
What did ancient silver look like? It's so ugly that you can't see it, throw it on the ground and don't recognize it, it's all tooth marks!

Silver two refers to a kind of scale currency in the old Chinese ingots as the main form. It began in the Han Dynasty and flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Silver two refers to a weighing currency with silver ingots as the main form, which began in the two Han Dynasties, flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and was divided into two parts: real and virtual silver in the Qing Dynasty. Solid silver refers to the actual circulation of silver, such as silver ingots.

Silver was scarce in ancient China, and the value of silver was high. One or two pieces of silver are equal to more than 1,200 yuan (before the beginning of the Qing Dynasty) to more than 3,000 yuan (after the Qing Dynasty). Until the end of the Qing Dynasty, a catty (equivalent to 1.2 city catties) of pork was only twenty yuan, and an acre of fertile land was only seven to eight silver or twelve or three silver dollars.

What did ancient silver look like? It's so ugly that you can't see it, throw it on the ground and don't recognize it, it's all tooth marks!

In the TV series, the silver we see is generally silver shining, it looks like a regular silver ingot, and this small silver ingot has several pairs of silver, but the TV series is only a TV series, the most important thing is to look good, and the true face of ancient silver is too ugly to see, thrown to the ground can not be recognized.

In fact, the ancient silver is not white, nor is it polished, which is probably a misunderstanding brought to us by the TV series, the purification technology of silver in ancient times was not so superb, silver is a lot of impurities, so the finished silver is generally darker.

What did ancient silver look like? It's so ugly that you can't see it, throw it on the ground and don't recognize it, it's all tooth marks!

There is also the shape of silver, the shape of this silver is not necessarily the shape of the ship, it is similar to the shape of the yuanbao, there are many shapes, this kind of similar to the yuanbao is just one,

Some are a whole piece, some are still thin in the middle and wide, mainly depending on the production process at that time.

What did ancient silver look like? It's so ugly that you can't see it, throw it on the ground and don't recognize it, it's all tooth marks!

Ancient silver is not necessarily very neat, very orderly, that kind of relatively neat silver, can only appear in the official government's silver treasury or money house, and the value of ancient silver is still very high, a ship type of silver can even meet the expenses of ordinary people for a month, so the general ordinary people will not give people a boat type of silver, generally take some loose silver out of the door.

These loose silver is cut with special scissors, and then weighed, in order to trade, but also according to the color of the silver, to price, loose silver should be the most common silver in ancient times, do not look carefully is likely to think that it is a stone.

What did ancient silver look like? It's so ugly that you can't see it, throw it on the ground and don't recognize it, it's all tooth marks!

Ancient silver has been passed down to the present, some of which have a lot of tooth marks on it, because the ancient people judged the silver method is to put it in the mouth with teeth to bite, silver is relatively soft, so it can bite out the traces, which is a quick and convenient method.

However, in ancient times, ordinary people used copper coins, and at the end of the Qing Dynasty, copper dollars were used, and silver was rarely used for daily transactions. Many ordinary people never saw silver until their deaths. Therefore, when the colloquial expression is no money (poverty), "copper coin (tungsten) is not" instead of "silver is not". This is one of the reasons why people often use silver as precious.

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