
January 14 Friday December 12, pay attention to the genus and adjustment points

On Friday, January 14, the twelfth day of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar, the dry branch is the Year of the Ugly, the Month of the Ugly, and the Day of Ding. Ding Ji Ri Gan branch attributes are yin, sun dry Ding Huo, one of the three wonders, there is the image of civilization, born in the ugly moon, the wealth star is dry, easy to get the help of nobles, conducive to talent play, progress. Sit down to print the star, should be open-minded and humble, recognize the goal, and be proactive. In such an environment, which genera should be cautious on January 14? And how to adjust it?

January 14 Friday December 12, pay attention to the genus and adjustment points


The five elements of the sub-rat belong to the water, the sub-aquatic is born in the Xin ugly moon, the state is good, but the Ding Day, the wealth star is dry, the sub-water and the Sun Branch Wood are punished, and it is easy to have contradictions and damages, so it is appropriate for the sub-rat to passively keep quiet, maintain stability, and should not take the initiative to attack. It is necessary to take advantage of the situation, seek advantages and avoid harms, and it is not appropriate to cooperate with others, network banquets, trade expansion, and other matters, and beware of official disasters and tongues, and damage to wealth.

Adjustment points: the earth branch is punished, and the east is easy to give the zodiac rat a nuisance, so do things as much as possible to avoid this side. If necessary, you can seek the help of the ugly cow of the zodiac; green and light blue clothing is not good, try to avoid, white or yellow white with auspicious clothing.

January 14 Friday December 12, pay attention to the genus and adjustment points


The five elements of Chenlong belong to the soil, born in the ugly winter moon, the internal qi is insufficient, the Ding Di Day, the Indian Star is thoroughly dried, and the Chen Soil is harmed by the Sun Branch, which is easily blocked by pressure. Therefore, it is advisable for the genus to be stable and quiet, to maintain peace, and it is not appropriate to take the initiative to attack. It is necessary to walk with the times, distinguish between right and wrong, and do a good job in risk management and control. It is not appropriate to cooperate and network, business expansion, etc., and beware of official non-fighting, financial damage and other things.

Adjustment points: The earth branch is harmful to each other, and the east is easy to bring harm to the zodiac dragon, so it is necessary to avoid this side as much as possible. It is necessary to ask for help from the zodiac for shen monkeys. Green and light blue clothing is unfavorable, try to avoid; red or red and yellow with clothing can alleviate the pressure of contradictions.

January 14 Friday December 12, pay attention to the genus and adjustment points

Unitary Chicken:

The five elements of the unitary chicken belong to gold, on the winter hard ugly moon, the state is not good, Ding 卯日, the official star is dry, the unitary gold and the japanese branch wood are rushed, which is easy to bring harm, so the genus is the unitary chicken should be open-minded and calm, maintain concentration, and should not rush to do things. Be mindful of cause and effect, think twice, and don't be reckless and impulsive. It is not appropriate to cooperate in gatherings, negotiate transactions, etc., and beware of contradictions and conflicts, financial ruin, and other things.

Adjustment points: the ground branch is in conflict with each other, and the east is easy to bring harm to the zodiac chicken, so it is necessary to avoid this side as much as possible. It is necessary to seek the help of the zodiac for the ugly bull. Green or light blue clothing is not auspicious, pay attention to avoidance; yellow or yellow-white matching clothing is conducive to relieving the pressure of contradictions.

Note: This article is published one day in advance.

January 14 Friday December 12, pay attention to the genus and adjustment points

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