
A major general six daisa, Li Yunlong completely annihilated the Japanese observation group, why not capture alive?

The War of Resistance Against Japan is a history that every Chinese will not forget, and many film and television works are also based on this history, creating many impressive characters, and "Bright Sword" starring Li Youbin is a film and television work with excellent reputation. In "Bright Sword", the role of Li Yunlong, played by Li Youbin, is based on the role of Lieutenant General Wang Jinshan of the People's Liberation Army. This is a legendary general, in

In Bright Sword

It was perfectly interpreted.

A major general six daisa, Li Yunlong completely annihilated the Japanese observation group, why not capture alive?

Speaking of Bright Sword, many people are right

Li Yunlong completely annihilated the Japanese observation group

In the play, Li Yunlong and Chu Yunfei met for the first time, happened to encounter the Japanese observation group observation exercise, and under the skillful command of Li Yunlong, finally completely annihilated the Japanese observation group, including a major general and six big zos. Many people see this and don't understand why Li Yunlong

These officers are not captured alive


A major general six daisa, Li Yunlong completely annihilated the Japanese observation group, why not capture alive?

In fact, this is related to the situation in Japan at that time. At that time, in order to encourage the people to join the army, the Japanese government instilled the spirit of Bushido in them from an early age, and under the guidance of such brainwashing, most Japanese eventually chose to join the army and invade other countries. Even many Japanese women, in order to support their husbands to join the army, choose to commit suicide to reassure their husbands to fight.

A major general six daisa, Li Yunlong completely annihilated the Japanese observation group, why not capture alive?

Under the influence of the bushido spirit, surrender and flight were the most humiliating things in the eyes of the Japanese army, especially senior generals, who would rather commit suicide by caesarean section than choose to surrender after defeat. Faced with this situation, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, our army also cut off the mind of capturing senior Japanese generals, and it would not bother to capture the other side when encountered on the battlefield.

A major general six daisa, Li Yunlong completely annihilated the Japanese observation group, why not capture alive?

At that time, within the Japanese army, the hierarchy was very strict, and senior generals would generally sit in the rear to direct the battle. It is not easy to go to the front line, it is difficult to meet officers above the rank of general on the battlefield, and this scene in the play is also Li Yunlong's mistaken collision, just happened to encounter the Japanese major general out of the city to observe the exercise, and finally became a military merit on Li Yunlong.

A major general six daisa, Li Yunlong completely annihilated the Japanese observation group, why not capture alive?

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