
Selected poems| should know that the plum blossoms in Shuling are there, and accompany me to sing for nine days

Selected poems| should know that the plum blossoms in Shuling are there, and accompany me to sing for nine days

"Like a Dream"


The words are haggard, and the tears are hazy and sleepless.

Will be mistaken for love, write bittersweet and sour.

Intoxicated, intoxicated. Tears came from reading a few times.

"Seven Laws of the Seven Laws of Zhaoling Arch"

Text/North Sheep

The reflection of the Zhaoling Tomb is pregnant with vicissitudes, and the mottled archway is carved into the old wall.

Yang Gurudwara texts are now ancient and ancient, and Xu Xing's Shinto song is hidden.

The emperor of the Qing Dynasty was fiercely involved, and the sound of the rolling was iron horse madness.

It is the essence of the notes, but the light of the Qingshi Saint Pilgrimage is left behind.

"Bu Operator"

Text/Chen Zhengliang

The moon is quiet with me, lonely for thousands of years.

The Tao is acacia without thought, always sent mercilessly.

Invite drinks to rejoice and get drunk.

Mingxiao linjiang fishing for blue waves, this means the same as flowing water.

"Lotus Pond Moonlight"

Text/East Side

The bishui covered bridge is two-sided, and the hibiscus hides her face and spits out Fangyan.

Frogs play koi cicadas sing willows, and the pavilion on the moon is drunk and dreamy.

Partridge Heaven, Heart Sea Yangbo

Text/Deep Valley Youlan, Lin Er

Tears welled up in the sea of hearts, and the two torments of looking at each other across the screen.

The incense stick is obsessed with affectionate sentences, and the jade case is softly chanted.

Although there is love, but there is no trick, Wushan Yunmiao hates the sky high.

Kan pity the letter sent elsewhere, how nai guihong was not invited.

"Iron Blossom"

Text/Zhang Jianping

Legend has it that the iron tree shows off its strange flowers and does not live up to the flow of years.

Shake the wind and clouds, rafters write a huge pen to write career.

"Dingxifan, Summer Night in the Countryside"

Text/Lee Ka Wing

Summer night nomura clear view. Wind habits.

Moon flies. The water is vast.

Willow flicks the. Tenderness is infinitely long.

Listen to a few frogs singing. Rice blossom fragrance.

"Good things near: Don't be desolate for a long time"

Don't be desolate for a long time, helpless in late autumn.

Late at night, listening to the wild waves turning snow.

Piece of toad in the past and the dust, how many things in the world are lacking?

Sigh wu gang cut gui, read Chang'e benyue.

"Butterfly Love Flower Standing Tall Building with Eyes"

Stand tall with your eyes open.

Wanli Luoyun, a southern flying goose.

The mountains and rivers are far away, and the wind temporarily rolls the bead curtains.

I want to ask when the day will be broken.

Infinite rivers and mountains, full of west wind grievances.

The sunset is shortening, and the tide of the ocean turns back and forth.

"Bu Operator: What a Night Is Unknown"

I don't know how the night is, and the leaves fall in the courtyard quietly.

The golden wind is thin, and the moon moves the flower shadow.

Looking back at the line of tears, lonely who is provincial.

If you want to save the Yangtze River, the country is cold.

"Forever Meet The Joy of Water Around the Lonely Village"

The water surrounds the isolated village, flying in the sky and drifting with the wind.

Leaning alone at dusk, lingering in the sunset, herbs invading the ancient pavilion.

The floating clouds are unintentional, the rivers and mountains are speechless, and the swallows return to the old days and empty courts.

Tianya Road, after years of history, waiting for idleness into the mourning kite.

The word acacia, the red note is full, silently picking up the mood.

Extremely eye Jiangnan, away from the intestine and broken, word que inscription painting screen.

In the spring, the flowers are still falling, and the evening tide recedes in a frightening way.

蒹葭ura, Namihira Tsuki cold, child number voice.

"Seven Tricks to Catch Snow"

Text/Jiang Bo (Sichuan)

Dreaming of waking up the bedside snow milk, faintly wisping river smoke.

You should know that the plum blossoms in Shuling are there, and accompany me to sing for nine days.

"Seven Absolutes, Shu Dao Feng Lonely See Gift"

Surprised to see Shu Dao hiding the lonely, laughing at the people on Jiangnan Road.

