
Beijing Runfeng School held a special seminar on district-level topics

author:Glamorous School Column

Cooperation and dialogue achieve results Ideal education is truly practiced

As an important member of the research group of "Research on the Evaluation practice of diagnostic supervision teacher education and teaching", Beijing Runfeng School has always practiced the ideal education culture since participating in the project, which has greatly improved the timeliness of classroom teaching. Under the background of today's double reduction, the ideal education culture is at the forefront of education reform, providing important theoretical guidance for reducing burden and increasing efficiency. Recently, Beijing Runfeng School once again held a special seminar on the subject. More than 20 people attended the event, including Wang Shiyuan, deputy secretary of the Chaoyang District Education Work Committee, Ma Chaohua, an expert in physics, a teacher of the Supervision and Evaluation Department of the District Government Education Supervision Office, the head of the research group, the principal of Runfeng School, Zhang Yibao, president of Runfeng School, and all the members of the research group of Runfeng School.

This activity aims to conduct in-depth research on the subject, under the guidance of the project goal of "1 value, 2 methodologies, 12 teaching strategies, and 3 real landings", to establish the theme of the discipline unit, to cultivate the core literacy of the students' disciplines as the teaching goal, and to form a good disciplinary atmosphere of cooperative dialogue between the teacher and the student growth community through the construction of different time and space, and through cooperative dialogue.

The seminar was presided over by Vice President Shi Liang, and the activity was divided into three parts: the first part was completed by Teacher Li Yuhong of Runfeng School in the fourth class of the eighth grade, and the second part was Mr. Li Yuhong's lecture; the third part was the evaluation.

Clever design leads to thinking New enhancements in Q&A cooperation

Beijing Runfeng School held a special seminar on district-level topics

Teacher Li Yuhong first established the dialogue theme - measuring the density of potatoes in this lesson, and before the class, the students designed the experimental implementation plan according to the dialogue theme, and conducted evaluation and exchange in the group to determine the feasibility and scientificity of the experimental plan. According to the experimental design of the students, teachers and students jointly prepared the experimental equipment, and discussed the accuracy and extensiveness of the experimental equipment. In the class, each group completed the measurement of potato density through their own design scheme and cooperation within the group, and in the process of measurement, they constantly adjusted their own schemes, and finally measured the density of potatoes in the process of reflection and introspection. The process of mutual evaluation between groups and groups pushed the research on this topic to a climax.

Beijing Runfeng School held a special seminar on district-level topics

The entire project research extends from outside the classroom to the classroom, and from the classroom to the outside, reflecting the main value of students' learning. Students have experienced the process of studying physical problems from life to physics and from physics to society. Through the construction of different time and space, the teaching method of cooperative dialogue cultivates students' ability of scientific inquiry and greatly improves students' scientific thinking. The experimental groups evaluated the experimental protocol and process and put forward constructive suggestions.

Beijing Runfeng School held a special seminar on district-level topics

Subsequently, in the second part of the lecture session, Teacher Li Yuhong reported on the classroom design of this lesson, focusing on the analysis of learning conditions, unit preparation, curriculum design and implementation, methods, and application of tools.

Experts lead the way, deep reflection and then start

The third part is the most important link to promote the development of the members of the research group - the evaluation link. Experts and teachers put forward opinions and suggestions on unit preparation and classroom teaching.

Beijing Runfeng School held a special seminar on district-level topics

Principal's Comments: "Project Experiment: Promoting "Teacher Self-Revolution""

President Zhang Yibao gave a high evaluation to the research of this topic, and he made a wonderful comment on this lesson through ten "subjects" with the title of "Project Experiment: Promoting "Teacher Self-Revolution"", and expounded new thinking and new understanding of the experimental research on the ideal culture topic in combination with this lesson.

Overall, this lesson demonstrates that teachers are self-revolutionaries. All the teachers in the physics team are self-revolutionizing, and the school is also very much advocating the revolutionary spirit of this kind of subject research, and if you want to achieve greater innovation and development, you must dare to change your own life. What is the biggest institutional change that cooperative dialogue has brought to us? It is to return power to students, we do not take the "old road", nor do we take the "evil road", to "new road", the key is the change of educational concepts and the change of teaching methods. Today, I feel very happy to listen to Mr. Li's class today, because I feel a significant "change"! This change is not only her alone, but the entire physics group, who combine their own personal characteristics and the actual teaching of the subject to a real inquiry, and this real inquiry gives them great inspiration, which is of great revolutionary significance. So I would like to congratulate the physics team, and more importantly, thank the team led by Secretary Wang and Professor Ma for the guidance given to us in the past year. It is embodied in the "ten" that is in progress:

The first is the "tool" of cooperation. From this lesson, we can feel that "tools are the carrier of dialogue, dialogue is the representation of cooperation", therefore, "cooperative dialogue" should be a word, it is inseparable, cooperation needs tools.

