
It is becoming more and more difficult for young women to get pregnant, why, exactly?

According to the "China Statistical Yearbook 2021" released by the National Bureau of Statistics in September 2021, the "China Statistical Yearbook 2021" shows that the national population birth rate in 2020 was 8.52 ‰, falling below 10 ‰ (i.e. 1%) for the first time.

Many friends may also find it more and more difficult for young women to get pregnant. Even after the friends around them get married, there is no news of having a baby for a long time, and the relatives and friends around them will guess whether they can't have children.

It is becoming more and more difficult for young women to get pregnant, why, exactly?

It is becoming more and more difficult for young women to get pregnant, why, exactly?

1. Crowd flow

Now because of the change in the concept of life, young people are more open to the concept of sex, and even some surveys have found that the average age of young people on the first night is less than 18 years old. At this age, there is a lack of awareness of some safety measures, and it is easy to have accidents or cause gynecological diseases due to health problems, affecting future fertility.

After an unintended pregnancy, an abortion is an option. Although medical technology has made a lot of progress at present, frequent miscarriages will still cause certain harm to the body. As a result, I want to get pregnant after marriage, but I can't get pregnant for a long time.

2. Bad living habits

Staying up late, eating irregularly, drinking alcohol, etc., will cause harm to women's physical and mental health, causing problems in women's reproductive system.

More and more women are not satisfied with being housewives, but choose to be strong women, work hard in the workplace, and bear greater mental pressure for a long time. At work, there will inevitably be some situations such as staying up late, drinking alcohol, etc., which will also threaten women's fertility.

3. High incidence of infertility diseases

The causes of female infertility are often due to some diseases, such as: endometriosis, tubal obstruction, premature ovarian failure, ovulation disorders, etc. The current incidence of these diseases is increasing year by year, and there is a trend of increasing youth. This aspect is also one of the main causes of female infertility.

4. Miscellaneous

Environmental pollution, obesity and a series of other factors also affect women's physical and reproductive health.

In addition, we know that pregnancy is a matter of two people, not just women. After a man suffers from infertility, it will also cause a situation in which the couple will be infertile after marriage. Data surveys show that the female factor in infertility alone is about 50%, the male factor alone is about 30%, and the male factor is about 20% in total.

Age is the most important factor affecting fertility!

Because now with the increase of social pressure and women's ability to control their reproductive rights more and more strongly, late marriage and late childbearing are indeed more and more, and age is the most important factor affecting fertility, there is no one!

Coupled with social pressure and work pressure, people's physical health is declining day by day, so infertility is indeed increasing!

There are a few facts you must know about female fertility!

1, women's fertility will decline with age, mainly because with the passage of time, the number of eggs remaining in the ovaries decreases, the quality of eggs decreases, and the success rate of natural pregnancy and IVF will decrease;

2, for women in their 20s the probability of pregnancy is more than 90%, the probability of infertility is only about 3%;

3, most people will choose to give birth around 25-30 years old, this age, both physically and mentally, are well prepared to meet the arrival of new life;

4. Women over the age of 40 are much less likely to successfully conceive, even through assisted reproduction, it is not easy to successfully conceive;

5. Advanced maternal age (women over 35 years old) will face higher risks of childbirth: miscarriage, hypertension, diabetes, gestational syndrome...

Women over the age of 35 are advanced maternal age, and their reproductive organs will also decline, which is not conducive to fertility.

Therefore, try to avoid the situation of late marriage and late childbearing! It is best to choose to plan your fertility at the age of 25-30, so as not to miss the best period of fertility, resulting in the emergence of infertility.

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