
He was rated as one of the 3 greatest emperors in China by foreign countries, and he is an emperor without stains in history, and he really can't be black!

He was rated as one of the 3 greatest emperors in China by foreign countries, and he is an emperor without stains in history, and he really can't be black!

When the emperor is also a man, people have seven passions and six desires, they sit on the throne, there will certainly be mistakes, no matter how much contribution to the country, but more or less there will be stains, the "100 Celebrities Who Influenced the Course of Human History" works, the collection of these 100 celebrities who influenced the course of human history, eight are from China, they are: Confucius, Cai Lun, Qin Shi Huang, Mao Zedong, Genghis Khan, Lao Tzu, Sui Wendi, Mencius.

He was rated as one of the 3 greatest emperors in China by foreign countries, and he is an emperor without stains in history, and he really can't be black!

The two emperors of the Sui Dynasty can be said to be far apart, Yang Jian as the founding emperor with too much caution, born in the Humble nobles at that time, Yang Jian, who inherited his father's title, followed the Yuwen family of the Later Zhou Emperor, and after a long period of dormancy, established the unification of the Sui Dynasty, ending the situation of hundreds of years of chaos at that time. After Yang Jian came to power, his methods were much more moderate than those of his predecessors.

He was rated as one of the 3 greatest emperors in China by foreign countries, and he is an emperor without stains in history, and he really can't be black!

Before the Sui Dynasty, those who could become officials were aristocrats, and it was precisely because of the existence of this system that the imperial court could select those useful cold talents, which can be said to be of great help to the country, and although it belonged to the feudal society at that time, Yang Jian chose only one wife and did not take a concubine.

He was rated as one of the 3 greatest emperors in China by foreign countries, and he is an emperor without stains in history, and he really can't be black!

For Yang Jian's policy, the people at that time were very recognized, which is why the Tang Dynasty, although it was extremely blackened Yang Guang after its establishment, was very respectful of Yang Jian, and took the initiative to send troops to guard his mausoleum. In addition, until now, the local people around the Tailing still take the initiative to guard the tomb, so the imperial tomb of Emperor Wen of Sui is one of the few mausoleums in China that has not been stolen.

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