
The root cause of the Lakers' problem: disrespecting the contribution of the center, forcing the thick eyebrows to play 5, it is difficult to tolerate Wei Shao

James's post-game interview words are very polite and very official, and there are two main directions of thought transmission:

First, after the return of Davis and Nunn, the Lakers will be better. Second, Wei Shao should believe in his own shooting and like his fast attack.

James said such a thing, except to prevaricate reporters and fans, there is no role, people who have watched the game, no one will believe James's words. Fans all believe that there is no solution to the Lakers' dilemma, and they also think that Westbrook has no possibility of getting better, and also think that the Lakers' head coach is very faint.

The root cause of the Lakers' problem: disrespecting the contribution of the center, forcing the thick eyebrows to play 5, it is difficult to tolerate Wei Shao

In fact, most fans can understand the ball, for the discomfort on the field has a deep sense of perception, the Lakers on the field defense is sparse and offensively broken, are the most obvious things, why is James not in a hurry? On the contrary, in every interview, there is a calm and relaxed mentality and expression?

Could it be that James has "known the destiny" and is no longer demanding?

In fact, this season, the thick eyebrows have appeared in many games, the effect is not ideal, and when the thick eyebrows are in place, the Lakers have encountered real difficulties. That is, what about the future of the team when even the thick eyebrows are not good enough?

The discomfort of thick eyebrows is also created by the Lakers.

After the Lakers lost the playoffs last season, the thick eyebrows were criticized by many people, but when he faced the Suns, he was injured, the problem of losing and the problem of the Depth of the Lakers should not be blamed on his head.

The lakers' problem on the inside line should not be the problem of thick eyebrows, but should be the Lakers have no alternatives, so that they overuse thick eyebrows.

The root cause of the Lakers' problem: disrespecting the contribution of the center, forcing the thick eyebrows to play 5, it is difficult to tolerate Wei Shao

So the Lakers received too many voices to welcome Howard back over the course of the season, because when Howard was there, he could help thick eyebrows defend the big center, and let thick eyebrows catch the ball on the shoulders of their favorite high positions in order to play their own style. However, the Lakers abandoned Howard and found Gasol Jr. and Harrell and others.

As for these two people, the Lakers can't afford to use them, not that they can't, but that the Lakers won't use them at all, with words like Harrell's short and little Gasol's footsteps to prevaricate.

The reason for not using Harrell is that no one is "condescending" to him, Harrell complains too much and has certain drawbacks, but we all know that Harrell does not have so many drawbacks and can fully impact the inside score.

As for Gasol Jr., it was a response point and a defensive point a long time ago, and the defensive strength has indeed declined, so the Lakers need more people who run without the ball to match. The tragedy is that only Pop is a real runner in the Lakers, and others do not have this gene and do not have the heart to run more. That's the question of leadership.

Then everyone can understand that the Lakers' inner line actually needs defense and impact, but they are too arrogant, not religious, and do not study how to use the current resources, but concentrate on squeezing one person.

The root cause of the Lakers' problem: disrespecting the contribution of the center, forcing the thick eyebrows to play 5, it is difficult to tolerate Wei Shao

Under the crazy accusations of public opinion, the Lakers still welcomed back Howard, but now we have seen the same scene, the Lakers do not respect the inside line at all.

As for why howard is not used, the previous article has been thoroughly explained, and it will not be repeated here. In contrast, Howard's prodigal son turned back, loved the Lakers, and loved his untraceable past even more, not because he was snubbed and played passively.

Once Howard is on the court, it must form a slap in the face to the logic of the Lakers' lineup. There have been too many games like this this season, and against the Grizzlies, Howard once again punched the upper echelons of the team.

Such disrespect for centers like Howard has once again formed a squeeze on Davis, and Davis's loss at the beginning of the season has to find the reason from here.

Including the magician, he forcibly ordered Davis to play in the fifth position, and forcibly ordered Davis to form an O'Neal style of play, resulting in Davis's bloated movements, seriously reduced effect, soaring health risks, and finally losing himself and retreating.

The root cause of the Lakers' problem: disrespecting the contribution of the center, forcing the thick eyebrows to play 5, it is difficult to tolerate Wei Shao

It is not difficult to imagine that even if the thick eyebrows come back now, can he be comfortable? Can he lead the Lakers to win the game?

Think about the Lakers' logic, Davis will still suffer, and it is very torturous. So can it be said that the Lakers are better expressed after the thick eyebrows come back? Cover your ears and ring the bell.

As for the Lakers' expectation of Nunn's return, they will side the responsibility and appear to be very ungraceful and responsible.

Let's talk about Wei Shao's situation again.

Or with one purpose:

If the Lakers and Lakers fans can't accept his mistakes and low-level shots, or the Lakers can't fully release Wei Shao's speed tactically, then Wei Shao's role will become smaller and smaller, and finally almost equal to no effect.

Don't praise Wei Shao's 0 mistakes, this can only show that a high-turnover player can control mistakes if he controls his mistakes. And wei shao's problem, is it a mistake?

It's never a mistake!

Wei Shaoben is a player with high turnovers, and he is also a player with high turnovers in the triple-double season. Mistakes are a by-product of his superior playing style, an inevitable event of Wei Shao's offensive and defensive output, and suppressing his mistakes is equivalent to suppressing his advantages, mistakes and advantages, which are the two phases of Wei Shao's unity.

The root cause of the Lakers' problem: disrespecting the contribution of the center, forcing the thick eyebrows to play 5, it is difficult to tolerate Wei Shao

When Lakers fans asked him to control mistakes, Wei Shao was easy to do, not often handling the ball, not often passing the ball, and his tandem and fast attack were basically gone. Moreover, Wei Shao's shooting has more problems, obviously caring about public opinion and word of mouth, resulting in the original board shooting, but also lost its soul.

You can't tolerate a person's shortcomings, you can't enjoy that person's strengths well, which is a very simple truth in relationships. Nowadays, everyone likes to be perfect, staring at the shortcomings of others, and they can only receive cold feedback.

To a certain extent, James is right, Westbrook still has to believe in his own shooting, but his better expression should be: "Shoot!" Don't get into me to grab the board! Don't care what the fans say! ”

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