
Apple is too shrewd ~ iPhone 14 Pro so engaged, attracting users to buy high-end!

Netizens who pay attention to Apple's mobile phones will find that the "squeeze toothpaste" cycle of each new generation of iPhones seems to be much longer than other brands of mobile phones, such as the iPhone 14 series.

Although it is only two months after the release of the iPhone 13, the iPhone 14 series has already been leaking out.

Apple is too shrewd ~ iPhone 14 Pro so engaged, attracting users to buy high-end!

Recently, foreign media exposed part of the information of the iPhone14Pro and the internal design drawings, according to reports, next year's new iPhone (temporarily called iPhone14) will still have four models, namely: iPhone 14, iPhone 14Pro, iPhone14Max, iPhone14ProMax. Compared to the previous generation, there is less iPhone 14mini, but more iPhone 14Max.

Apple is too shrewd ~ iPhone 14 Pro so engaged, attracting users to buy high-end!

At the same time, from the exposed internal design drawings, some of the exterior designs of the iPhone 14Pro are also slightly different from the previous generation.

Among them, the biggest change is the front camera, the bangs design that has been persistent for several years has finally been cut, and a complete and non-porous true full screen has been used instead, which is undoubtedly exciting news for fruit fans, at the same time, the rear camera of the iPhone14Pro is no longer raised.

Apple is too shrewd ~ iPhone 14 Pro so engaged, attracting users to buy high-end!

Apple's update strategy in many product lines is incomparably clear, through the appearance, color, size of the upgrade, after a year, and then through such as imaging, configuration, chips and even the means of adding new black technology to make old users can't wait to change, so that new users can't help but want to buy.

Of course, this year will still be a combination of 4 iPhones, as for the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Max, it will still use the bang screen design.

Apple is too shrewd ~ iPhone 14 Pro so engaged, attracting users to buy high-end!

In 2022, Apple will no longer release the mini series of models, the four iPhone 14 are the 6.1-inch iPhone 14, the 6.7-inch iPhone 14 Max, the 6.1-inch iPhone 14 Pro, and the 6.7-inch iPhone 14 Pro Max.

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