
Around the bus, Liaoning fans touched the bottom line, foreign aid solidarity with Weems, Han Dejun or implicated in heavy penalties

The CBA game on January 14 is really lively don't want, the afternoon game was first Li Chunjiang and Marbury two coaches twice sprayed each other, in the final handshake link, the two people almost did not fight, it seems that even if Marbury becomes a coach, the grudge between him and Li Chunjiang is still difficult to put down.

Around the bus, Liaoning fans touched the bottom line, foreign aid solidarity with Weems, Han Dejun or implicated in heavy penalties

After the conflict between Marbury and Li Chunjiang, the big battle between the Liaoning men's basketball team and the Guangdong men's basketball team has never lacked points to watch, especially in the last game, the Liaoning men's basketball team won 20 points against the Guangdong men's basketball team.

Around the bus, Liaoning fans touched the bottom line, foreign aid solidarity with Weems, Han Dejun or implicated in heavy penalties

The biggest point of controversy in this game appeared in the third quarter with more than 5 minutes left, Weems broke through, Han Dejun took the ball, Weems hit Han Dejun's face with his elbow when he closed the ball, and then Han Dejun fell to the ground in pain, and after the game, Yang Ming's guidance also revealed that Han Dejun's nose must have been fractured.

Around the bus, Liaoning fans touched the bottom line, foreign aid solidarity with Weems, Han Dejun or implicated in heavy penalties

In this confrontation between Han Dejun and Weems, the referee blew a foul on both sides, Han Dejun ate a blocking foul, and Weems ate a foul because he hit Han Dejun with the elbow of the ball. However, what people did not expect was that in the subsequent suspension, when Du Feng arranged tactics, Han Dejun rushed to the bench in Guangdong and threw his old fist at Weems, which also made the scene once become tense, fortunately, Yi Jianlian found out in time, pulled Weems to the side, and then the referee gave a power-grabbing penalty, and both people were expelled.

Around the bus, Liaoning fans touched the bottom line, foreign aid solidarity with Weems, Han Dejun or implicated in heavy penalties

But even so, this matter was not over after the game, and some Liaoning fans came to the hotel where the Guangdong men's basketball team stayed to wait for the return of the Guangdong bus. When the Guangdong bus arrived, Liaoning players surrounded the bus and scolded "Ni Ge". As we all know, what the word "Nigo" means to black people, Yao Ming was almost beaten by Cato in the locker room because he said words similar to the pronunciation of "Nigo".

Around the bus, Liaoning fans touched the bottom line, foreign aid solidarity with Weems, Han Dejun or implicated in heavy penalties

Although insulted and insulted by the Liaoning fans, this time Weems behaved very calmly, and he bowed his head and turned back to the hotel. Weems can be calm, but frank Franklin, who is also black, is difficult to calm down, and he condemned the behavior of fans on social media, and Franklin said that he had been in the CBA for so many years and did not expect to encounter such a scene. With Franklin's statement, there may be more black players or foreign aides to stand up for Weems, because this matter is no longer a matter for Han Dejun and Weems, he may involve personal attacks.

Around the bus, Liaoning fans touched the bottom line, foreign aid solidarity with Weems, Han Dejun or implicated in heavy penalties

Why do Liaoning fans do this? Obviously, they wanted to be angry for Han Dejun, but they were really wrong this time, Han Dejun's fist swinging was easy to eat and punish, and now they use insulting words to make things deteriorate, which will make the adverse impact of the matter continue to be expanded, and Han Dejun may also be implicated and severely punished.

Around the bus, Liaoning fans touched the bottom line, foreign aid solidarity with Weems, Han Dejun or implicated in heavy penalties

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