
Guizhou Mobile: Join hands with "communication" to enjoy the "smart computing" more beautiful future

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily - Guizhou Channel Original draft

In 2021, the "5G + smart community" will enter the homes of ordinary people in Jinyuan Community, Guanshanhu District, Guiyang City; the "5G smart travel" of Guiyang Metro and airport will make "walking and walking" possible; the seventh phase of dianpu construction has erected an "information bridge" connecting Guizhou's mountainous areas with the world; the Blue Dream Plan has brought more high-quality education to children in remote areas; the province has taken the lead in realizing 5G townships and townships, blowing the clarion call for Guizhou to enter the era of digital economy... This tear-jerking twilight moment, in the city and in the countryside, measures the changes that Guizhou Mobile has brought to various fields of Guizhou's economic and social development with the power of information and communication at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. In 2021, 40 million guizhou people have written a beautiful and happy chapter in the struggle to catch up, and Guizhou mobile people have also woven a high-quality and leading information and communication network in this qianzhong land.

Guizhou Mobile: Join hands with "communication" to enjoy the "smart computing" more beautiful future

The "self-service physical examination machine for motor vehicle drivers" makes the data more "run", and the masses less "run". Courtesy of Guizhou Mobile

Strengthen the "information high speed" and open up the information artery of social development

The mountain has a ridge, and the house is rooted in beams. The opening year of the "14th Five-Year Plan" is coming to an end. Looking back on this year, Guizhou adheres to the overall situation with high-quality development, closely focusing on the "four new" and mainly attacking the "four modernizations", while maintaining the reasonable growth of quantity, the province's economy has achieved a steady improvement in quality, showing a good trend of stability in reinforcement, stable quality improvement, and stability in excellence, and achieved a good start in the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan". Looking back on this year, Guizhou Mobile pressed the acceleration button of "new infrastructure", paced steadily, accelerated the pace of construction, created a new milestone in the construction of Guizhou's communication infrastructure, and laid a solid network foundation for promoting the high-quality economic and social development of Guizhou.

Guizhou Mobile: Join hands with "communication" to enjoy the "smart computing" more beautiful future

The "Safe Countryside" platform contributes to the power of informatization to promote the strategy of rural revitalization and help the construction of digital villages. Courtesy of Guizhou Mobile

Care for the masses in the mountainous areas and build information bridges. In the fight against poverty, Guizhou Mobile has undertaken about 80% of the province's telecommunications universal service tasks, about 70% of the province's "Xiaokangxun" construction tasks and about 50% of the province's broadband rural construction tasks, achieved 100% coverage of 4G networks in more than 30 natural villages, and erected an "information bridge" connecting Guizhou's mountainous areas with the world. In 2021, Guizhou Mobile actively responded to the call of the national "rural revitalization" plan and took over the construction task of the seventh phase of the telecom universal service project, which will focus on the 4G network blind spots along some rural and remote areas, agricultural industry bases, transportation routes and more than 30 natural villages, so as to promote the gradual extension of broadband networks to key areas such as rural population concentration areas, production operation areas, and transportation arteries. Due to the wide area of the construction of this project, and most of them are remote mountainous areas with extremely difficult natural conditions, it has brought great challenges to the construction of the project. In some construction areas, there are neither poles nor roads, and cement poles, bags of cement sand, rolls of optical cables, steel columns, power cabinets and hardware equipment are carried by mobile people and horses, and shoulders are dragged up the mountain step by step. On September 28, with the opening of the base station of the Zhuyuan Group in Shawan Village, Baoba Town, Zunyi, in less than 100 days, Guizhou mobile builders overcame factors such as hot weather, difficulties in material handling, and autumn harvest for migrant workers, and built and opened 613 stations three months in advance with extraordinary efforts, fully completed this arduous construction task, completed the construction task, and helped 136,000 mountainous people catch the information and communication express.

Guizhou Mobile: Join hands with "communication" to enjoy the "smart computing" more beautiful future

Guizhou Mobile pressed the 5G construction acceleration button to take the lead in realizing 5G township and township communication in the province. Courtesy of Guizhou Mobile

Good landscape has a good network, accompanied by "smart travel" 5G. "Heard, the sound is very clear, the picture is not caton..." After the trial operation of terminal 3 on December 13, Cao Dede of the Planning and Construction Department of Guizhou Mobile Guiyang Branch was conducting video call tests with colleagues through the 5G network to ensure that the 5G network and the terminal were completed and opened simultaneously. With superior climate resources, beautiful natural scenery, and quaint ethnic customs, "Qianshan Xiushui" has become a striking scenic business card, and higher requirements have been put forward for the upgrading and improvement of tourism infrastructure. Guizhou Mobile unswervingly undertakes the heavy responsibility of communication network guarantee, adhering to the concept of "adhering to the people first, casting excellent Qian network", with the goal of "the best coverage, the best performance, and the best perception", focusing on various scenarios such as transportation hubs, beautiful scenery and food, government universities and hospitals, and creating a high-speed, safe and high-quality communication network. In Guiyang Metro Line 1 and Line 2, Guiyang Longdongbao Airport 3 terminals, because of the mobile 5G network, passengers chase the drama and brush video games, and enjoy the new 5G network experience during the journey. In tourist attractions, China Mobile's "5G" signal bar, tourists or send circles of friends, or video with their families, the interest is strong. During this year's National Day, the traffic of scenic spots, transportation hubs, high-speed rail and high-speed in Guizhou increased by 38.44%, 4.25%, 14.08% and 33.53% respectively. Guizhou Mobile did a good job in network capacity assessment, equipment inspection, optimization and expansion in advance, actively carried out multiple rounds of emergency drills, 7x24 hours of special support response, and real-time monitoring of the operation of the province's communication network. During the festival, tourists scan the code for epidemic prevention and seconds to log in, shopping scan code seconds to pay, circle of friends vibrato seconds to send, Guizhou Anshun City Huangguoshu Waterfall Scenic Area to run a homestay Zhang Shaohui business is also particularly prosperous, busy do not forget to praise "Although it is a holiday, but the mobile company's response is very fast, what is the problem of the network to make a call, less than 10 minutes people came, which can help a lot."

