
Don't underestimate a woman who laughs when she sees someone

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

Knowing a person begins with appearance, falls into talent, and finally character.

However, a lot of socializing is over from the beginning of the meeting. No one wants to chat with a nasty person.

In a fast-paced society, the talent and character are hidden too deeply, and others simply do not have the patience to understand it deeply, and it is better to show it at the beginning.

Women are born with three points of beauty. But what makes you warm and remember is the woman who smiles when she sees people.

Don't underestimate a woman who laughs when she sees someone


Laughter is a sign of love.

Tagore said, "You smile slightly, and you don't say anything about me." And I feel that I have waited a long time for this. ”

Careful boys will definitely find that when meeting a woman, if she smiles, they will leave more good feelings for each other, just in that instant - the love does not know, and it goes deep.

In "The Legend of the New White Lady", at the beginning, Bai Suzhen transformed into a woman and went to the West Lake to find Xu Xian, the former savior.

The sky suddenly began to rain, and Xu Xian, who was on the ferry, found Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing in the rain at a glance, so he asked the boatman to dock the boat and take the two women to the boat to avoid the rain.

At the first meeting, Bai Suzhen smiled, a little shy, so that Xu Xian, who knew the book Dali, was overwhelmed, and could only hold an umbrella to the bow of the ship, trying to maintain his composure.

In love, a woman's laughter, almost no one can resist. In jin yong's jianghu, there is often the tenderness of heroes who love beauty. For example, when Qiao Feng and Arjun reunited at Yanmen Pass, Arjun said, "I have been waiting for you here for five days and five nights", and Qiao Feng was moved and held Arjun tightly in his arms.

Whether it is an encounter, a reunion, or a parting, a smile is always the happiest. Although the smile at the time of parting is very sad, what is left for people is to wait tenderly.

When there is poverty at the end of the world, there is only endless lovesickness. For women in love, laughter is to move the heart, and at the same time to pass the mind to the other party.


Laughter is the best antidote in life.

This society is very complex, and no one knows which tomorrow and the accident will come first.

Even if you are good by nature, you will still encounter accidents and insurmountable obstacles.

In Han Han's words, it is "Some people live in high-rise buildings, some people are in deep ditches, some people are full of light, some people are rusty, there are thousands of kinds of people in the world, floating clouds can not be sought, if the Si people are rainbows, they know that there is everywhere." ”

Everything is fate, how can you be willful? You can't even control your own life, how can you control others? Only by seeing through can we look down on it and then get liberation.

Reality tells us that people who are more likely to be hurt are mostly women. Women are made of water, and a breeze can blow many ripples.

The woman who laughs when she sees people often endures too much suffering, and finally comes out of her head and adjusts her inner world to a silent state.

Sanmao said, "You come to the human world, you have to see the sun." ”

The woman who loves to laugh, strong and determined, the world kisses her with pain, but she laughs in return.

Don't underestimate a woman who laughs when she sees someone


Laughter is the satisfaction of fate.

Lai Min, 21, suddenly walked shakily, and then was diagnosed with "penguin disease", may not live to be 30 years old, and his life has fallen into the lowest valley.

Ding Yizhou, a sunny and handsome young man, walked into Lai Min's life without hesitation, and took her out of the earth with a heart-shaped pattern. From Liuzhou, Guangxi, to Tibet, Beijing, Hebei...

I don't know when life will disappear, but Lai Min is like a child, smiling, and comes back to life.

"Thank god for everything that God has given me, including you, Ding Yizhou." Maybe you were exchanged by me with God with my cerebellum, but I don't regret it. ”

Even if life is only one day, it will take 24 hours; even if love is like a shooting star, just crossed from the sky, don't regret it, after all, there is still a beauty like fireworks, eternal in the heart.

A woman who loves to laugh is because her heart is rich and quiet, and success or failure is an experience. Not even afraid of death, still afraid of living?

Woman, even if you are very unhappy, don't frown, because you don't know who you will meet at the next stop, and who will smile at you.

Don't let the god of luck be scared away by your cries.


Laughter is the wisdom of bowing one's head.

In the Shang Shu Jun chen, it is written: "There will be forbearance, and it will be beneficial; there will be tolerance, and virtue will be great." ”

People must learn to be patient in order to survive the head, and when they have a broad mind, their morality will be noble.

According to traditional thinking, women are small-bellied chicken intestines, and men can be open-minded. In fact, it is not, the woman who loves to laugh has already had an extraordinary temperament.

A woman learns to bow her head, then she becomes "cotton", no matter how hard things, can be dissolved in her body, one by one.

For example, when a husband and wife quarrel, the woman looks down and laughs, and the contradiction is dispersed; at work, when the woman laughs, she actually thinks of a way to deal with it, and everything can be won.

Of course, a woman smiling at you may also be begging you to pass on your wisdom to her in a good relationship.

Smiling with your head down can be adaptable, no matter what the variables, you can succeed.

Don't underestimate a woman who laughs when she sees someone


Mr. Gu Long said: "The girl who loves to laugh will not be too unlucky. ”

Therefore, I would like to congratulate those women who laugh when they see people, you have left good luck on your body forever, you have always stepped on your feet, you have seen through the ups and downs of life, you have taken your deception as a beauty, and turned your tears into colorful dewdrops...

Every day, we have to face many faces, laughing, crying, suffering, anger, mourning, fear... Only by laughing can we close the distance between people, skillfully avoid the harm of others, and use the most gentle method to control the words and deeds of others.

Women, to cope with the complexity and change of life, the best way is to laugh - to rou ke gang.

Life is not easy, one thought is heaven, one thought is hell. There are two sides to everything, choice is more important than effort, rather than complaining and escaping, it is better to face it calmly.

Smile, go through the ruthless years, and return to be a teenager.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The source network is accompanied by the picture.

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