
Be careful under the car when it's cold"

The weather is getting colder, and the car has become a haven for stray animals, because there is residual temperature after the car engine is turned off, and some kittens and puppies like to come over and "rub warmth". Smaller animals may also climb into the engine compartment along the gap under the car, have you ever seen a scene like this?

Be careful under the car when it's cold"

* "Peek-a-boo" in a winter car?

The bottom of the car, the engine compartment, above the wheels and under the wheel cover, near the exhaust pipe, and even inside the wheels are the places where small animals love to hide in winter.

The situation of small animals getting stuck in the car occurs every winter. When the vehicle is driven, the engine temperature rises, and small animals that burrow into the engine or base plate may be life-threatening. They can cause the engine to not move or damage other parts of the car.

Secondly, if small animals enter the car and are difficult to escape, they may be bitten by fright, destroy the inside of the car, affect our driving safety, and at the same time, if small animals are accidentally brought into the traffic, when they jump out of the car and are in traffic, they may be in danger of life.

So, what can we do to avoid injuring these little animals by mistake?

Take a picture of the hood before getting in the car, and look around the bottom of the car and around the vehicle to drive away small animals such as cats and dogs. If you hear a small animal or see a paw print on the body, you should suspect the presence of a small animal.

If the vehicle has been started and suddenly feels something strange, such as hearing an abnormal sound, or smelling an odor, check the bottom of the car, wheels or hood for small animals.

Before stopping, it is best to switch the vehicle ventilation mode to the inner circulation mode. Because there is a special device in the vent that will block the vent, it can prevent small animals from entering. Vehicles that have not been used for a long time, pay special attention to this before stopping.

It is best to put less food in the car overnight, if you want to put it, you should pack it in a bag and seal it.

Since stray animals mostly burrow into the engine compartment through the gaps under the chassis of the car, you can try to install guard plates in this place.

If the small animal is trapped in a special location, you can ask for help from a nearby auto repair shop or a professional.

Before driving on the road in winter, we must carefully check the surrounding area of the vehicle to protect these "hair children" and protect our own driving safety.

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