
Halfway grading! NBA data experts summarized, 6 teams competed for the championship, net deer brave cattle in the list, the Lakers lost

Nearly halfway through the NBA regular season this season, teams like the Grizzlies have played 43 games, warriors have played just 40 games, and teams like the Nets and Raptors, which have been postponed, have played less than 40 games. The teams have mixed feelings, with the Suns, Warriors, Bulls and other teams being the winners, as well as the Blazers, Lakers and other teams that have not met expectations. Just recently, ESPN basketball analyst and well-known data expert Kirk Goldsberry has classified the performance of the half-distance, and he believes that the first gear is a real championship contender, with only 6 teams.

Halfway grading! NBA data experts summarized, 6 teams competed for the championship, net deer brave cattle in the list, the Lakers lost

The 6 teams are as follows, and the BPI refers to the probability of winning the championship:

Nets BPI 2.6% odds +250

Warriors BPI 15.0% odds+450

Bucks BPI 8.0% odds+700

Suns BPI 5.5% odds+800

Bull BPI 2.3% odds+2500

Grizzlies BPI 5.0% odds+6600

Halfway grading! NBA data experts summarized, 6 teams competed for the championship, net deer brave cattle in the list, the Lakers lost

Obviously, the targeted summary by data expert Kirk Goldsberry, these 6 teams are the main candidates for the championship, of which the Warriors have the highest odds of winning the championship, as high as 15%, after welcoming back Klay, this Warriors are even stronger, and they have indeed increased their hopes of winning the championship this season after two years of staggering years.

Halfway grading! NBA data experts summarized, 6 teams competed for the championship, net deer brave cattle in the list, the Lakers lost

The Bucks are defending champions, and they're still strong, not the kind of team that's close to rotting the year after winning the championship. Alphabet Brother is still the league's top superstars, Middleton and Holliday, super powerful, as well as Connaughton and Aaron, are recognized as tough players.

Halfway grading! NBA data experts summarized, 6 teams competed for the championship, net deer brave cattle in the list, the Lakers lost

The Nets are still a good team, although they have lost 5 of the last 7 games, but as a team with many star players such as Durant, Irving, Harden, Ad, Griffin, etc., it is difficult not to include them in the ranks of the championship, and their strength is still the top of the league.

Halfway grading! NBA data experts summarized, 6 teams competed for the championship, net deer brave cattle in the list, the Lakers lost

The Suns, Grizzlies and Bulls have won respect with their performances, the Suns were the Western Conference champions last season, reached the championship, and did not qualify for the championship, and they are still the first in the West. The Grizzlies have recently won 10 straight games against the giants. The Bulls have completed the metamorphosis, pressing the Nets and other teams, under the leadership of DeRozan and LaVine, they are firmly in the First Place in the East, and their strength is also very strong, coupled with Chicago's heritage, they do have the opportunity to impact the championship.

Halfway grading! NBA data experts summarized, 6 teams competed for the championship, net deer brave cattle in the list, the Lakers lost

It is worth mentioning that in the list of data expert Kirk Goldsberry, there is no Lakers in the championship zone, although James and Anthony have repeatedly used Brady's Pirates in the locker room to motivate the whole team, and other players have also said that the Lakers can break out in the playoffs, but it is clear that their overall performance, play against the team, the record, the degree of running-in of the Big Three, etc., are not optimistic.

Halfway grading! NBA data experts summarized, 6 teams competed for the championship, net deer brave cattle in the list, the Lakers lost

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