
Can early marriage and early childbearing induce cervical cancer? Obstetrician and Gynecologist: Stay away from cervical cancer, please do these 3 things

In recent years, cervical cancer has attracted more and more attention from female friends, because cervical cancer has become the second malignant tumor that threatens women's life and health.

Can early marriage and early childbearing induce cervical cancer? Obstetrician and Gynecologist: Stay away from cervical cancer, please do these 3 things

According to statistics, there are about 140,000 new cases of cervical cancer in China every year, and the number of deaths is about 59,000. Moreover, in the regional distribution of cervical cancer incidence in China, rural areas with relatively backward economies and relatively poor living environments are slightly higher than the incidence in cities. Some people say that one of the reasons for this is that there is still a custom of early marriage and early childbearing in rural areas. Seeing this, everyone may wonder why early marriage and early childbearing will increase the incidence of cervical cancer? The specific analysis here is as follows.

Can early marriage and early childbearing induce cervical cancer? Obstetrician and Gynecologist: Stay away from cervical cancer, please do these 3 things

Early marriage and early childbearing may precipitate cervical cancer

In 2008, Dr. Harald zur Hausen, a German scientist, discovered that HPV (human papillomavirus) infection is the cause of cervical cancer and won the Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine. Since then, HPV has entered the public eye. HPV can be transmitted from person to person, with sexual contact transmission being its main mode of transmission and another transmission route being mother-to-child transmission.

Can early marriage and early childbearing induce cervical cancer? Obstetrician and Gynecologist: Stay away from cervical cancer, please do these 3 things

There are two peak ages of HPV infection in the Chinese population, one is around the age of 20 and the other is around the age of 40-45. In addition to being related to age, it is also related to people's behavioral factors. The risk behavioral factors that lead to HPV infection in daily life are mainly premature sexual life, polysexual partners, polyamorous and productive, smoking, long-term oral contraceptives and malnutrition.

People who marry early and have children early, both in terms of age and risk behavior factors, are in the high-risk ranks of HPV infection, so the risk of inducing cervical cancer has also increased. However, even if infected with HPV, cervical cancer does not necessarily occur, because most of the HPV virus will be cleared by the body's immune system, and only a small part will lead to persistent infection, which in turn will induce cervical cancer.

Can early marriage and early childbearing induce cervical cancer? Obstetrician and Gynecologist: Stay away from cervical cancer, please do these 3 things

How can cervical cancer be prevented? See what obstetricians and gynecologists have to say

Although only a small number of HPV infections can induce cervical cancer, even if there is only one in a thousand chances, I believe that everyone does not want it to happen, so we must do a good job of prevention. Preventing the occurrence of cervical cancer, combined with the recommendations of obstetrics and gynecologists, is summarized below.

1. Get vaccinated against HPV

This is one of the most direct and effective ways to prevent cervical cancer. HPV vaccines are bivalent, quadrivalent and nine-valent, and as the number of prices increases, the more HPV types that can be prevented, the more extensive the coverage, but the higher the price. WHO recommends that the primary target group for HPV vaccination is girls aged 9-14 who have not had sex, while the primary vaccination population recommended by the National Health Commission is girls aged 13-15.

Can early marriage and early childbearing induce cervical cancer? Obstetrician and Gynecologist: Stay away from cervical cancer, please do these 3 things

However, unfortunately, according to statistics, the HPV vaccination rate of school-age girls in China is less than 1%. Here also to correct a wrong view, many people think that the nine-valent vaccine has the widest range of prevention, so they want to get the nine-valent vaccine, but the reality is that the supply of the nine-valent vaccine is limited, if you can't wait for the nine-valent vaccine, in fact, the quadrivalent vaccine can also cover most of the HPV virus types that cause cervical cancer, and can also play a protective role, so you don't have to miss the best age for vaccination in order to wait for the nine-valent vaccine.

2. Reduce high-risk factors for behavior

Do not have sex too early, marry late and have children later, do not promiscuously, rational use of oral contraceptives, quit smoking, etc., can reduce the risk of HPV infection and prevent cervical cancer.

Can early marriage and early childbearing induce cervical cancer? Obstetrician and Gynecologist: Stay away from cervical cancer, please do these 3 things

3. Cervical cancer and precancerous lesion screening

Early detection and early treatment of cervical cancer is the consensus of the world, and the WHO also recommends that cervical cancer screening be carried out globally and early diagnosis and treatment, so women of appropriate age should be screened for cervical cancer regularly. At present, China's cervical cancer early detection and early treatment technology has matured, as long as regular screening, it can be detected early, diagnosed early, and treated early.

In short, early marriage and early childbearing may be one of the causes of cervical cancer, but not the main risk factor, the core risk factors are HPV infection and unhealthy lifestyle, at present, some parts of China have started HPV vaccine free vaccination, I hope that in the near future the whole country can achieve free vaccination, and then cooperate with cervical cancer screening, truly achieve the goal of eliminating cervical cancer.


[1] Expert Consensus on Immunoprophylaxis for Papillomavirus-related Diseases in Cervical Cancer et al.

Qiao Youlin,Zhao Yuqian. Epidemiological status and prevention of cervical cancer[J].Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine for Women and Children,2015,11(2):1-6.

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