
The kashgar military sub-district competition in Xinjiang was held late at night

author:Overseas network

Source: People's Liberation Army Daily

Xinjiang Kashgar Military Sub-district tempered the actual combat skills of officers and men from a difficult and strict manner --

Snowy plateau, the contest begins in the middle of the night

■ Hu Zheng, special correspondent of the People's Liberation Army Daily

In the cold winter, deep in the desert, a record-breaking competition in the Kashgar Military Sub-district of Xinjiang began. When the whistle sounded, deputy company commander Xiong Wu quickly packed his rucksack and rushed to the designated area 15 kilometers away with full armor.

Although he had a wealth of experience in organizing training, Xiong Wuxin still did not support this competition with the tactical background of pursuing and annihilating the "fleeing enemy."

Compared with the past, the regional environment and maneuvering routes of this competition are unfamiliar. What is more challenging is that in the 15-kilometer maneuver, it is necessary not only to complete 10 courses such as marching according to the map, hygiene and rescue, operation and use of communication equipment, and multi-position shooting of automatic rifles, but also to find 10 target points.

Until the end of the competition, Xiong Wu could not find the specific location of the fourth target point.

The wind howled and the temperature plummeted. Late at night, there was a dense burst of gunfire at the foot of the mountain. The night automatic rifle multi-position shooting and sniper rifle long-range shooting course competition was officially launched.

Unfavorable factors such as cold and dark nights have increased the difficulty of the competition, but in the view of the expert evaluation team, it is a rare opportunity to test the adaptability of officers and men to the battlefield. The leader of the military sub-district told this writer: "The more complicated the weather, the more it can test the shooting skills and psychological quality of officers and men." ”

Female soldier Narigala has been stationed in the plateau for many years, and she has used a variety of firearms in the daytime shooting examination, and she has achieved excellent results. In the night sniper rifle shooting competition, Narigala's performance only reached a good level.

It has been learned that the situation in Narigala is not unique, and the assessment results of many officers and men in this contest have declined compared with usual. "It doesn't matter if you lose points or lose face in a competition. If you hone a little more now, you will have more chances of winning on the battlefield in the future. The leaders of the military sub-district cheered for the officers and men participating in the competition.

The contest ended and a review was launched. Officers and men conducted in-depth discussions on such issues as the lack of a tight integration between the training concept and actual combat exposed in this contest. In the next step, they will improve the way of group training, carry out targeted training for the shortcomings and weaknesses exposed by the competition, and strive to achieve "fighting a battle further."

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