when the third round of voting results are released, it is likely that old Zhan will overtake Curry.

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