
Refused to suffer an 18-point reversal! Nuggets 4-man double-game Thunder Jokic 22+17+6

On January 10, Beijing time, the NBA regular season continued, and the Thunder team faced the Nuggets. In this campaign, the Nuggets once established an 18-point lead, but then they were frantically filled by the Thunder for a time, and the two teams fought until the last moment, and finally relied on Jokic's stable play, and the Nuggets crossed the danger 99-95.

Refused to suffer an 18-point reversal! Nuggets 4-man double-game Thunder Jokic 22+17+6


The Nuggets Jokic had 22 points, 17 rebounds and six assists, Barton had 14 points, four rebounds and four assists, Rivers had 22 points and five rebounds, and Jeff Green had 16 points.

The Thunder had 14 points and five rebounds, Earl had 12 points and four rebounds, Kiddy had 11 points, seven rebounds and eight assists, and Beziley had 10 points.

【Star of the Field】

Jokic scored 22 points, 17 rebounds and 6 assists in this campaign, and was the number one contributor to the victory of this campaign.

【Highlight lens】

Refused to suffer an 18-point reversal! Nuggets 4-man double-game Thunder Jokic 22+17+6

Gordon dunked

Refused to suffer an 18-point reversal! Nuggets 4-man double-game Thunder Jokic 22+17+6

Jokic made a basket

Refused to suffer an 18-point reversal! Nuggets 4-man double-game Thunder Jokic 22+17+6

Williams snapped

Refused to suffer an 18-point reversal! Nuggets 4-man double-game Thunder Jokic 22+17+6

Wiggins snapped

【Contest Review】

In the first quarter, Barton hit a three-point shot, and then he and Gordon scored consecutive offenses, and the Nuggets made a perfect start 7-0. Favors' mid-range shooting broke the deadlock, with Barton, Morris and Jokic making consecutive three-point shots that quickly stretched the gap above double digits. Kiddy and Alexander struggled to chase the points, and Mann's final three-point shot was also a three-pointer, and the first quarter ended with the Nuggets leading by 13 points at 36-23.

Refused to suffer an 18-point reversal! Nuggets 4-man double-game Thunder Jokic 22+17+6

In the second quarter, Williams and Wiggins played 2+1 consecutively, and Rivers hit three-point shots, but Bazzelli sent two more dunks, and the Nuggets were forced to request a timeout. After the timeout, Rivers hit a three-point shot, Alexander blocked Jokic, and Muscala deducted points. But Jermichael Green broke out at the end of the quarter to cut consecutive points to help the Nuggets widen the gap again. At halftime, the Nuggets led by 12 points 61-49.

Easy side fights again, Dort fights back against a dragon, Kiddy wins a layup and steals Patton, and the Thunder sound the counterattack horn again. Jokic used his personal ability to score points in a row, but Kiddy, Alexander and Dort blossomed at multiple points to help the Thunder beat by one point 75-74. Rivers hit a three-point shot, and the two sides alternated leads thereafter, and after the third quarter, the Nuggets had only a two-point advantage left 80-78.

Refused to suffer an 18-point reversal! Nuggets 4-man double-game Thunder Jokic 22+17+6

In the final quarter of the game, Jeff Green sent a dunk before going to the basket to eat cake, and the Thunder immediately stopped. But after the timeout, the Thunder immediately hit a 15-4 attack wave, and it was the Nuggets' turn to request a timeout. After the timeout, Jokic stepped forward again, especially in the last minute, when four consecutive free throws were made to seal the victory, and finally the Nuggets narrowly defeated the Thunder 99-95.

【Both sides start】

Thunder: Dort, Earl, Favors, Kiddy, Alexander

Nuggets: Jermiel Green, Gordon, Jokic, Barton, Morris

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