
Malaysia media: Malaysian Chinese man parked on the side of the road vehicle was hit by a falling coconut

Source: China Overseas Chinese Network

According to Malaysia's "Shihua Daily" report, at about 9:00 a.m. local time on January 12, in the Malaysian Carport District, a Chinese male owner found a car parked in the parking space of Airport Road, and was hit by a falling coconut in the front of the car windshield, causing the car mirror to break.

The owner of the car surnamed Chen pointed out that when he went to the neighboring tea room with his children to eat breakfast in the morning, he parked the car in the parking space, and there were several towering and fruit-bearing coconut trees next to the parking space.

There are multiple parking spaces at the site of the incident, and there are many towering coconut trees next to the parking spaces, and they are full of fruit, most of which are ripe and ready to fall. He hoped that the relevant authorities would pay attention to the problem and clear the dead branches of fruit trees or large trees in the parking spaces on the side of the road, so as not to continue the same problem.

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