
Li Lianglei tore wang Lihong's mask: the other side of the perfect idol, the reason behind it is inseparable from these three points

Originally thought that with a letter of apology from Wang Lihong, everything would settle down and calm down, but I did not expect that Li Lianglei's 3 microblogs in a row showed another side of Wang Lihong.

Li Lianglei tore wang Lihong's mask: the other side of the perfect idol, the reason behind it is inseparable from these three points

A high-quality idol, born into a famous family, with looks, education, talent... Many people expressed disbelief, why is this so?

From the perspective of psychology, you may be able to glimpse the other side of this perfect idol, and the reason behind it is inseparable from Wang Lihong's personality development, original family and self-recognition.

Wang Lihong's personality mask

After years of high oppression from elite families, he put on a personality mask for himself.

The personality mask was proposed by Jung's psychoanalytic theory, which each of us has, and is a way, or a strategy, that we individuals choose to deal with the outside world.

Wang Lihong's great-grandfather Xu Fengzao was a top student of the Nanjing Admiralty School, and after returning from studying abroad, he served as the captain of the young warship, and Sun Yat-sen once wrote an inscription for him.

His brother, Dr. Lide Wang, received a $8.4 million grant from the California College of Regenerative Medicine to focus on research into the treatment of brain tumors in children.

Li Lianglei tore wang Lihong's mask: the other side of the perfect idol, the reason behind it is inseparable from these three points

Wang Lihong's family also has very high requirements for him.

Under the pressure of his strong parents, Wang Lihong has built a perfect self with an external appearance to meet the requirements of society and excellent standards, as if he has been living with a beautiful mask.

Under the mask of perfect personality, Wang Lihong highly suppressed his true self and desire, and the madness in his heart finally sought an outlet, that is, an indulgent private life.

Did not leave the original family

In the statements of Wang Lihong and Li Lianglei, we can see the influence of Wang's mother on their entire family, Wang Lihong was interfered with by his mother very deeply, and at the age of 37, he returned the money to his mother.

Wang Lihong was once depressed to lie on the ground for weeks in order to obey his mother, and by the age of 37, he could not make his own decisions, control his work, finances or feelings.

It can be glimpsed that Wang Lihong has always obeyed his parents, rather than obeying his own heart.

Li Lianglei tore wang Lihong's mask: the other side of the perfect idol, the reason behind it is inseparable from these three points

To manage intimate relationships, we need to grasp a key point: after marriage, the relationship between husband and wife is the first order of all relationships, which is greater than the relationship of the original family, the relationship with parents, and the relationship with parents.

But Wang Lihong put the relationship with his parents first in life, indicating that this person entered the marriage with an immature mind, so it is difficult to be responsible for the other half.

Empty self-recognition

If a person, he changes partners very frequently, there are always a lot of short-term relationships, whether Wang or Wu Xfan, are all manifestations of inner emptiness and no sense of strength, and it is also a manifestation of their lack of recognition of themselves.

Deep down subconsciously, these behaviors are actually a sign of unconfidence, and they probably never even figure out "who I am and what I need."

This shows that Wang Lihong has not been truly satisfied emotionally, lacks the deep experience of true feelings, and even in the marriage of Wang and Li, he has not deeply entered into this marriage, and the emotions are superficial.

The reason for Wang's lack of self-confidence may be the lack of unconditional love from his parents since childhood.

Li Lianglei tore wang Lihong's mask: the other side of the perfect idol, the reason behind it is inseparable from these three points

This can explain the indulgence of Wang Lihong's private life, from the psychoanalytic point of view, it is also a kind of escape and self-defense mechanism, as if it seems to not care about any relationship, does not stay in any relationship, appears to be particularly powerful, in fact, through this way, to cover up the pain that he has never really been loved.

Therefore, Wang Lihong, a big star who looks radiant, is actually a teenager under a perfect mask, and his mind is likely to remain in his youth.

Li Lianglei tore wang Lihong's mask: the other side of the perfect idol, the reason behind it is inseparable from these three points

In the face of Li Lianglei's "Hammer of Lei God" raised again, I hope that he can truly grow up in such destruction, find his true self, and also assume the responsibility of a father.

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