
FAMI Releases 2021 Annual Japanese Home Game Market Size Data

FAMI Tong released the 2021 annual Japanese home game market size data, the market size of 361.39 billion yen, of which hardware 202.87 billion yen, software 158.52 billion yen. The specific data are as follows:

2021 (52 weeks)

Hardware: JPY 202.87 billion

Software: 1585.2 yen

Total: JPY 3,613.9

2020 (52 weeks)

Hardware: 185.66 billion yen

Software: 181.72 billion yen

Total: JPY 367.38 billion

Comparison with last year:

Hardware: 109.3%

Software: 87.2%

Total: 98.4%

Sales volume by hardware:

Switch: 5,579,127 units, a total of 22,919,501 units

PS5: 968,185 units, a total of 1,223,335 units

Xbox Sereis X|S: 97,234 units, a total of 128,658 units

PS4: 104,054 units, a total of 9,394,944 units

3DS: 28,540 units, a total of 24,587,448 units

FAMI Releases 2021 Annual Japanese Home Game Market Size Data
FAMI Releases 2021 Annual Japanese Home Game Market Size Data

Software (Physical Sales):

1. Switch Monster Hunter Rises 2,350,693 copies

FAMI Releases 2021 Annual Japanese Home Game Market Size Data

2. Switch "Pokémon Crystal Diamond/Brilliant Pearl" 2,313,115 copies

FAMI Releases 2021 Annual Japanese Home Game Market Size Data

3. Switch "Momotaro Electric Railway, Akira and Peace Seijiwa is also a practice" 1,266,477 copies, a total of 2,499,500 copies

FAMI Releases 2021 Annual Japanese Home Game Market Size Data

4. Switch Super Mario 3D World + Rage World 971,418 copies

5. Switch "Fitness Ring Adventure" 904,685 copies, a total of 2,991,690 copies

6. Switch "Mario Racing 8 Deluxe Edition" 815,174 copies, a total of 4,272,357 copies

7. Switch Minecraft 708,670 copies, a total of 2,411,591 copies

8. Switch "Collection! Animal Forest Friends Association 704,134 copies, a total of 7,082,237 copies

9. Switch "Mario Party Superstar" 628,538 copies

10. Switch "Nintendo Star Smash Bros. Brawl Special Edition" 610,964 copies, a total of 4,624,138 copies

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