Feng leaned on the bridge railing to enjoy the moon, and the heroic posture waited for Mei Chun.

"Seven Absolutes, Traveling to See plum blossoms"

The plums in the other places are blooming, and the clouds are lost and the water rises and the sun shines.

The wind resounded through the branches, and a word of sadness and disgust was self-pitying.

Seven Laws of Yuan-Day Miscellaneous Poems

The proposed Song is new, and the dream is fragrant.

Heaven is beautiful and only stays, and the sea is channeled and the clouds are formed.

Bamboo horses float shen flying bird shadows, wind peng pitched on the moss text.

All edges of qulanyi grass, remove the cup and plate to try the vulgar skirt.

"Seven Laws of Gengzi Year-end Poems"

A thousand fine wines in a glass, and happy years of luck.

Flesh and bones are involved in the vicissitudes of the sea and the moon, and the galaxy gathers to snow mountain pine.

Who says it's hard to fight for deer? But see that Saoxian is Wolong.

Smiling proud long song true self, the Ming Dynasty Prancing Horse leaping peak.

"Water Tune Song Head Lushan"

Text/Tianya is a tired guest

Pay a hundred and eighteen, full look is Lushan.

Xiu Qi is majestic and dangerous, and the sky sets up a barrier to pass the pass.

At the foot of the Yangtze River, on the side of The Thousand Acres Po Lake, the waterfalls are stacked three times.

The Milky Way fell for nine days, and the white hair was amazed.

Spring comes late, the heat can be avoided, and the cold is not cold.

Dignitaries and dignitaries, up and down the mountain turned to sorrow and joy.

How many heroes sighed, not endless poetry rolled up, I also patted the column dry.

Where this country is established, it is forbidden to say bitterness.

"Water Tune Song Head Xunyang Lou Huaigu"

Waist without 100,000, down the road to Jiangzhou.

Upstairs in Xunyang, Kuang Lu is difficult to see and difficult to harvest.

There is no history of Jiangzhou thorns, only the tired guests of the end of the world, and the general sorrow of a thousand years.

This morning song, accompanied by the great river.

Porcelain paintings, poem inscriptions, wine upstairs.

Heroes and good men, a few can not hate Gao Li.

Don't say that the public is the opposite, I am also unbearable, and the arrogance is unbearable!

Eternal flow of things, the next words of spring and autumn.

"Water Tune Song Head • Jianjun Festival"

Kyushu has a long night of suffering, and the people look forward to the dawn.

The red flag swept across Xianggan and shot one after another.

The first Nanchang uprising, and even more autumn harvest riots, lit up the Jinggang lamp.

Twenty-five thousand miles, steel cast the Great Wall.

Middle column, Optimus Prime, Fixed Star.

Sons and daughters of the people, keep in mind the purpose of defending peace.

Can go to the clouds and the sky to catch the moon, dare to say no to the great powers, and righteousness runs through the long wisps!

Reform has opened a new era and advanced the process of rejuvenation.

"Water Tune Song Head: Wake Up with Abdominal Pain"

The country dream woke up several times, and the dawn moon was like a hook.

A few bugs were fine and invited me to practice singing.

There are more chickens with guts, wrapped in light tides to call, and the sky is leaking one side of autumn.

The water of the Yangtze River flows eastward day and night.

On another festival, still drunk, go upstairs again.

Short songs, long hate full moon can not steal.

Facing the clouds and rain at the end of the world, looking back at the Wind of the Xianghe River, the bitter thing is the flat boat.

The old man is injured and sick, and his intestines are broken.

Facing the sea, look for light with black eyes. Founded on November 16, 2015, the Poetry Club takes "giving voice to grassroots poets" as its mission and carries forward the "spirit of poetry" as its purpose, that is, the pursuit of the truth, goodness and beauty of poetry, the artistic innovation of poetry, and the spiritual pleasure of poetry. He has published a collection of poems co-authored by poets, "Spring Warm Blossoms of Reading Sleeping Poems" and "Grass Long Warblers Flying in Reading Sleeping Poems". The poets work tirelessly, the poetry club forges ahead, constantly innovates, recommends excellent poems, produces high-quality poetry collections, recites excellent works, recommends poets' works in various forms, lets more people read excellent works, appreciates poetry culture, we are on the move!

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