The second is the "technology" of the tool. The question is what tool to choose? This topic is a tool, so is there a sense of "tool" in today's lesson? Yes, it brings collaboration to a "technical" level and becomes a living tool. The tools here are no longer just simple experimental equipment, but also the use of inter-group evaluation scales and changes in the way of mutual evaluation in the process of dialogue.

Third, dialogue is "awakening." This lesson, whether it is the dialogue between teachers and students, especially the dialogue between students and students, is truly alive and truly integrated. The rhythm of students' thinking, the changes in learning content and methods of the whole class were adjusted, which clearly reflected the subject literacy. Awakening through dialogue enables students to enter the realm of awakening.

Fourth, introspection is "happening." Dialogue awakening is the process of realizing cultural consciousness and self-consciousness, and at the same time, it also promotes the introspection that really occurs in the state of no-self, which provides an important guarantee for the smooth completion of the project.

The fifth is to question "nature." The cooperative dialogue should emphasize the innovative ability to question reasoning, and the ability to question is the starting point of innovation. Throughout the classroom process, the communication between teachers and students, the communication between students and students is not a simple question, but a process of deep thinking. In the whole process, the questioning of the experimental scheme, the questioning of the experimental process, and the doubting of the experimental data occur naturally, forming a good learning atmosphere for students to actively question and speculate.

Sixth, practice is "going on." The seeds of innovation need to grow and practice. Practice must be carried out at all times. In the process of this project research, the student's life experience was brought into the project research, and the entire research process, from the outside to the classroom, and then from the inside to the outside, the research has not stopped, confirming the truth of "practice makes true knowledge". So practice should always be ongoing, without stopping.

Seventh, reflect on "virtue." Everyone always thinks that "Lide tree people" is difficult, and it is even more difficult to neutralize moral tree people in the discipline, especially for the science subject of physics, how to build a moral tree person in the classroom? In fact, it can be placed in the evaluation link, the teacher will give the reason for deducting points clearly, so that the child can clearly understand the reasons for their own evaluation, and then learn from this evaluation method for mutual evaluation of life and student. Guide students to objectively evaluate other students like teachers during the mutual evaluation of students, forming a harmonious competitive atmosphere, that is, an atmosphere of competition and cooperation. The discipline of Lide tree people is to find key elements, and the atmosphere of competition and cooperation is a good inspiration. In this lesson, when the group is scoring, Xian students take the initiative to add points to the competitor group members, which is a naturally generated example of the growth of virtues such as the competition of superiority, which is very valuable.

Eighth, innovation is "nurturing". I think that the topic of ideal culture is to take innovation as an end goal in a sense. The Chinese nation's educational policy of cultivating future talents and the changes in the current domestic and foreign situations have put forward the requirement of innovation, so classroom teaching, which occupies more than 90% of the learning space of children in school a day, has a more important original mission - to become the birthplace of innovation. I think that the innovation of Teacher Li's class today has been "nurturing", because until the end of the class, the children still have problems, and the seeds of this problem are no longer the target requirements of the initial teachers' teaching, but the students' own questions and problems that naturally arise in the classroom, which is a manifestation of innovation. In the future, when we sort out these methods based on scientific research, including evaluation indicators, we can pay attention to the dimensions of design rationality, method science, cooperative teamwork, teamwork, etc., and give it its own characteristics, which are also innovative points.

The ninth is the "map" of thinking. This year, the school is implementing the mind map of various disciplines, as a teacher, it is necessary to put the "pearl" of the student's thinking to the appropriate position one by one, and then lead the child to thread the needle and lead himself, and finally form a beautiful picture, a totem, that is the real sense of the mind map, so that the child can establish his own knowledge structure "tree of life", which is meaningful.

Ten is the "sign" of growth. The growth of famous teachers requires big events of growth. I hope that Teacher Li can use the successful demonstration of this seminar as a "landmark" "big event" in his growth process! As a new starting point, continue to work hard to realize the true landing of the ideal educational culture concept in the normal physics classroom teaching on the basis of changing thinking and refined normality.

Beijing Runfeng School held a special seminar on district-level topics

Expert Leadership:

Encourage school professional leadership to advocate and promote the results of the project

Teacher Ma Chaohua, an expert in physics in the research group, first affirmed the transformation of the learning method of this project activity, and provided a good teaching idea for the implementation of the ideal cultural concept in the classroom. The whole process of the teacher can guide students to enter the classroom with questions, realize the subject research from before class to class or even after class, the sincerity and extensiveness of student cooperation can be reflected, the evaluation and learning strategy after school has the significance of reflection, and the cultivation of subject ability is formed independently in the process of self-reflection, realizing the transformation from only implementing the knowledge level to forming the core literacy of the discipline. At the same time, Teacher Ma proposed that more thinking suggestions were put forward on whether the goals were measurable and measurable, the accuracy and rationality of the goal setting, and the standardization. For the evaluation scale, it is proposed that reasonable and standardized evaluation indicators should be formulated for implementation. The second teacher pointed out that the unit preparation design is not only the design of the knowledge structure, but also from the overall ability literacy training process to design, the main depth of unit learning should be reflected, therefore, in the name of the unit preparation should be controlled as a whole. From the connection between knowledge and above, the establishment of unit goals should be related to the class objectives, and the unit design should be more refined.

