
Warning Putin? Britain's rhetoric about Russia: history is full of underestimating the consequences of Britain

author:Sister America

Whether it is the military competition between the tip of the needle and Mai Mang, the "war of words" that does not give in to each other, or the contest between countries, it is ultimately based on strength. Of course, it is not advisable to be arrogant and thin, but the result of blindly arrogant and arrogant will inevitably be kicked to the iron plate.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict continues, and the United States has just held 7 and a half hours of talks with Russia, and Britain cannot sit still.

On January 12, CNN revealed that British Defense Secretary Wallace told the United States a few days ago that for Russia, the United States and Britain must prepare for the worst, because Russia may "invade" Ukraine at any time.

Perhaps to tell Putin that "Britain is not a bully," Wallace did not forget to warn Russia that Putin had better not despise Britain, and history is full of consequences for underestimating the people of this small island (Britain).

Wallace told the British parliament that Russia's move on the Ukrainian border was worrying, that Moscow's statement was "false and untrustworthy" and that Britain must always be prepared and boost its military might.

Warning Putin? Britain's rhetoric about Russia: history is full of underestimating the consequences of Britain

Wallace told Putin that neither distance nor challenge can stop Britain, and there is no doubt that Britain's determination to fight "bullies" will not change.

There are at least 3 details worth noting.

First, Wallace's rhetoric against Russia came on 10 January, the 40th anniversary of Britain's victory over the Falklands War. At the time, Wallace was giving a speech.

In the case that Argentina has repeatedly said that "the Falklands belong to Argentina and Britain must be returned", Wallace chose to ignore Argentina, directly targeted Russia, and also made harsh remarks about Putin, and the signal released is self-evident.

The problem is that today is different from the past, the current Britain, has long been not the Great Britain that swept the world, calling the wind and rain, if the British people miss the original empire that never sets, the more it shows that Britain has "sunset in the west".

What's more, in terms of military strength, Argentina and Russia are not on the same level, 40 years ago, Britain was able to defeat Argentina, but did it have the ability to go to the Soviet Union to wrench?

Warning Putin? Britain's rhetoric about Russia: history is full of underestimating the consequences of Britain

Wallace's trouble with Russia at this point in time is a typical inadequacy, really confident, why when the Russian army opened fire to expel the British Guardian, the reaction of the British military police was to turn around and run, rather than for tat?

Second, the British military is not the only one who warned Russia. On the same day, the British Foreign Office also issued a statement, stressing that "any move to invade Ukraine will pay a price" and asked Russia to stop the provocation.

Britain stressed that London was consulting with allies such as the United States on "how to send a clear signal to Russia".

This can't help but be reminiscent of another thing.

In June 2021, after the British Guardian stormed Crimean waters and was expelled by Russian fire, Johnson told Putin that the Royal Navy would continue to sail along the Crimean coast despite Russian threats.

The British chief of staff at the time, Carter, stressed that the Black Sea conflict could escalate at any time, and once the "tom and jerry" game was miscalculated, Britain might break out into a full-scale war with Russia.

Note the key word, total war, which means you're not welcome.

Warning Putin? Britain's rhetoric about Russia: history is full of underestimating the consequences of Britain

In response, Russian Admiral Cuomo responded that Britain was not a lion, but a cat in Carter's mouth.

From beginning to end, Britain was busy doing one thing, that is, to make wild remarks, how to use words and how to get them, but did not take actual military action.

This makes people wonder: if they regard themselves as highly as Britain, will they only be brave in their tongues?

Third, don't look at the United Kingdom is very tough, but in fact, the whole world knows that the United Kingdom is just a "fox fake tiger", if there is no United States and NATO to support britain, Carter, Wallace and Johnson, where is the courage to warn Putin?

At present, the United States is planning "how to impose comprehensive sanctions on Russia", including sanctions against Putin himself. For now, whether the United States will act or not is likely to depend on the outcome of the negotiations.

On January 10, the United States and Russia held negotiations, which resulted in a displeasure.

Warning Putin? Britain's rhetoric about Russia: history is full of underestimating the consequences of Britain

On January 12, Russia and NATO held negotiations, and on the 13th, Russia will also negotiate with the OSCE. If nothing else, Putin will not make concessions to the United States.

In fact, Putin has already shown a showdown, if NATO continues to expand eastward and deploy offensive weapons in countries such as Ukraine, Russia is likely to launch military operations, as to whom, the United States may not know.

In the final analysis, the Russian army and soldiers quickly took the Almaty airport in one day, and the whole world is looking at it. If Putin puts his heart straight to Ukraine or NATO, what can Britain do? Are they really sending troops to go head-to-head with Russia?

Wallace's threat to Russia with a tough stance is likely to backfire, and the strongman Putin is never afraid of all challenges. Of course, the possibility of Britain "knowing that it cannot be done" is also very large, after all, Britain cannot defeat Russia, and the Russian army has not humiliated Britain less, do not put a few harsh words, how to brush up on the presence of NATO in the future? How does Johnson give an account to the British people?

Finally, I still can't help but want to say to Britain that the times have changed, and the era when Britain wanted to run amok and wanton in the world has long gone.

If you don't believe it, the British warship can go around the Crimean waters again to see if the Russians will let the British borrow the slope to get off the donkey.

How long a snack, England.

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