
The world's richest man in history, the only one who was fully executed, was stabbed 3357 times!

Ling Chi, as one of the ancient instruments of torture, is very delicate: This kind of torture device can only be used for the most serious evidence of crime, from the beginning of the Ming Dynasty to abolish the torture device has not been used several times, and some of the torture equipment has the most dozens of knives, we are going to talk about today is the only person who has been cut more than three thousand knives, he is the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the great eunuch - Liu Jin.

The world's richest man in history, the only one who was fully executed, was stabbed 3357 times!

Liu Jin

Liu Jin's life can be said to be smooth sailing, and many people may regard eunuchs as a disaster for the people: In fact, this Liu Jin's true talent and practical learning are still some, you know, the founding grandfather Hongwu master Zhu Yuanzhang was a strict eunuch at the beginning of the founding of the country: Liu Jin was the first person to be able to mix in the courtroom: Do you think he can't do anything?

The world's richest man in history, the only one who was fully executed, was stabbed 3357 times!

Ming Xiaozong Zhu Youtang

Liu Jin was a descendant of Liu Bang, and because of his poor family, he had to go to the imperial palace to become a eunuch. At first, Liu Jin committed a fatal crime and was executed by order of Zhu Youtang, that is, Ming Xiaozong. But he was later pardoned and sent to the Eastern Palace to serve Zhu Houzhao, which was Liu Jinquan's first step in the world.

The world's richest man in history, the only one who was fully executed, was stabbed 3357 times!

Ming Wuzong Zhu Houzhao

In 1505, Zhu Houzhao ascended the throne, and in 1506 Zhu Houzhao changed his year to Zhengde, this time Liu Jin can already be said to be in power and opposition, why?? First, the emperor was only 14 years old: Second, Liu Jin can play, it can be said that the little emperor wants to play, and the "Eight Tigers" headed by Liu Jin play with the emperor.

Even once When Zhu Hou wanted to be a businessman, Liu Jin immediately led the Eight Tigers to play with rich merchants and opened a market in the palace, letting the little emperor play with rich merchants and selling one by one, and the emperor was naturally very happy.

The world's richest man in history, the only one who was fully executed, was stabbed 3357 times!

Anyone familiar with the history of the Ming Dynasty knows that Liu Jin was the official worship of eunuchs in the past few years. This position can be said to be the highest glory of the caster's life, that is, from here, Liu Jin continued to accumulate wealth and gradually became the world's richest man. How much property does he have? According to historical statistics, when reading gold 2.5 million and silver more than 50 million, the rest of the treasure soft can not be measured, which is the richest in the world.

Of course, Liu Jin not only played and collected money, Liu Jin introduced a series of policies, such as: building internal factories, curbing the power of the east and west factories, cracking down on official malfeasance and corruption, reducing the burden on farmers, establishing a border system, and rectifying the salt tax. Even Liu Jin vigorously promoted widows to get married, and funerals did not burn!!

The world's richest man in history, the only one who was fully executed, was stabbed 3357 times!

Zhu Houzhao

This means that widows can remarry and those who die are cremated. You know, these two things, though commonplace in their eyes now, violated the usual ethics of the time! This series of policies is known in the history books as the "Liu Jin Reforms."

Later, Liu Jin was finally sentenced to late sentence by Emperor Wuzong Ling because of his power and greed, and he cut a full three days and cut a full 3357!! At that time, many people were oppressed by Liu Jin, and they spent a penny to buy a piece of his meat, and some even ate its flesh on the spot, eliminating the hatred in their hearts!

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