
MT 12 Zodiac Sign Sun| and Moon Personality = Pisces Series 10

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MT 12 Zodiac Sign Sun| and Moon Personality = Pisces Series 10

| Astroamada25

Sina Weibo | Queen of Pluto

Tencent Weibo | Mandalahua

· · ·

12*12 Constellation Sun and Moon Matching

144 Pisces

(For reference only, の12 constellation general theory version)

For a personal career plan, consult a numerologist you trust

Earlier we discussed some of the workplace direction discussions generated by the sun and moon collocation, and now we will continue to do a character discussion about the sun and moon collocation.

Of course, it still needs to be clearly focused on judging a person's "specific what's going on" In the actual case discussion plate, there are many indicators we need to refer to, the most important is the personal life plate pattern, and the period composition is composed of MC, ASC, life lord and related officials and lu lords and wealth owners and so on. This is difficult for the masses. That is, too specialized.

Here, simply send a copy of the ordinary people can refer to, the value orientation of the sun and moon based on the astrolabe personality selection to everyone for reference please remember, this is not an "absolutely true state", nor is it a professional numerologist to judge the specific case of the verdict of the disk, but just "when you can't see through and are not willing to honestly spend money to find a trusted reliable numerologist to give clear instructions", you can consider and take the direction of value.

The combination of sun and moon signs determines several reasons for an individual, and its emphasis is on emphasizing the size of the power on the plate. The sun and moon, that is, the sun and the yin, are the most important luminous bodies in the whole disk. The sun is the root force, and the constellation into which it falls is easily related to the great framework of innate endowments, and the sun is also the ultimate "shining light" of a person's life direction, ambition, and desire to reach the realm, which you can understand as how to feel and find a more complete and complete self. The moon is the most fundamental area of a person's inner sense of security, emotions, and sense of value, and the state of the moon will ultimately determine how individuals can feel comforted and feel secure, which is the most real and natural reaction in private.

SO, the combination of the two stars of the sun and the moon, can often "peek" at a person's own specific personality state, for the daily dating process, the sun and moon play a very important role.

Of course, you want to know about love, the state of emotion may be more important to consider the structure of the golden fire and the life plate, to know that a person faces difficulties and challenges in the face of the situation needs more reference to the characterization of the day fire wood earth, want to know the true price of a person in the social model more to consider the fate of the lord of wealth and the main structure of the lord of the official Lu ... And this is not possible to give an answer by simply saying that the so-called astral seat or the combination of stars can be given. That must have been through the overall configuration of a specific individual, the structure can only be concluded. That hand tail is long: rising destiny in the middle of the sky falling in the sky sun moon Venus Mercury Mercury Mars Jupiter Jupiter Saturn trinity north and south of all kinds of virtual dots ..................

Well, don't say much. Let's get into the Sun and Moon Constellation Personality Match.

This series is relatively long and produces 144 combinations. :) wait with peace of mind.

Sun Pisces + Moon Capricorn Character Analysis:

Pros: Accommodating enough

Cons: Unfounded

Personality analysis:

Such a combination of sun and moon signs allows the person to show a pleasant and sweet disposition most of the time. Combines the sensitivity and intuitive insight of Pisces with capricorn conservatism, far-reaching ambition and caution. Pisces traits are inherently shy and sensitive, and Capricorns are also introverted, but when combined, they tend to make the person have a certain degree of self-confidence, motivation and willpower, but also do not pay too much attention to materialism and shallowness. Although their feet are covered with mud on the ground, such people always do things down-to-earth, and their sensitivity and sympathy will avoid materialistic ideas.

In life, you will want to achieve a certain goal, but it does not make you too positive or determined. Shrewdness is the behavior style and way of doing things of such people. The combination of inner intuitive insight and external practice, responsibility and integrity becomes a source of success for them. Practical, realistic, objective and tenacious. Valuing team organization is a characteristic of this type of person, even their beliefs. Seriousness in nature makes it acutely aware of responsibilities and obligations. Financial affairs may play an important role in their lives, and their personal success depends on their own rational manipulation of financial affairs, avoiding financial risks and liabilities. Careful personality traits enhance self-control and help control the tendencies of nature to be restless and emotional.

The desire for prestige, preeminent socioeconomic status gives a powerful impetus to the behavioural activities of such people. Only after being clearly aware of one's desire for a goal can one better implement and resolutely achieve it, because its success depends on focused efforts.

This type of person is a good manager, and can always easily focus on the overall macro judgment. Compared with local details, it is more willing to deal with the problem of the overall general direction. At the same time, there is a tendency to underestimate oneself and worry too much.

The aquatic Pisces and the capricorns of the soil are quite compatible, and can give the parties positive and rational. Pisces is naturally inspired, but oversensitive traits can also inhibit personal development, and Capricorn Moon makes a reasonable buffer and stability for this. Of course, underestimating oneself is a problem that is more likely to occur in this structure, have confidence and ambition in yourself, follow your intuition, and the results may be better than you expected.

When faced with challenges, it may be too cautious, but caution is not a bad thing as long as it does not affect confidence. To avoid a lack of confidence, you can set yourself some goals that you can achieve and continue this pattern consistently. Another tendency of Pisces Capricorn is to complain and have a negative outlook on life. Try to avoid these drawbacks.

Capricorn Moon makes the person not too blind to feelings, nor does he wear a rose-colored filter to look at the people around him. Capricorn is not emotional, while Pisces is the opposite, very enthusiastic about their lovers. This combination can effectively alleviate the difficult issues of the original two seats, and the parties may be very loyal and hope that the other half can continue to improve. Probably more than most people need security and will commit to infusing that feeling into a love relationship. It is important not to have the idea of inferiority.

Maybe he is good at managing money and thinks he is not rich. Expert advice should be consulted before investing.

60 degrees of the sun and the moon: The sensitivity of pisces reconciles the ambition and dominance of Capricorn, who are "businessmen with feelings". Abstraction and concreteness, ideal and reality, dream and practicality merge with each other, dominating the self-consciousness of such people. The power of individuality lies in conservatism.

Recommendation: As long as the personal goals are clear, more than half of them have been successful.

OVER。 Stay tuned for the next issue·

Emergency Feeling ( ̄▽ ̄) ~

MT 12 Zodiac Sign Sun| and Moon Personality = Pisces Series 10

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