
24 cases involved! Lu'an, the electric car thief," "planted"

author:Anhui net

Xin'an Evening News Anhui Network Dawan News On the afternoon of January 13, the Lu'an police released the news that with the arrest of criminal suspect Tian Mou recently, a number of cases of theft of electric vehicle batteries in the main urban area of Lu'an City were officially announced. This marks the effectiveness of the "swatting fly" operation carried out by the public security sub-bureau of the city bureau.

24 cases involved! Lu'an, the electric car thief," "planted"

Since August 2021, there have been a number of cases of theft of electric vehicle batteries in the main urban area of Lu'an City, which has seriously affected the normal life and social stability of the residents of the city, to this end, the Public Security Bureau Bus Branch of the Lu'an City Public Security Bureau has conscientiously implemented the deployment requirements of the Party Committee of the Lu'an City Public Security Bureau to unswervingly crack down on street crimes in accordance with the law, taking "I crack small cases for the masses" as the carrier, relying on the establishment of the "Professional Team for Cracking Down on Street Crimes", keeping a close eye on the "fly-style" crimes of property invasion that the masses have strongly reacted to, setting up a special case team, dispatching elite soldiers and strong generals, and taking the initiative to attack.

It is reported that after a large number of visits, through a large number of basic work successfully locked the series of cases of criminal suspects, according to the preliminary investigation found that the criminal suspect Tian Mou has a criminal record of theft, opening a casino, etc., has a strong anti-reconnaissance ability, wants to further sweep away the entire chain of theft, sale, and sale, the bus sub-bureau conducted a four-month peripheral investigation, and finally in the early morning of December 1, 2021, the criminal suspect Tian Mou, who was transferring the stolen battery, was arrested on the spot, and 1 car was seized at the scene. 1 battery car, 19 batteries. According to the investigation, the criminal suspect Tian Mou was involved in a total of 24 cases.

At present, the criminal suspect Tian Mou has been approved for arrest.

Xin'an Evening News Anhui Network Dawan News reporter Dou Zujun

Editor: Peng Ling

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