
Shorten the construction period by 20%! What is the "secret weapon" of the site that created the "Speed of Science City"?

Shorten the construction period by 20%! What is the "secret weapon" of the site that created the "Speed of Science City"?

Inflate, bundle, pack... Two days ago, at the construction site of Science Valley in Science City in the west (Chongqing), construction workers were busy around a bundle of white "inflatable rods", which is also the inflatable core mold that is widely used in the construction of Science Valley. Do not underestimate these "inflatable rods", thanks to the application of inflatable core molds, the project can play a considerable role in saving construction time, saving costs, green and low carbon.

Shorten the construction period by 20%! What is the "secret weapon" of the site that created the "Speed of Science City"?

Science Valley project covers an area of about 590,000 square meters, with a total construction area of about 1.2 million square meters, is a collection of R & D headquarters building, incubation platform, pilot R & D building, business office building, high-end hotels and other functions as one of the industrial park, "sharing, green valley, penetration, LOHAS, innovation" is the main design concept of the project.

Shorten the construction period by 20%! What is the "secret weapon" of the site that created the "Speed of Science City"?

"The building in front of us adopts green and low-carbon technology, which vividly shows the design concept of 'Green Valley'. Starting from September 2021, it lasted only about 3 months, and now the main body has been capped, and the construction period has been shortened by about 20%. According to the relevant person in charge of the scene, the project construction ran out of "acceleration", and the hollow building cover pouring technology was indispensable. Compared with traditional building covers, hollow building covers can save construction period, save costs, greatly reduce the amount of high-energy building materials, and realize the changing demand for different space separations of different use functions in the whole life cycle of buildings, which can not only extend the service life of buildings, but also improve the use of building functions.

Shorten the construction period by 20%! What is the "secret weapon" of the site that created the "Speed of Science City"?

According to the person in charge of on-site technology, the inflatable core mold hollow roof pouring technology is different from the traditional one-time built-in core mold hollow roof pouring technology. This technology gives the building a lighter and more beautiful new life, the key to the whole technology is that it can be described as a magical "inflatable rod" - the polymer toughness material used in the inflatable core mold, which is lightweight and easy to handle, and can be reused about 10 times, the application of this technology is more than the traditional built-in mandrel hollow roof, which can reduce carbon emissions by about 6.5 kg per square meter.

Shorten the construction period by 20%! What is the "secret weapon" of the site that created the "Speed of Science City"?

The benefits of using this technology for energy conservation and emission reduction, green and low carbon are far more than that. The above-mentioned person in charge told reporters that from the reduction of the amount of steel reinforcement used in the early stage of construction, the saving of formwork, the acceleration of the construction progress, the excellent self-insulation and sound insulation performance of the hollow building cover, but also can greatly reduce the energy consumption of air conditioning in the later use process and improve the comfort of use. The use of hollow roof technology can effectively reduce the carbon emissions of buildings throughout the life cycle of buildings, and help the construction industry to achieve the national carbon peak carbon neutrality target.

Shorten the construction period by 20%! What is the "secret weapon" of the site that created the "Speed of Science City"?

The hollow building cover pouring technology is only a microcosm of the project of the Western (Chongqing) Science City vigorously promoting the "project construction year" to carry out smart construction sites and new process implementation projects. At the construction site of large and small projects in Science City, the practical application of smart technology can be seen. For example, at the construction site of the Chongqing Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the whole process of the project adopts electronic signature and electronic signature, digital records are used for key nodes and key processes, and digital files are transmitted in real time to ensure the authenticity of the construction project files and the traceability of the project quality.

In the future, the Western (Chongqing) Science City will continue to excavate and explore high-tech in line with green and low-carbon, and apply it to the construction of various projects in The Science City, so as to empower the Science City to achieve high-quality development, lead high-quality development with scientific and technological innovation, and empower the new green building industry with low-carbon environmental protection.

Upstream journalist Liu Hanshu