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Text/index finger

Due to the shortness of creative life

The fate of the poet is uncertain

To meet the challenges of the crisis of inspiration

I'm not afraid to pay a higher price

Graceful manners and poor embarrassment

It gave me a lot of unspeakable pain

But finally I was a phalanx of poetry

Crossed the canyon of spiritual death

A grave that buries the souls of the weak

Definitely not my destination

A desolate garden of weeds

The head of the grave is just a few pieces of loess

This is the cemetery of my ancestors

It has been left unattended for many years

When you are alive, you have to taste hardships

Even after death, it was so miserable

I burst into tears with excitement

A gust of wind brought Grandma's advice

"Life Issei Issetsu Kusagi

Kids, this is your last destination."

Index finger, real name Guo Lusheng (1948- ), Shandong Yutai people. The representative figure of obscure poetry is praised by contemporary poetry as the "originator of obscure poetry". Graduated from high school. Known as the first person of the new poetic wave.

Pay attention to the grass and read the classics together

Present your poetry collection "Selected Poems for Reading and Sleeping"

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