
Poetry 丨 Villages under the setting sun

Poetry 丨 Villages under the setting sun

Village at sunset

Text/Wang Xinglin

Twilight is a little dim

I chose to curl up and push the north wind away

The cold is getting wider and wider

Exit structures and assumptions in the wilderness

Retains the strangest colors

At this moment there was only one elopement of snow left on the earth

A hint of aura spread out the hazy smoke

Swim against the current in the throbbing water

Fictional emoticons

It hurt Bashan's blood

A light kiss of the wind

Let the slanting sun turn gracefully and inadvertently

Go find the source of a song

The north wind that had been saying goodbye to the night shook off the old time

Wade through thousands of mountains and rivers and fly all the way

But I forgot to count the footprints of different shades

Only the cooking smoke could not put down the night

The mood is there

Let the heart that cannot be crossed marry into every morning and evening

Then talk and laugh around the stove

Boil a night of affection into plain dialogue

Poetry 丨 Villages under the setting sun

【Author's Profile】Wang Xinglin (male), pen name and listening to the wind, Shaanxi Ankang people, after 60, served in the Pamir Plateau of Xinjiang for four years, like amateur writing, there are many poems scattered on multiple platforms and paper media, one without any title, with half a life to travel the motherland's great rivers and mountains, footprints across the Great Wall, north and south of the great river, rich life experience, wonderful inner emotional world.

One point number mantra of chastity

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