
When boiling rice dumpling leaves, it is most taboo to put only "water"! With 2 more samples, the rice dumpling leaves are soft and tough and will not burst

author:Chef Hu's gourmet recipes

Introduction: Soon the Dragon Boat Festival, every household will recently pack a large number of rice dumplings at home, and when wrapping rice dumplings, it is indispensable to rice dumpling leaves, and the varieties of rice dumpling leaves are numerous, and we most commonly use the "reed leaves, reed leaves" these two, and in the south and north, the most used is the reed leaves, because as long as in the river, streams, generally can be picked reed leaves. The rice dumpling leaves we just picked are particularly hard, and they will crack when they are gently folded, so before wrapping the rice dumplings, the rice dumpling leaves must be handled well so that the rice dumpling leaves are soft and do not explode. And in the past few days, seven or eight fans have said to me: "They put the rice dumpling leaves into the hot water and cooked them, and then wrapped the rice dumplings, but they still feel that the rice dumplings are not very soft, every time you pack a rice dumpling, there will always be a few explosions, so I want to ask you, how to deal with the rice dumplings?" ”

When boiling rice dumpling leaves, it is most taboo to put only "water"! With 2 more samples, the rice dumpling leaves are soft and tough and will not burst

And in order to help everyone cook soft and tough rice dumplings that are not easy to burst, I specially asked everyone how to cook rice dumplings, and after asking, I will find that everyone has a common problem, many people cook rice dumplings, only put water, in fact, boiled rice dumplings, the most taboo only put water, because water boiling can not make rice dumplings softer and more fragrant. And today Lao Hu taught everyone the method of cooking rice dumpling leaves is a very simple and practical method, only need to add 2 more substances in the water, you can make the rice dumpling leaves soft and tough, and it is not easy to burst. When I shared this method with several fans, everyone praised me for its practicality!

When boiling rice dumpling leaves, it is most taboo to put only "water"! With 2 more samples, the rice dumpling leaves are soft and tough and will not burst

【Preparation of raw materials】: 1000 grams of rice dumpling leaves (about 40 pieces), 5 grams of salt, 3 grams of baking soda, water to taste.

【Method of boiling rice dumpling leaves】:

Step 1: First, cut off the head and tail of the plucked (bought) rice dumpling leaves appropriately (as shown below), and then soak the rice dumpling leaves in water for 30 minutes.

When boiling rice dumpling leaves, it is most taboo to put only "water"! With 2 more samples, the rice dumpling leaves are soft and tough and will not burst

Step 2: Put the right amount of water in the pot, then put the salt, baking soda, and rice dumplings into the pot, and bring the water to a boil on high heat.

When boiling rice dumpling leaves, it is most taboo to put only "water"! With 2 more samples, the rice dumpling leaves are soft and tough and will not burst

Step 3: Cook the rice dumplings for 3 minutes on high heat, then turn off the heat, then continue to soak the rice dumplings in the pot for 30 minutes to set aside.

When boiling rice dumpling leaves, it is most taboo to put only "water"! With 2 more samples, the rice dumpling leaves are soft and tough and will not burst

[Master Hu has something to say]:

1, when cooking rice dumpling leaves, you need to put a little salt and baking soda, because salt and baking soda can not only make the dietary fiber in the rice dumpling leaves soft, but also baking soda can prevent the chlorophyll in the rice dumpling leaves from losing too much, so that the cooked rice dumpling leaves are soft and tough, and it is not easy to burst and yellow.

2. When cooking rice dumpling leaves, you need to soak the rice dumpling leaves in water for 30 minutes in advance, so that the rice dumplings can absorb the appropriate amount of water, so that the cooked rice dumplings become more soft.

3, put the rice dumpling leaves into the pot and cook for 3 minutes, then turn off the heat, do not take out the rice dumpling leaves at this time, continue to soak the rice dumpling leaves in water for 1 hour, so that you can make the rice dumpling leaves more fragrant and softer.

When boiling rice dumpling leaves, it is most taboo to put only "water"! With 2 more samples, the rice dumpling leaves are soft and tough and will not burst

【Method of preserving rice dumpling leaves】: When many people wrap rice dumplings, the glutinous rice is used up, and there are still many rice dumpling leaves, at this time we only need to wrap the rice dumpling leaves in a plastic bag, and then put them into the refrigerator for refrigeration, and use the rice dumpling leaves within 48 hours. The rice dumpling leaves taken out of the refrigerator need to be soaked in warm water for 10 minutes before use, otherwise the rice dumpling leaves will still be hard.

When boiling rice dumpling leaves, it is most taboo to put only "water"! With 2 more samples, the rice dumpling leaves are soft and tough and will not burst

When you cook rice dumpling leaves in the future, don't forget to add baking soda and salt, as long as you add them, you can ensure that the rice dumpling leaves you cook are soft and tough, and it is not easy to burst. I am Master Hu, if the practice of boiling rice dumpling leaves today is helpful to you, then point a concern, a thumbs up, and I will share more food dry goods knowledge with you in the future, thank you for your support! Master Hu's original graphics and texts are prohibited from being reproduced without permission, and theft of pictures and washing manuscripts must be investigated!