
So the big tomb is placed there, only the gold unearthed eight pounds, why did the tomb robbers of the past generations dare not dig?

In "Yuzhou for Yuan Shao", a very classic explanation was made for the tomb robbers: "Lieutenant Who touched the gold, he passed through the kui, and no skeleton was revealed." "In the year of the flames and wolves, war requires very strong funds.

To this end, Cao Cao obtained more economic support as a strong backing against Yuan Shao, and secretly formed two very professional tomb robbery teams, specifically for the tombs of princes and nobles, for money.

So the big tomb is placed there, only the gold unearthed eight pounds, why did the tomb robbers of the past generations dare not dig?

I have to say that using such means to enhance one's economic strength is also breathtaking. However, from this, we learn how rampant tomb robbers were at that time. Not only by private individuals, but also by the imperial court as the leading figure, even the local warlords are behind the black hand. It really makes people unable to be clean after death, and it seems that money is really something that everyone likes and cares about from ancient times to the present.

The professional skills of tomb robbers are getting stronger and stronger, and there are few tombs in history that are difficult to survive, and even Cixi's tombs have been stolen in a very short time.

So, what does a tomb that is not visited by stolen tomb robbers look like? What's so magical about it? In fact, it is hidden deep underground, difficult to excavate, and the tomb address is well hidden.

Sit for two thousand years without being stolen

Tomb robbers can be said to be a very disgusting industry, especially in the Chinese cultural environment where death is greater than life, tomb robbery is destined to be spurned by people, even if the country is now officially established and recognized archaeologists, their existence is still not recognized by a certain part of the people. Many people think that they are just glorified tomb robbers, and the essence behind them is similar, and they all make a living by digging tombs.

Although it is not understood by everyone, it has to be admitted that archaeologists have made outstanding contributions to the study of the cultural background and experience of the ancients in China. Their existence restores history for us, and better interprets the wisdom of the ancients and the profound heritage of Chinese culture.

So the big tomb is placed there, only the gold unearthed eight pounds, why did the tomb robbers of the past generations dare not dig?

Tomb robbers are very rampant, and Sun Dianying, who stole cixi's tomb, became famous because of this war, so that people in real life really felt the existence of tomb robbers.

Compared with the unfortunate Cixi Mausoleum, which has been able to sit for two thousand years without being discovered, the tomb of Shuangniu Village in Guide Town, Changqing District, Jinan, which has been excavated, is so lucky, it is like God's darling.

In May 1995, when villagers were engaged in mountain stone production here, an explosion exploded the mausoleum, which had been sitting for 2,000 years without being discovered, and even more exploded the vision of people from all over the country.

The Cultural Relics Bureau, which received the news, was ecstatic after receiving the news and immediately sent someone to the scene to investigate. Finally, experts concluded that this is a tomb of nobles from the Han Dynasty.

Becoming a fish that slips through the net under the grave robbers, what is the way to successfully avoid the grave robbers' poisonous hands?

So the big tomb is placed there, only the gold unearthed eight pounds, why did the tomb robbers of the past generations dare not dig?

In fact, the sealing of the soil slag alone has been transported for ten days, and the opening of the tomb requires a large amount of explosives, and the difficulty of excavation stops the tomb robbers from moving forward.

Second, try to open the tomb in various ways

In order to protect the cultural relics in the tomb, the Shandong Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau and the professionals of relevant units jointly set up an archaeological excavation team.

Based on the direction the villagers first dug for the mountain stone, the excavation team decided to start digging in this direction, that is, to start the work directly from the top of the tomb.

However, the unveiling was very difficult, and the tomb covered a huge area, and it took ten days just to transport the remaining sealed soil.

Seeing this situation, experts have conducted further investigation and found that such tombs are very rare in China, and the entire design and construction structure is very delicate and difficult to shake. For this reason, experts also gave it a very special name - the tomb.

So the big tomb is placed there, only the gold unearthed eight pounds, why did the tomb robbers of the past generations dare not dig?

Sealing the soil is only one of the smallest difficulties, and the real difficulty is how to open the artificial stone slabs exposed under the sealing soil while ensuring that the cultural relics are not destroyed.

However, experts have found various ways, and it is difficult to shake it by half a point. To this end, the experts had to take the form of an explosion and blow it open.

The tomb was blown open, and inside it took on a tomb shape similar to the word A, and after careful measurement, it was 25 meters long and 25 meters wide, close to the square.

When the tomb was completely opened, people were completely stunned, and the variety of precious cultural relics and the construction of the tomb were amazing. The tomb is divided into two layers, inside and outside, each of which has four side boxes, east, west, south, and north.

So what exactly is in the tomb? In fact, about eight pounds of gold alone have been unearthed.

So the big tomb is placed there, only the gold unearthed eight pounds, why did the tomb robbers of the past generations dare not dig?

Third, there are many treasures

The entire tomb is divided into inner rafters and outer rafters, the outer rafters are carriage and horse pits, which contain 3 luxury versions of real carriages, 1 small puppet cart and 7 horses. Various funerary objects are piled up in the inner rafters, and experts can only identify more than 2,000 cultural relics.

According to the outline of the decayed ashes, the owner of the tomb is a man, with a height of more than 1.8 meters, ears, nose, mouth, anus, etc. are stuffed with nine treasures. Not only that, but the archaeological team also found 19 gold cakes, weighed more than eight pounds, and each gold cake was engraved with the words "King" or "Ji Wang".

Then, after experts compared history, it was found that this was most likely Liu Kuan, the king of Jibei. This man was sexually debauched, committed suicide in shame because of incest with his family, and it was precisely because of such an unbearable thing that he was stripped of his title.

However, all this is only speculation, because there is no epitaph in the tomb that can prove the identity of the owner of the tomb.

However, according to relevant reasoning, this prince is likely to be Liu Kuan, and the reason why there is no epitaph and other objects should be that his incest has humiliated the royal family, and the royal family deliberately hid his identity in order to save dignity and face.

So the big tomb is placed there, only the gold unearthed eight pounds, why did the tomb robbers of the past generations dare not dig?

However, the difficulty of excavation of this tomb still made the archaeological team difficult for a long time, according to statistics, the total amount of stones excavated alone is close to 9,000 cubic meters, plus the total amount of sealed soil, the amount of sealing layer is even more than 30,000 cubic meters.

Moreover, the location of the tomb is also extremely remote, in a very hidden mountain forest, and the location of the tomb is rare in history.

However, it is precisely because of these two points that the tomb robbers have no way to start, and even do not know any information about the tomb.


In the "Fossil Bard", it is said: "A fossil that has just awakened underground." "This tomb is such a typical representative, and its mining is of great significance to the archaeological community in studying Chinese history and culture." However, the designers and builders of the tombs also give us a glimpse of the wisdom of the ancients in that period.

So the big tomb is placed there, only the gold unearthed eight pounds, why did the tomb robbers of the past generations dare not dig?

In this world, there are not many tombs that can be completely preserved, although the state is also trying to protect them, but in the end it is still impossible to resist some people who eat and are lazy, and want to steal ill-gotten gains by such shady means, such people are really despised. Funerary goods, tomb owners. The construction of the tomb is the best sign of our witness to that period, and the essence of our Chinese culture.


"Yuzhou for Yuan Shao"

Fossil Chant

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