
People who love to eat garlic should note: Eating a few cloves of sweet and sour garlic a day is good for the body, but 3 types of people should not eat it

author:Minfu Health Care Hall

In the winter, many families will pickle sweet and sour garlic, and after pickling, they will be eaten porridge and very well. Garlic and vinegar are both foods that are beneficial to the human body, what kind of spark can be sparked when the two meet? Is sweet and sour garlic suitable for everyone?

How to make delicious sweet and sour garlic?

Preparation materials: a few pounds of white-skinned garlic, salt, rock sugar, glass jar, cold white boil, white vinegar

To do this, peel off the outer skin in two layers and leave the tenderer skin inside. Then simply rinse and put it in a basin, pour in cold water, salt, and soak for a day and a night, so that you can remove the spicy taste of garlic and make the garlic more crunchy.

After soaking, remove the garlic and wait until it dries completely. Pour the appropriate amount of white vinegar, rock sugar, salt and cool white in the pot, and wait until the mixture is evenly blended before setting aside. The next step is to put the garlic in a glass jar, pour the soup into it, be sure to spread the garlic, and then wait two months to enjoy.

People who love to eat garlic should note: Eating a few cloves of sweet and sour garlic a day is good for the body, but 3 types of people should not eat it

What are the benefits of eating a few cloves of vinegar soaked garlic every day?

One is appetizing and promoting appetite. Winter fat food eating too much, there may be accumulation of food, resulting in weakened appetite, tea rice does not think, this time is suitable for eating some sugar garlic, it has sweet, spicy, sour three flavors, and different from meat, after eating the burden on the body is small, can quickly digest.

The second is sterilization and anti-dysentery. Poor diet is easy to cause acute enteritis, diarrhea for several consecutive days, in fact, bacteria in the body disorder, this time you can eat some vinegar to soak garlic, vinegar and garlic have a certain bactericidal effect, help relieve abdominal pain and diarrhea.

The third is to relieve rhinitis and prevent colds. Winter is easy to catch a cold, especially rhinitis patients, cold wind irritation on the feeling uncomfortable, appropriate consumption of sweet and sour garlic to help alleviate rhinitis, feel nasal discomfort when smelling sweet and sour, the effect is very good.

People who love to eat garlic should note: Eating a few cloves of sweet and sour garlic a day is good for the body, but 3 types of people should not eat it

Unexpectedly, vinegar soaked garlic in addition to can be eaten, but also has these benefits to the body, people who like to eat garlic are blessed, however, it is not "no taboo", there are three types of people to think twice before eating, eating may be harmful.

Patients with acute conjunctivitis

People with eye diseases should avoid spicy foods before recovering from the disease, which is easy to aggravate the disease, so sweet and sour garlic is not recommended to eat, in addition, onions and other foods with large smells and spicy eyes should also be avoided.

Patients with osteoporosis

Excessive intake of vinegar is not conducive to calcium absorption, may affect bone health, aggravate joint pain, if the bone density of the elderly is lower than -2.5, usually should eat less sweet and sour garlic, in addition, vinegar bubble peanuts, vinegar soaked onions and other foods are not recommended to eat. Fracture patients should also eat less vinegar, which will affect the recovery of the disease.

People who love to eat garlic should note: Eating a few cloves of sweet and sour garlic a day is good for the body, but 3 types of people should not eat it

People with bad stomach

People with poor appetite can open their appetite by eating vinegar properly, but if there is more stomach acid, or there is already a gastric ulcer and enteritis phenomenon, it is not recommended to eat more vinegar, which can easily lead to acid reflux, heartburn, and stomach pain.

These three types of people often eat vinegar and garlic is not beneficial to the body, try to eat less, eat not only can not maintain health, but also recuperate. Back to the vinegar soaked garlic itself, someone asked, garlic has sprouted, can you continue to eat? There is rot on the garlic clove, can I continue to eat it after cutting it? I have hepatitis B, is garlic the cause of liver disease?

Question 1 "Garlic has sprouted, can I continue to eat it?" ”

- Can eat.

The young sprouts that grow out are actually garlic seedlings, which are a dish in themselves, and do not spoil the garlic itself, or can be eaten as a seasoning. In fact, garlic sprouts so quickly because it is damp, and there is a way to solve it, that is, with the help of table salt.

Put two tablespoons of salt in a pan and fry them dry, then wrap them in paper and store the garlic in a bag so that it doesn't sprout so quickly and can generally be stored for half a year.

People who love to eat garlic should note: Eating a few cloves of sweet and sour garlic a day is good for the body, but 3 types of people should not eat it

Question 2 "There is rot on the garlic cloves, can I continue to eat them after cutting them?" ”

- No, you can't.

If there is obvious mold at the root whiskers, it means that the interior has been contaminated with mold, so the garlic should be thrown away as soon as possible, the skin can not be eaten, and everything cannot be cut.

Question three "I have hepatitis B, is garlic the cause of liver disease?" ”

- The hair is not credible

If you usually eat garlic is no problem, you can also eat hepatitis B, but you must pay attention to whether the current condition is stable, if the virus has not been well controlled, it is not recommended to eat now, if the virus has been clear, the body is in good condition, you can eat appropriately, but you can not be greedy. In addition, the sugar percentage in sugar garlic is higher, and it is better to eat less for liver health.

Sweet and sour garlic is indeed very appetizing, eat a clove and want to eat another clove, but everyone should understand after reading the article, there are three types of people should try to eat less. In addition, after eating garlic, the smell in the mouth is heavier, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth in time, and do not be rude to people. Even the best food should be controlled, do not eat several pieces of sugar garlic at once, it is easy to burn the heart.


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