
Teacher Guo said that orienteering | from indoor to outdoor, the early childhood stage is the best enlightenment period for orienteering

Early childhood is the best time to start orienteering.

Toddler orientation is also known as toddler fun orientation. It is that the children, under the leadership of the teacher, recognize the "children's orientation map" by "playing orientation" and master the ability to use the compass to distinguish the direction. There are many ways to conduct fun orientation for young children, and it is often possible to transition from "indoor plane orientation" to "outdoor field orientation".

Indoor plane orientation game

Teacher Guo said that orienteering | from indoor to outdoor, the early childhood stage is the best enlightenment period for orienteering

"Indoor plane orientation game" is the enlightenment of young children's learning orientation.

It is to let them first play the flat "find fruit", "bump", "figure", "catch the thief" and other directional games in the classroom, and understand the rules of orientation must be "required" to find the "target". Then from "flat" to "three-dimensional", "indoor" is replaced by "field".

Outdoor field orientation

Outdoor field orientation is the key to fun orienteering for young children. It can be achieved step by step through the following most effective methods.

Teacher Guo said that orienteering | from indoor to outdoor, the early childhood stage is the best enlightenment period for orienteering

A. Running the "Nine House Grid": Running the orientation with a special Nine House Grid diagram can solve the child's ability to distinguish between the map and the field. In order to cultivate interest, the checkpoints set up can be presented with patterns that children like, such as fruits and small animals.

Teacher Guo said that orienteering | from indoor to outdoor, the early childhood stage is the best enlightenment period for orienteering

B. Running the "maze": Running the orientation with the "maze map" allows children to understand the concept of up and down, left and right. In order to cultivate interest, the checkpoints can also be presented with patterns that children like fruits and small animals (above, left).

C. Running the "park" map: Using the "kindergarten park map" to run orientation can cultivate children's sense of orientation in the north, south, east and west. Conditional kindergartens make the standard "Kindergarten Happy Orientation Park Map", because the use of compass proficiency to run "Park Orientation" is the goal of young children's happy orientation (in the picture above).

D. Young children's self-drawing: It is particularly important to remind that kindergartens with strong orientation teachers can let children draw "happy directional maps" with their own cognition under the guidance of teachers. You can draw each one, run by yourself after becoming a "figure", and run with your companions after you are satisfied. However, it must be noted that the "figure" does not forget the 4 major elements of the orientation map, namely: starting point, checkpoint, connecting line, and end point (right in the picture above).

Choose how your kids like to record

Each time your child participates in the "Fun Orientation" results, it should be recorded in the form they like.

The best way to record a score is to check if you have reached the "dot mark". This method is generally done by means of simple stamping, sticking paper, puzzles, and building blocks.

Teacher Guo said that orienteering | from indoor to outdoor, the early childhood stage is the best enlightenment period for orienteering

Qualified kindergartens can choose electronic punch card equipment, because electronic punch card equipment can not only accurately record the time of reaching each "point mark", but also identify whether it is correct or not. In addition, electronic punch card equipment can emit light and emit a "beep" sound in the punch card, flash and beep can stimulate the child's excitement point (a punch point has an excitement point), which can better stimulate the child's interest in orientation.

In addition, we must pay attention to the use of "report cards": you can compare yourself with yourself, you can also compare with others; you can compare the whole process, and you can also compare a certain distance.

Teacher Guo said that orienteering | from indoor to outdoor, the early childhood stage is the best enlightenment period for orienteering

Guo Shenchu

Official representative of the World Park Orientation Organization

President of Zhejiang Orienteering Association

(Qianjiang Evening News hourly news reporter Gao Huasheng sorted)

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