
Therapist: Milner and C Ronaldo maintain a good figure, and there are many details that are very similar

Therapist: Milner and C Ronaldo maintain a good figure, and there are many details that are very similar

According to the "Sun" newspaper, former Manchester City physiotherapist Paul Webster talked about Milner, he said that Milner and C Ronaldo maintain a good body, and many details of the two are very similar.

Webster said: "I watched [Milner] play Chelsea and he was probably one of the best physical players on the pitch. He looks young and in good shape, and he probably only has eight percent body fat or something. He's a bit like Ronaldo, I've never worked with Ronaldo, but I know some people who share the same impressions as me, and they have a lot of details that are very similar. ”

He added: "Everything that is wrong comes from alcoholism, and James doesn't get drunk. For food, he pays attention to detail. His grasp of time is perfect. He had his own goals – over time, he wanted to get in better shape and stronger. His mannerisms and self-discipline are also superb. He's still playing and will continue to play for years, which is not surprising to me at all. ”

(Zhen Shiming)

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