
Courtesy| Do you know Swedish etiquette?

Courtesy| Do you know Swedish etiquette?

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The Kingdom of Sweden is located in the southeastern part of scandinavia, Northern Europe, with an area of 449,964 square kilometers, and its capital is Stockholm. What are the etiquettes of communication in Sweden? Let's take a look at it with Xiaobian!

Courtesy| Do you know Swedish etiquette?

Swedes like to be sociable, and can be called by their first names even when they meet for the first time, thinking that it is too formal to call them Mr. or Ms. At the same time, whether oral or written, there is a habit of weighing positions, such as company managers, who should be called Director xx, not Mr. The handshake ceremony is passed, and the host reaches out first when meeting, and the guest reaches out first to bid farewell. To say goodbye, guests should shake hands with the host, then put on their coats and wave away. Kisses are visible from time to time, but Swedish Lapps meet as a courtesy to rub each other's noses, while northern Eskimos like to punch each other's heads and shoulders with their fists when acquaintances meet.

Courtesy| Do you know Swedish etiquette?

Initial contact requires acquaintance through introduction, and the principle is to introduce men to women and young people to older people. When talking to people, it is advisable to be about 1.2 meters apart; when talking, it is customary to look directly at each other, which is a sign of respect for each other. Avoid talking about personal privacy, such as age, income, etc. Hate being overly intimate in public.

Courtesy| Do you know Swedish etiquette?

Between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m., they are resting and are accustomed to hosting social events from 10 p.m. to the early hours of the next day. Swedes have a strong sense of time, generally not late, and early arrivals should wait outside the door. The word "thank you" is often on the lips.

Author: Ma Baofeng

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About the Author

Ma Baofeng

Senior diplomat, senior adviser to the Protocol and Etiquette Culture Committee. He has worked in the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a long time, during which time he has also served in embassies and consulates abroad, and has served as a counselor. From 2005 to 2013, he was appointed as an adjunct professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, and since 2010, he has been a columnist for the overseas edition of the People's Daily' "Etiquette Talk". He is the author of "Diplomatic Etiquette Talk", "Etiquette Spring and Autumn", "Protocol New Language" and other books.

-Protocol etiquette and culture professional committee-

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