Do a good job of "information high-speed rail" and carry the beautiful yearning for a happy life

On November 28, 2021, the first batch of 7,674 700MHz 5G base stations jointly built and shared by Guizhou Mobile and Guizhou Radio and Television Network Company have all been completed and opened, taking the lead in realizing 5G township and township communication in the province. So far, China Mobile's 5G network has achieved continuous outdoor coverage of 10 cities, prefectures (new districts) townships and above areas in the province, and coverage of hot rural areas, whether in cities or villages, airports, subways, business circles, schools, scenic spots... Users can enjoy high-speed, stable and high-quality mobile 5G network services. With the blessing of the "information high-speed", the smart life that has been played by the "information high-speed rail" is coming to us.

Guizhou Mobile: Join hands with "communication" to enjoy the "smart computing" more beautiful future

With the goal of "the best coverage, the best performance, and the best perception", we will build a high-quality network in Guizhou. Guizhou Mobile provided the .jpg

Smart life is so close to us. In the Jinyuan community of Guanshanhu District, guizhou mobile and Jinyuan community jointly built the ONEZONE smart community platform, which carries out community safety monitoring and life management in an all-round way by means of informatization. Coming to Guanshanhu Park, the passenger flow statistics equipment installed at the entrance and the environmental monitoring system in the park transmit real-time data to the tourism big data analysis platform through the mobile 5G network, providing various smart tourism analysis data. In the Guiyang Economic Development Zone, Guizhou Mobile carried out technical service cooperation on smart government system, creating the city's first "7×24-hour government service station" to achieve government services "convenient without closing, service zero distance".

Let the data "run away" more, and let the masses "run away" less. "Motor vehicle driver self-service physical examination machine" is a joint launch of Guizhou Mobile and traffic police departments "digital intelligent mobile, practical things for the people" project, all physical examination data, through Guizhou mobile high-speed and stable intelligent network transmission, in the background equipped with professional qualifications of doctors to audit, to ensure that the physical examination results "seconds pass", to solve the past to run the hospital, run the photo studio, run the card hall of the trouble. Give full play to the advantages of Guizhou Mobile's "digital intelligence mobile" and implement "doing practical things for the masses" in practice.

"Safe Village" guards the safe new life in the countryside. Opening up the last kilometer of "safe villages", Guizhou Mobile gave full play to the advantages of the "digital intelligence mobile" network, technology and platform, actively cooperated with the public security department to deploy and promote the construction of "digital wisdom villages, safe watch", and installed digital intelligent outdoor cameras in the front and back of the houses in various townships and villages, frontage shops, intersections and other areas with weak technical defense forces, which not only met the needs of villagers to take care of homes and take care of the elderly and children, but also built a clairvoyant of public security, providing guarantees for the government's comprehensive management, security and other work, and helping to improve the social security prevention and control system. Contribute to the power of informatization to promote the strategy of rural revitalization and help the construction of digital villages.

Guizhou Mobile: Join hands with "communication" to enjoy the "smart computing" more beautiful future

China Mobile will operate the "Information High-speed Railway" to expand colorful new applications and empower thousands of industries. The picture shows China Mobile's smart mine informatization solution. Courtesy of Guizhou Mobile

5G+ empowers rural exhibitions. Huawu Village, Xinren Miao Nationality Township, Qianxi City, Bijie City, Guizhou Province, this quaint Miao village that has won the battle against poverty, the tourism industry has developed rapidly, and has become a "punching point" for many foreign tourists. With the advancement of the construction of mobile digital villages in Guizhou, mobile 5G networks and big data technologies have become a unique scenery of Huawu Village. Guizhou Mobile's "5G + Digital Village Unified Platform" information management system built for Huawu Village integrates functions such as "digital governance", "smart tourism", "digital ecology", "smart economy", "smart medical care", "smart education", "civilized practice", "information facilities" and other functions, combined with emerging information technology means such as 5G network, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and big data, to meet the overall requirements of local agricultural comprehensive upgrading, comprehensive rural progress, and comprehensive development of farmers, in order to liberate and develop rural digital productivity. Stimulating the endogenous power of rural revitalization provides solid information support.

Putting the quasi-information technology development direction and keeping an eye on the digital economy navigation mark, Guizhou Mobile bravely shoulders the heavy responsibility of the three main forces of "network power, digital China, and smart society", and is rushing to create more surprises in life in the journey of creating a better digital life for the people. (Yuan Dona, Lü Lei, Lin Wei)

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