
The Alipay credit report shows that borrowing affects personal credit, and whether the credit report shows the loan

Will Alipay reflect it in the credit report in time after borrowing a loan?

At present, he has not yet been linked to the credit report, and it will not be reflected in the credit report. However, there will be great possibilities for feasibility in the later stage, but the current temporary policy has not yet been reflected.

I used ant borrowing To see it on the credit report

Alipay's borrowing and spending, whether overdue or not, each one will be recorded in the personal credit record.

If the amount of overdue is not large, the number of overdue is not large, and it does not reach three consecutive cumulative six months, it is generally not a serious bad credit record, and there is no need to worry about it, and it will not affect the loan.

First, ant borrowing sellers use to enter the personal credit reporting system, buyers do not enter the personal credit reporting system, but the phenomenon of overdue will affect the loan business and credit card business processing, specifically according to the number of overdue times and overdue days to measure, it is recommended to maintain good credit.

Second, the buyer ant borrowing personal consumption loan is seriously overdue, and the overdue record will be reported to the central bank's credit reporting system. In other words, it will appear in the credit report and affect personal records.

(2) Can Alipay loans be seen from ICBC To pull the credit Extended reading:

New version of the report

The new version of the credit report of the central bank's personal credit reporting system has been put into operation, and the "validity period" of overdue records has been officially set at five years. The new credit report sets the starting point for overdue information in October 2009, and the previous bad loan record has been deleted.

Since the relevant departments did not clearly stipulate the statute of limitations for negative records, in the old version of the personal credit report, the overdue records will be displayed whether they are years ago. The new credit report only shows consumers' overdue records for the last five years.

In the past, there were always citizens who complained that they could not read personal credit reports, because they were all forms and numeric codes, and what each number meant had to be understood by referring to the notes. Now the new version of the report has changed the form-based display method, using more text to narrate, and the public will know which cards have been overdue and which repayments are all normal.

At the same time, the new version of the report also reserves a display area for information such as asset disposal and guarantor compensation.

In the early days of China's credit system, many people did not pay enough attention to personal credit, resulting in credit card or loan overdue behavior. Because banks and workplaces use these credit histories as a reference, long-term negative information has a serious impact on the lives and jobs of these people.

The launch of the new version of the central bank's credit report is equivalent to giving individual consumers who have overdue and have paid off their arrears a chance to re-establish and accumulate their personal credit history. It is reported that if there is negative information on the personal credit report, residents are likely to be affected when applying for credit cards and mortgages.

Can Alipay Ant borrow the bank credit report to find out

Overdue loans can be found.

The Regulations on the Administration of the Credit Reporting Industry have corresponding provisions on it:

Article 16: The retention period for credit reporting establishments for personal negative information is 5 years from the date the negative conduct or event is terminated; where it exceeds 5 years, it shall be deleted.

During the retention period for negative information, the information subject may make an explanation of the negative information, and the credit reporting establishment shall record it. Information subjects may inquire about their own information from credit reporting establishments. Personal data subjects have the right to obtain their credit reports twice a year free of charge.

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