Beijing Runfeng School held a special seminar on district-level topics

Secretary Wang Shiyuan first affirmed the teaching strategies and the use of teaching tools formulated by Teacher Li Yuhong in the process of teaching organization and implementation, and summarized the topic with "six more", that is, there are many programs, more methods, more exchanges, more questions, more hands-on, and more practices. Secretary Wang made a deeper interpretation of the ideal education and culture concept for the members who participated in this project activity. In the process of application and display of cooperative dialogue teaching paradigm, compared with the traditional teaching concepts, the teacher-student concept and the two-view of education are presented in teaching not to find students with knowledge, but to build knowledge with students. Secretary Wang pointed out that the cooperative dialogue teaching model requires more attention to promoting the rapid growth of each student in a democratic, equal and harmonious atmosphere. How can I improve classroom efficiency more effectively through dialogue topics? How to rely on space-time construction to achieve dialogue themes? This requires the use of tools, and the Ideal Culture Research Group provides a guarantee for the teacher's teaching through the establishment of the tool and method library. How is the whole teaching evaluated? Teaching objectives are the most important, so teaching objectives should be standardized as a whole and arranged as a whole. The so-called dialogue awakening is to use the way of conversation to stimulate students to rush to say and do, which is different from the introduction of traditional teaching scenarios. The collaborative dialogue discourse system provides a new perspective on teaching practice. Collaborative dialogue is a concrete way of teaching deep learning. How to control the transformation of time and space? This requires teachers to go deep into the classroom for a long time to conduct research. Time-space regulation should use the goal to complete to regulate the openness of time and space, and learn to trade-offs. Teachers should reflect in time and internalize the ideal educational culture concept through the process of introspection. Secretary Wang hopes that runfeng physics group will cherish the platform built by the school, in the process of practice, to improve their own core literacy of disciplines, cultivate their own subject teaching ability, continue to practice the ideal education and culture concept, and achieve the real landing of burden reduction through the joint efforts of everyone.

Principal's Suggestion: "Project Advancement: "Four Completes in One" and Then Upgrade"

Finally, on behalf of the school, President Zhang thanked all the leaders and experts for their in-depth guidance and strong support to the school. President Zhang said that Runfeng School will continue to promote the ideal education culture concept in the whole school, advocate teachers to devote themselves wholeheartedly and feel with their hearts, strengthen the implementation of normal courses in the process of normal teaching and research and discipline construction, and strengthen the development of subject teachers through curriculum research and development, after-school services and other teaching activities. School-based research focuses on collective lesson preparation, focuses on the high standard of discipline development, and practices the ideal concept of education and culture. He said, as the principal, I am here to express a stance, we will cherish this platform, continue to develop, in one sentence to summarize our subsequent development is - the promotion of the topic: "four complete in one" and then upgraded.

The first is the participation of the whole department and the external experiment. The meaning of this sentence is that through the experiment of the physics project, the school will promote the experiment of ideal culture to all disciplines, especially the training of the ministers of our eight university ministers, according to the overall high-quality development situation. As long as the experimental brother school of the project team in the district, the school will send at least one subject teacher to study, especially the young backbone teachers.

The second is a new experiment, upgrading the file. This sentence is said to the Department of Physics University, requiring us to be full of confidence and firm faith in the Department of Physics University. For this subject, if we still have some doubts, it can only mean that we have not studied enough, and our understanding is not in place, as long as you work hard, really believe, and feel with your heart, you can definitely upgrade the file. Now the entire Physics University Department has been created in the core years of the school, the creation of experimental brands, the personal professional development of teachers, have made progress, especially this year is still the discipline that has made the greatest contribution to the leapfrog development of school quality, I hope that the Physics University Department can upgrade based on the digital background, take today's lesson as a battlefield to encourage us to move forward wholeheartedly, and truly take the ideal cultural topic as the cause of the phased landmark significance of the Physics University Department.

The third is the whole process of monitoring, normal practice. This lesson we saw a good start, that is, to strengthen the implementation of normal lessons, such as the display effect of today's class, not with a lesson can be prepared, proving that Teacher Li usually has this aspect of training, to today is only a stage display. It is hoped that all teachers will be able to put them into the normal world and truly land in the future classroom teaching courses, research and development after-school services, including the improvement of the physics department itself.

The fourth is to cultivate deeply throughout the body and rush to the top of the high standard. To be fine, deep ploughing is fine and solid, to focus on the high standard of school development must be unswerving, and strive to promote the breakthrough and qualitative leap of the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents in our school.

All of us Runfeng people will continue to practice the ideal education, find a new growth point for education, and all Runfeng people will make progress together!

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