
Why do zombies all wear Qing Dynasty official uniforms Blue and black official uniforms

Presumably, everyone has seen lin Zhengying's zombie film, when zombie movies were just emerging, but they had just reached their peak. Lin Zhengying has never made any classic zombie movies since then. The same zombies wearing Qing Dynasty official uniforms, the old-fashioned and boring plot, and the acting skills that pull down are all problems. So the question is, why are all zombie films obsessed with Qing Dynasty official uniforms?

Why do zombies all wear Qing Dynasty official uniforms

Why do zombies all wear Qing Dynasty official uniforms Blue and black official uniforms

Zombies wearing Qing Dynasty official uniforms have a lot to do with the previous Manchu Qing entry into the Central Plains. When the Manchu Qing entered Shanhaiguan to establish the Qing Dynasty, they learned the lesson of the historical yuan dynasty rulers who were assimilated by the Han culture and finally destroyed the country, and promoted manchu culture throughout the country, including letting the Han people wear Manchu clothes, cutting Manchu hairstyles, and so on.

This policy of the Manchu Qing dynasty was strongly resisted by the Han people, for which the Qing Dynasty took massacres to solve the problem, there were massacres such as yangzhou ten days, Jiading three massacres, massacres in Sichuan, etc., when the whole country was a corpse, in the south there was a rise of the profession of body transporters, responsible for transporting the corpses back to their hometowns, in order to save effort, invented a way to make the corpses jump with themselves, which is also the earliest prototype of zombies.

Why do zombies all wear Qing Dynasty official uniforms Blue and black official uniforms

Therefore, the Manchu Qing created too many killing karma, causing people to be dissatisfied, wearing a Qing costume for the corpse has the meaning of contempt for the Manchu Qing, in addition, the ancients paid attention to the tradition of adding glory after death, the portraits are dressed in official clothes, so wearing official clothes after death is also a tradition, and later in the movie, a fixed image of Qingfu zombies was formed.

The film follows the trend of results and the need for atmosphere

Why do zombies all wear Qing Dynasty official uniforms Blue and black official uniforms

In addition, many filmmakers are close to the hot spots, often which kind of theme box office sales will follow the trend to shoot, from the first zombie film after the wide acclaim, there are many people copy the setting of the same theme of the film shooting. Therefore, the setting of zombies wearing clear clothes has been passed down.

In addition, the official clothes of the Qing Dynasty are mainly blue and black, this dark clothes give people a gloomy feeling, and with the tragic white or terrifying faces of zombies, it can achieve a good creation of a horror atmosphere. Therefore, the zombies in the movie have always been wearing Qing Dynasty official uniforms. In some TV dramas, even the four ancient zombie kings who have a long history from the Qing Dynasty are wearing the official uniforms of the Qing Dynasty, which can't help but make people feel helpless.

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