
Banned owners of electric motorcycles protested: convenient, cheap and not allowed to use? Officials gave such an answer

At present, many places began to strictly control the electric motorcycle, in many large cities, such as Beijing, Shenzhen and other places began to strictly prohibit motorcycles on the road, which makes many car owners puzzled, they generally feel that the electric motorcycle is cheap and convenient and practical, travel is very convenient, so do not understand why do not let it on the road. In fact, in response to this situation, the official has also given a reply, today to talk about the "ban on motorcycles" issue.

Banned owners of electric motorcycles protested: convenient, cheap and not allowed to use? Officials gave such an answer

Now China's electric vehicle ownership exceeds 300 million, electric motorcycles account for a large proportion of them, but as electric vehicles are pushed to the cusp of traffic safety, electric light motorcycles, electric motorcycles have become traffic congestion and safety hazards the so-called "culprit".

Is it reasonable to use "safety hazards" to ban electric motorcycles on the road?

Banned owners of electric motorcycles protested: convenient, cheap and not allowed to use? Officials gave such an answer

Many car owners, especially the owners of motor vehicles, believe that traffic congestion is caused by electric motorcycles, but according to the observation of xiaobian, most electric motorcycle owners are very conscious of abiding by traffic rules, waiting for the green light and taking non-motorized roads, but many motor vehicles parked directly on the non-motorized road in order to facilitate the convenience, resulting in electric vehicle owners in order to avoid the body, have to go around the motorway and travel with the car.

Xiaobian feels that the electric motorcycle is regarded as a scapegoat, after all, to say that it is not safe, the number of accidents in motor vehicles can be more than 10 times higher than that of electric motorcycles, but if you talk about the advantages, electric motorcycles are really a few points that four-wheeled motor vehicles cannot replace.

Electric motorcycles have 3 advantages

Banned owners of electric motorcycles protested: convenient, cheap and not allowed to use? Officials gave such an answer

1. The body is dexterous, and it is very convenient to cross the streets and alleys. Compared with four-wheeled cars, electric motorcycles are undoubtedly much more flexible, when the car is blocked into a long queue, electric motorcycle owners can still leisurely pass through the idle, the same as electric motorcycle owners, Xiaobian admitted that the use of electric motorcycles can save commuting time more than driving a car.

2. Cheap price. Although the economy is now improving, but the electric motorcycle is still an indispensable travel tool for the majority of low-income workers, thousands of pieces can be used for transportation, do maintenance can be used for 5 or 6 years, simply better than the car.

3. Strong practicality, cost-effective. If the electric motorcycle is prohibited on the road, then you have to think of a good way back to the takeaway and the courier, after all, the electric bicycle is definitely more difficult to send takeaway, and in the 3 classifications of the two-wheeled electric vehicle, only the electric motorcycle has such a high practicality and cost performance.

Netizen: Fuel motorcycles and electric motorcycles should be distinguished

Banned owners of electric motorcycles protested: convenient, cheap and not allowed to use? Officials gave such an answer

Why there has been a "ban on motorcycles", there are two main reasons, one is the poor safety of motorcycles, its speed is fast and powerful, prone to accidents, and the other is contrary to the environmental protection advocated by the state.

But many netizens believe that electric motorcycles are very different from fuel motorcycles, and there is no need to get stuck like fuel motorcycles.

In terms of safety issues, the speed of electric motorcycles is slower than that of fuel motorcycles, and now it is also divided into motor vehicles, which requires a license and a driver's license, which ensures that electric motorcycles will no longer be "rampaged" as before; environmental protection issues are not to mention, and now the main electric vehicles are promoted, and electric motorcycles also just meet the requirements of environmental protection.

In summary, there is a fundamental difference between electric motorcycles and fuel motorcycles, and most netizens feel that electric motorcycles should not be banned on the road.

Official voice: one-size-fits-all is not advisable, and electric motorcycles should not be banned

Banned owners of electric motorcycles protested: convenient, cheap and not allowed to use? Officials gave such an answer

For the behavior of "banning electric motorcycles on the road" or even "prohibiting electric vehicles on the road" in some areas, has the official given a reply? Of course there is. Previously, the official issued a document saying: For electric vehicles and motorcycles, we must not blindly limit and prohibit, and we must not let the masses have no way to go.

In this way, the official can understand and see the needs of the majority of car owners, and I believe that in the future, this "one ban" initiative can be reduced. After all, if everyone is driving a four-wheeled car, the road will only be more congested, the traffic will only be more inconvenient, if some people use the appropriate two-wheeled tools, it can alleviate the traffic pressure. Do you agree with this?

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